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Terrain Scale


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'O' Scale is most appropriate for Malifaux and other 28-30mm models.

if 1" = 4', you are assuming that most minis are only 5' tall... which is ridiculous when you compare Space Marines to your assumption as they usually stand 7-8' as opposed to the average male who is 5'10".

Just go with your Architectural instincts. Using the universal factor of 1.6-1.7 x ht for doorways and then scale from those. Afterall, once you have the doorframe and window heights, the rest of the design grows from those.

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Most good gaming buildings are in a compressed scale to 'look' right on the table, generally a fairly realistic height but a reduced footprint.

For realistic scale large buildings like an Inn or theatre you might make the whole table a building (or large portion with some surrounding bits)

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'O' Scale is most appropriate for Malifaux and other 28-30mm models.

if 1" = 4', you are assuming that most minis are only 5' tall... which is ridiculous

Uh... 1"= 4' (1"= 48") is O scale. Unless you're in England, where it's 1/43.

That said, O scale typically looks best- while it's true that it would actually be a little big, it tends to look right because minis usually have a different scale for girth than the commonly used height.

For example: I am 5'10" tall. If I were accurately reproduced in 28mm, assuming 28mm=6' (and that's a whole separate argument, so just assume it for this example) I would be 27.2mm tall, or 1.070 inches. Of course, Malifaux is 32mm, in which case I would be 31.11mm, or 1.224 inches tall. My wrist measures 2.420 inches wide and 1.740 inches thick. The 32mm version of me would have a wrist 1.07mm (.042") wide and .77mm (.030") thick. Which, especially if I were holding a weapon, would almost certainly snap off during shipping. In reality, miniatures have to be made a little more substantial. Not much; I have an Anima Tactics figure handy, which has a wrist of .055" x .041". It's a woman, though, and would likely have more slender wrists than I do, making those numbers even further apart. And while they are only slightly different, remember that using those figures, .44mm/.017" is one inch at full size, which would make that woman rather ham-fisted if she were accurately scaled.

The point being, even though 1/48 is a little large (using 32mm = 6', 32mm would be about 1/57, so we can at least agree that 32mm ranges from about 1/54 to 1/65 , depending on whether you measure to the eyes or to the top of the head, and whether you assume that 6' is an average height, or 5'9", or whatever) due to the exaggerated girth of figures, it looks about right. It also helps that figures are usually on bases, so having the doors a little taller than they should be still makes them appear to be the right height. Better still, if you're scratch building (and using proper inches rather than the commie metric system) 1/48 makes the math a million times easier, since a quarter inch equals a foot.

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Way to take only part of what I said and comment upon it. Try your arguement in full context. With references to Space Marines, etc. 28mm scaled minis.

What do Space Maraines have to do with it? Are we not talking about Malifaux here? Seems like most of my human-based Mali figs are somewhere between 1.25" to 1.75", depending on the base, hats, etc. Which puts them all in the 5' to 7' range. Going with a general 1"=4' system has worked pretty well so far with the terrain I've been building.

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Well, just because it says "Ht 2" on the cards, doesn't mean that the character is actually 2" tall. For instance, my Colette model seems more like 1.6" tall for the model itself.

I've always thought of Ht 2 as being anything between 1" and 2". Then Ht 3 would be anything larger than 2", but no more than 3", etc.

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Yes, but you didn't label them for the non-train people. I'm guessing that the big one is O gauge?

Edited to show the tagged version of the imgs.



Edited by shadowbeast
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