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Mike's Bayou Gremlin - "picture blog"


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I have some WIP shots of my up and coming Bayou Gremlins I have had for almost a year now and am finally getting around to painting.

I am kinda worried about the water effects though... First time using them, if it does not settle right, it could ruin all my work so far. Good thing it is only one base as of now.

Yes, bad lighting...not bad for a cheap cell phone shot.

Base front:


Base rear:


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Neat idea having the piglet hiding under the dock.

Word of advice for the water effect, most of the products are going to shrink a bit toward the edges, and climb a bit on anything that is higher (i.e. the dock posts, the piggy, etc.). I use and recommend Woodland Scenics Realistic Water or Water Effect. I have also used the two part apoxies (resins) and I much prefer the simplicity of the woodland scenic stuff. Seal before adding water and also dont plan on handling the models for at least 24 hours after applying your choice of water product.

Aside from the doom and gloom, I would say you have a pretty nice paintjob there (though yes more light and better camera would be nice).

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ty for the kind words

@ Omen - I am using the Woodland Scenics Realistic Water. After waking up this morning I noticed lots of creep and shrinkage. Have to add another layer, this time without the army green ink. The next time I have to pick up a needle injector for kind of water insertion.

Tip for anyone adding water - DO NOT HOLD THE BASE WHILE ADDING. Leave it on the flat table and do not pick it up at all till it has cured fully.

@ Avatar - The dock is made from craft sticks cut down to size. The ropes on the sides are just copper wiring. The Bullreeds are copper wire as well with sand flock glue to ends. The swamp grass is tall woodland scenic grass. After I glued it to the base I took a lighter to it to give the bunch of grass shape and the realistic browning effect and curl to the ends of it.

With the dock, I added small drops of gel super glue where the bolts to hold it together would be. This was unnoticeable after the glue dried until I primed it. It was a nice surprise as there was a few weeks time lapse between assemble and prime. I completely forgot about it. Turned out really nice and very subtle. No exagerated "bolt" bump...very natural smooth bolt look.

I should have the whole thing done today, maybe I can get a good pic of it with better lighting. My work bench lamp floods too much light. Good for working, bad for photos.

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These are fantastic! I have never seen this much base work in the game yet and I love it! the thought you put into them is jsut awesome I cant wait to see more. If you make another complex one you might do a step by step, so that on lookers like me might be able to get more inventive with our own basing, Like to know what everything you use is.

But thanks for sharing your work it is indeed top notch stuff!

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Love the base, love the paint, especially the eye. Not so big on the fishing line. Not sure why, it just looks weird.

Not to try to justify, just explaining. I dont have a good pic of it, the back of the model I mean. The line goes under the dock and into the mouth of a piglet. Without seeing that, it does kind of look out of place for no reason.

I fully understand that unexplainable feeling of dislike when people add "real world" material to a model, without modding on it. There is a guy at my LGS who is a jeweler who replaces weapons and adds gems here and there to minis. I am not a fan of it, detracts from the model etc etc. I appreciate the craft, but it just sticks out like a sore thumb and detracts from the wok her puts on the models paint/sculpting.

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This is looking better and better. Is this intended to be a display piece or a game piece?

Both. This one is going to be entered in a painting comp at my LGS. I plan on doing all my Gremlins, Piglets, Mosquitos and Warpigs to this same standard. All with a display board they will "plug" into when its all said and done. Should be a fun total project.

TY for the comments. Glad peeps enjoy it.

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