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Nerdelemental's Neverborn model archive


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Hey, all. Not trying to win any awards with these and they aren't commission pieces. On the contrary, they're clean enough for the tabletop and intended for weekly wear and tear and for loan to just about anyone asking to borrow them.

Here's Lilith. Just about 2-2.5 hours after assembly. Didn't do a thorough job pre-cleaning the model, either.

Still fiddling with my camera (the bane of my modeling/hobby interests)




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Here's the LCB some of you saw in the recent Rotten Harvest contest.

Spent more time on him than standard tabletop. Mostly because he's huge. But once I started developing strong contrasting blends on each F'ing muscle I just decided to keep doing it. Took forever. Not painted to a true competition level, but just time consuming. The kid's probably better painted.

I opted to leave the riding kid off of the shoulder, too, and GS'ed the attach-hole. Just like him better on his own, like he's out to kill whatever scared the wittle kid away....



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Not at all my best....Didn't really ever fall in love with the model, but she's probably my most frequently played so I had a love/hate relationship with getting her done and how I wanted to get her done. Sloppy, really.

But there's some experimenting with some different glazing and washing that helped get me to another level with this added practice. And she's not completely rubbish, I guess.

Should work on more washing of the base...just want to work on other pieces!

Probably about 2 hours after assembly.




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This one was startling for me. Although Neverborn's probably my most commonly played faction (I play almost everything), I had not ever played Zoraida until last week... (nothing really clicked for me).

So, I didn't take painting her very seriously either. However, I've read a lot of the painters that I follow, including our own EricJ, go through studies where they try to limit their pallet to just several paintpots and try their best with that monochromatic image. Further, I wanted to experiment with alternate skin color builds like some I've read following artists like Automaton. So, I painted her skin pale minty green and then successively layered up some thinned red and here's her dark skin...

Once I got in there, I realized it's one of the best, most characterful models I'd ever painted. Got really into it!

Passing by my computer as I prepped these images my wife stops and says, "Is that really what you're into now?"


Total paint time: ~4 hours




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Can you find him? I'll give you a hint: he might be hiding behind a terrain element....

Had fun with Ted. Will be doing another for fun with Dreamer, I'm sure.

No major experimenting on this one. Did angle the model so the light could strike his heart-gut better and you can see the little hearts I freehanded with gloss coat.


Total paint time: ~3 hours



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I really enjoyed this one.

I'm thinking about cleaning up the front, normal flesh a bit and rebasing it onto one of Wyrd's better sculpted Victorian bases and possibly doing a CMON on her. We'll see.

She's another that I tinkered with alternate flesh builds. Not a single drop of anything even remotely flesh colored! All green, then yellows, and thin pinks. Of course, the idea was to come up with something that actually didn't look quite like human flesh...but this one came too close... If I wanted it to look like real flesh you all know it'd have come out purple.

Paint time: ~4.5-5 hours.




Since it's a fan favorite, trying against a warmer background to see if it changes the way the image looks:



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Thanks, guys, for the support. Yeah, Nathan's right and I know it - my work looks far better in person than I can currently capture. I've thought about having a photographer friend do it, but I like to learn and I've noticed that my frustration with the camera has led me to do none at all - I figure that if I purposefully get this photo log down it'll force me to at least keep trying and tinkering. Usually, I only take a picture of a piece that IS photo worthy and represents more of my best/commission level work. So the pics suck and I cannot demonstrate what I'm capable of...

Now I'm just going to get everything out and hopefully it'll all click soon.

Do you happen to have any links to these discussions of alternate flesh palettes? Those look really nice and I don't know if I'm brave enough to try, but I'd surely like to see a bit more info.

Well, I'll try. I read everything and go through many different forums. I don't usually take notes or come to my painting table with an article up that I follow along. Just reading and experience and I'll try something out that I've read about but will always purposefully do it my way based on what I read.

However, go here for a look at Automaton's stuff. His tutorial work is phenomenal.

I look at the Oz Painters site a lot too, of which, he'll post articles there, also.

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All glazes. I'm trying to relearn how to paint with these guys. I've almost always gone from black primer up, but after a super brief conversation with EricJ and Brushmistress at Gencon this year, I'm trying to rethink how to do things - priming in white and then building down. Thought these guys might be a good way to learn, so, very successive washes gradually darkening and blending from one color to another (the biggest trial of the pieces). Some tidal marks where I let it pool up, but I wasn't too concerned. Test pieces FTW!

Paint time: ~3 hours for all three.

edit: Oh! The colors unify Pandora. It's the color of the swirly stuff coming out of her box. Small, quirky thing about me, too: the Death Marshal that has his pine box partially open is this color scheme, too. :)

It also might be how I describe the colors of the "Aether between realms", although the breach is far more blue. Wheee!



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Continuing my study of progressive shading with glazes and "juices" (dumbest name for a paint tech EVAR!).

Each of these use a slightly different color build and sometimes the same wash but in a different order to create a slight variation in their appearance.

I have some blocks of color on them which strikes me as odd (looking more like blotches of random color now), but I did it purposefully to represent their blotchy skin that can adapt like camouflage. Not really succeeding there, but I like the way they turned out. With some photo evidence, I see that I need to keep working on the bases a bit here and there....doesn't seem done.

I'm still considering doing some stripes like the studio models, but they're already pretty busy with detail and the blending of colors...might just call it a day.

Paint time: ~ 3 hours each.



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You opened this thread with an apology, yet by the time I get to scribe this I am sitting here with my jaw on the floor & my tongue laid out like a welcome mat.

I get excited by the Vision Splendid, and this collection has oodles of it. From Lilith's blonde tresses, to the constant usage of the Neverborn's signature tint, to those wondrous Silurids - there really is no figure presented here that is not a homage to the impressive breadth of your artistic vision.

Your talent just goes without saying.

It's works like this - which so unleash the beast of our imagination - that draw us ever more inextricably in to the bosum (or in verbally astute xxXhayzelXxx's case, the tummy) of the Neverborn.

Kudos + Gratitude.

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With each new addition to this archive I'm starting to dislike you more and more.........


shut up. You love me. You can't help it.

After the game where you devoured each of my fishmen in a single turn I imagine that these poor painted devils will rarely see the light of day. :(

I like the way they look on the table....but didn't so much enjoy the way you got to knock them about so easily.

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I don't know what my hurry was with this model. I can see where I just sort of slapped the paint right on her. And I'm excited about the model, too, both as a painter and player....

That might be it- I wanted to finish her up to put her on the table. I will surely be going back in to clean up some of that hastily slathered paint....




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