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New Errata


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Hey wait a moment we are about to see the new errata. That means its time for me to ask when the next next errata is coming out. Damn it wyrd you have not even put out this errata and we have to wait for the next one come on.

(Just a jk if you could not tell)

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Hey wait a moment we are about to see the new errata. That means its time for me to ask when the next next errata is coming out. Damn it wyrd you have not even put out this errata and we have to wait for the next one come on.

(Just a jk if you could not tell)


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I know that this may just be being too insistant and I know we have been promised an answer, but I simply cannot restate enough how important this errata is. I'm a new player and I mostly have no idea how the game is even played correctly, with an errata, an errata of the errata and different card versions for different models (there even being more than one version sometimes) makes it hell to play the game as it is intended.

Razhem, just play with the cards as issued in your packages, and then the officially released Errata that's on the website so far. That's how we've been playing for the past 6 months at our LGS and it really hasn't been any problem at all. Sure, some oddities come up here or there, but it hasn't been anything so absurd that we couldn't work through it and still have fun. :)

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I think we are back to 'soon.'

I would say "very shortly" means they plan on announcing it on or before this Friday and most gaming probably takes place on Friday and Saturday which may be just in time to catch the end of Hanukkah. Remember, if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

Then again "very shortly" could mean that Santa is going to leave a nice V3 errata under the Tree. (V2 has a misprint:)).

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I'm curious, what is everyone hoping for with this upcoming announcement? I have a wishlist, and I'm wondering if anyone else does.

I want to know which models got an errata so I don't need to worry about V2 cards floating around.

I'm also curious about the rule of equivalency; particularly in how it relates to the shaman and blood counters.

That's it.

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Hum ill bite I have a wish list :) (Note this is my wish list so it is ok for it to be wrong in the rest of the worlds eyes :)

Dreamer gets some love so we can figure out how the heck he actualy works. (see replace threads, activations mid other models activations).

A whole new version of the rule of equivilency I think its far 2 complex atm and leads to a lot of how does this work questions.

Hamelin revamp this guy has issues.

Movement cuddles. I personaly would like to see first turn alpha strikes go the way of the dodo. In my opinion there are a couple of models in the game that are just to fast. No one should get hit before they can even start the game. Collodi, dreamer,kirai,

Guild austringer nurf. I love the flavor idea on this guy I hate how it works in games. Not that I think hes crazy OP I just hate how IMHO it makes positioning less important in the game. (Im sure others will disagree but this is my wish list)

O and no change to the waif v1 rules.

Edit I am sure this will get some one grumpy with me. A nurf to Perdita. I think she a little to far ahead of the other guild masters who I find to be well balanced.

And to be fair even tho I know he got some Levi nurfs were on my list he was OP. So far I like the v3 rules.

Edited by tadaka
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I'm curious, what is everyone hoping for with this upcoming announcement? I have a wishlist, and I'm wondering if anyone else does.

I'm hoping a few things get cleared up like how melee strikes work when attacking models on different height terrain (the current rules are very weird, and not in the good way) and a clarification on if the WAI for Suppressing Fire really meant to have a model loose 2 activations as the RAW say, or if they really meant the model only looses 1 activation. This is caused by a model activating, then receiving paralyzed which does not end until the end of the model's next activation causing the model to loose its current activation and its next activation.

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Hey Guys, don't get your hopes up. This is an errata not an entire rules revamp. I went ahead and ordered a bunch of v2 cards and there are not that many changes. Leveticus you already know about and I am sure you have all heard about McMourning. Other big changes I see are bad Juju getting a bit better. Lady Justice and the Judge getting the Death Marschal trait.

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Just curious because i dont play them or play vs them well ever. Is it lure you think is OP on them or the whole model. I know Lure can be a very powerfull tool but other then that I dont think they look all that uber. That being said I think they are going to get a rare number(just my guess)

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Well I think half of my list needs to happen at some point. Ham flat out has major rules issues. Dreamer has to have some changes or faq on how he works there are posts after posts on these two. Perdita I think will sooner or later get changed. She is one of the top power masters and like others before her could use a little work.

Austringer is total wish list. I dont think austringer will be changed but I hope. Movement thing is a total wish list other then Collodi that guy is just fricking crazy to fight.

As a side note the current errata changed about 75% of the models in the game even if it was to just clean up wording.

Hey Guys, don't get your hopes up. This is an errata not an entire rules revamp. I went ahead and ordered a bunch of v2 cards and there are not that many changes. Leveticus you already know about and I am sure you have all heard about McMourning. Other big changes I see are bad Juju getting a bit better. Lady Justice and the Judge getting the Death Marschal trait.
Edited by tadaka
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Hey Guys, don't get your hopes up. This is an errata not an entire rules revamp. I went ahead and ordered a bunch of v2 cards and there are not that many changes. Leveticus you already know about and I am sure you have all heard about McMourning. Other big changes I see are bad Juju getting a bit better. Lady Justice and the Judge getting the Death Marschal trait.

I hadn't heard about McMourning. Do tell.

As for Lady Justice and the Judge, that's interesting. I assume there's going to be some kind of synergy there.

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Just curious because i dont play them or play vs them well ever. Is it lure you think is OP on them or the whole model. I know Lure can be a very powerfull tool but other then that I dont think they look all that uber. That being said I think they are going to get a rare number(just my guess)

Nothing is owerpowered if you have to pay the price for it. My big problem with Belles is that they know too much for only 4 SS.

Yes, Ca8 Lure is a very powerful thing, especially with Seamus (Wk6 that ignores rough terrain, companion etc.) but you could tackle that with correct model selection and/or good use of terrain provided you won't have to face 3 or 4 of them. And when you reach them in one piece, you realize that they have pretty decent melee capabilities, HtW1, 8 Wd (?!) and Slow to Die. All this for 4 SS? Yay.

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I have never sceen a game yet that did not have this in some form or another. Its not that strange. I have said many a time levi needs a nurf but he is by far my top master.

Being that the Ortegas are my favorite group, it might sound odd that I want Perdita brought in line with other Masters. I'm happy with my personal changes to her, but I'd like to see something official. This concept of "top tier" Masters and "Easy Mode" Masters has got to die.
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Nothing is owerpowered if you have to pay the price for it. My big problem with Belles is that they know too much for only 4 SS.

Yes, Ca8 Lure is a very powerful thing, especially with Seamus (Wk6 that ignores rough terrain, companion etc.) but you could tackle that with correct model selection and/or good use of terrain provided you won't have to face 3 or 4 of them. And when you reach them in one piece, you realize that they have pretty decent melee capabilities, HtW1, 8 Wd (?!) and Slow to Die. All this for 4 SS? Yay.

The more Belles you have, the less your damage output. Sure, their bite has a Cb of 6, but it has a damage of 1/2/4, and in most cases you deal only weak damage. Sure, they are great for 4 SS, and they definitely worth 5, but Immune to Influence and/or high Wp (looking at you, damn Ortegas and their Governors Proxy) totally counters them, and without Lure they are only useful for grabbing objectives...

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Their update consisted of making an announcement that they are going to sell a new supplement book containing the rules, errata and FAQ. Go to the announcement section to take a look, or follow the link.

They will also be giving out a free PDF, which will have 'much less content' they hint it will include just the core rules and nothing from rising powers.

Many fans seem happy with it, and I'm sure the new art will be amazing as always. But it seems they just want us to pay them to make up for their mistakes. After having purchased Rising Powers its unfortunate that they want me to buy another book to get a copy of the rules that aren't filled with design or editing errors.

My area has almost completely died half way through its growth spurt due to the problems so far and the length of time it has taken them to fix it. This will likely kill it completely.

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Their update consisted of making an announcement that they are going to sell a new supplement book containing the rules, errata and FAQ. Go to the announcement section to take a look, or follow the link.

They will also be giving out a free PDF, which will have 'much less content' they hint it will include just the core rules and nothing from rising powers.

Many fans seem happy with it, and I'm sure the new art will be amazing as always. But it seems they just want us to pay them to make up for their mistakes. After having purchased Rising Powers its unfortunate that they want me to buy another book to get a copy of the rules that aren't filled with design or editing errors.

My area has almost completely died half way through its growth spurt due to the problems so far and the length of time it has taken them to fix it. This will likely kill it completely.

Umm....they aren't asking for you to pay for it. They're giving you an option to get the updated rules and errata for free (downloadable PDF), or if you would prefer to have a fancy book with new artwork and stuff instead, you can buy the $15 book. I think it's a pretty fair deal all said and done.

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That has got to be the most (and possibly only) negative thing I've heard anyone say so far concerning Wyrds latest announcement..

What I gather is that both the rulesbook and the pdf will have all the rules in it.

The book will have examples and such included aswell.

I really fail to see how the release of such a manual can be a bad thing at all and I wonder what you'd expected them to do that would have been so much better than this.

The book (and PDF aswell) also solves one of the main problems alot of people have had which is that the rules are scattered across the book and the index is terrible.

Compact rules with an index, yessir.

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