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Ex-illis: The Easiest Mini Game to Learn... ever!

Shadeau Gorgon

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Yeah... that's what I said when I saw that model too...

At Gencon we bought 2 starters of Ex-illis and a few other goodies, and it has been a hit at both the LGS and at home.

We don't play very many games together at home due to one fact: We are COMPETITIVE!

If there is a rule involved we always end up in an argument over the rule, because that rule probably won one of us the game and lost it for the other. A lose lose that sometimes leaves me warming the couch...

Ex-illis cures all those problems by simply making the rules immutable. They are hard programmed into the software they provide you. You tell it where you want to be, and what you want to do and BLAM! it calculates everything. Hits, defenses, special attack increases, etc.

The models are beautiful (not as cool as Wyrd mini's). The story in the background combines history and a liberal dose of fiction to make things very engaging. You can pick up the game, put the models together and be playing in as little as 3 minutes.

Each game you play add experience to your mini and you can use those experience points to level up your model, giving them boosts in power and new abilities.

On top of that the game has a badge and rewards system in place, so you can get virtual loot (and in some case REAL loot) to add to your stuff...

Check it out... http://www.ex-illis.com/

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sounds cool, even if that does look a bit of an unfair contest :P

but the leveling up system, wouldn't that unbalance things a bit,

oh an how does it calculate everything for you :S

The game pretty much requires that you have a computer or i-Phone/i-Pad (not sure if they support other smart phones or not) that's connected to the internet to play. You tell the software how you're moving your models and what you want them to do and then all the actual number crunching is handled for you.

I thought the game sounded interesting, but I already play plenty of Video Games and I enjoy Wargaming for entirely different reasons. I have zero experience with the game and can't speak for it's credibility at all, I'm just a little turned off by the concept personally.

Give me my dice/cards and a rulebook any day.

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So if you tell your computer where everything is going and it calculates things do you actually need to move the mini at all? Or even have the mini? Is it not just like an RTS game then?

Most common question.

You can play it without the minis. But in order to have the mini to play with in the game you need the code on the inside of the box.

The game itself isn't "designed" to pull in hard core Dice and Card board warriors, but it bridges the gap between the video gamer set and the mini gamer set.

As far as the leveling up causing balance issues: Not so far as I've seen. None of the abilities or powers you gain are really overpowering or cause too many issues.

Example: At level 1 I can make Marienna cast a heal spell that heals my team over time, at level 2 I get a single target heal that I can cast on only one character. Nothing crazy out of balance.

It's not going to be for everyone, but few games are... except Malifaux... which everyone should play... or be put to the stake :evil:

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I applaud the creativity and I see the gap they are trying to fill in, but somehow it doesnt have the propper flavour for a Mini's gamer, dunno about PC gamers but I think that the "having to paint and stuff" part is to much for them to get into.

From a gaming point of view I really hope they hit it off, but from a marketing point they are taking a giant leap...

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When I first heard about this I was intrigued but after watching some demos on youtube I must say it left me empty. It seemed kind of....... pointless.

I applaud the innovation of the game and perhaps there may be something in it for the future but I doubt it will ever compare to that last, possibly game winning, roll of the dice/flip of the card.

Plus PPP mini's. Ewww.

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