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No Love for Perdita........:(


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So it just hit me, why did perdita get her bullet bending errated?

It is only a 10" range gun for one, and she is a master. Secondly even though she "could" ignore LOS she is 10" away, alot of figures can still act on perdita because she "is" only 10" away.

IMO, the original ability was good but the new one barely seems worth the attempt to cast. Ignoring cover is good but is it worth the -2 cb?

Those are just my thoughts, but it also is probably because I just got the ortegas today and seen her played, and she seemed lacking.

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I think it's because she was able to shoot through buildings before. The change was one of the saddest for me, because it was just such a cool spell. The new bullet bending isn't nearly as amazing, but it's still useful in those situations where you want to hit a model and you don't want the negative twist. IMO, -2cb is better than a minus twist, because you can still cheat.

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The main issue as I see it is that they had an ablity that they deemed too powerful so they cuddleted it to a playable level and didnt think about what they did further or at lest thats how it seems.

Ingnoring cover is a simple thing that loads of models do with hunter and that does not give you a -CB rating on them.

I think geting -2 in CB for a lack luster ablity is a waste of a zero action that can be used better.

What they should have done is rethink the skill or swap it out for hunter.

This is what I would have made bullet bending, keeps the same theme but makes more sense and people would use it.

(0) Bullet Bending.

(CC: 14/ Rst: -/RG: C) Until the start of the closeing phase Perdita Ignores cover when targeting models in cover, whale targeting models out of cover she gets a

+1:rams CB to her attack flips.

So now its like she can bend the bullets to her will and hit targets better and if there in the open she can force the bullet to there heart, so it has the bullet bending feel and it gets around cover, now thats a skill i would use my zero action on and its not too over powered.

The -2 to CB is a joke, I mean a spell that you have to cast, and it makes you -2 to your CB just so that you can get around cover, an ablity that Nino, Samual and even witchling stalkers get for free. On top of that you are bending a bullets path with your mind so wouldn't it hit better other then worse?

Hmm well since its a useless skill i never use it ever. If there are models in cover i get anohter model to deal with it why waste a zero action for a spell that makes my master worse at shooting?


Edited by TimeLapse
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The main issue as I see it is that they had an ablity that they deemed too powerful so they cuddleted it to a playable level and didnt think about what they did further or at lest thats how it seems.


On top of that you are bending a bullets path with your mind so wouldn't it hit better other then worse?



I honestly never saw it as too powerful even. It's a spell you had to cast, so there is always the chance of failing, albeit small, and the -2 CB can be killer.

I didn't think of her bending bullets with her mind, I imagined her as Angelina Jolie in the movie Wanted. If her ability was supposed to be that, then yes, ignoring LoS fits the flavor.

It went from being a handy ability to a very situational one. I don't see myself using it on a regular basis.

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I guess, but the name bullet bending just screams ignore Los. But I guess what is done is done.

It can keep on screaming in good company of Master of Malifaux, which too is merely half-working/half-glitch ever since it's been fixed.

I have hopes for the new Errata, but I don't know if there are any plans to revisit and fix bad errata on the oldest of masters.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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I do feel that Perdita is already a pretty top-tier Master, but I do agree that her ability 'Bullet Bending' was gutted so badly that it is almost pointless. And if your CB drops to 5, ignoring the negative flip for cover is somewhat moot anyway if you can't get a big enough score difference to get a straight flip to cheat.

Frankly, I agree that ignoring LOS was too good - even though it was super-cool.

I just think that 'Bullet Bending' should give her :+fate to hit on all her subsequent Peacebringer Strikes for that turn.

That would effectively negate cover, give her a bonus against models in the open, and wouldn't change the damage output too drastically against models with 'Hard To Wound' or similar abilities. It would also be a good option against her other '0' Actions.

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I agree with all of you. Bullet bending just seems lack luster now. Why waste the (0) action on it.

@q'iq'qel. I agree master of malifaux is another rule that needs revisiting.

I just feel fluff wise and game wise bullet bending should ignore line of sight. I mean in book 2 she totally ignores LOS when shooting at somer. She bends reality to her will.

So to the gaming gods and errata writers, change perdita back, please...............lol

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First off Perdita is not lacking. No way, no how. She is the top tier master, the easy button, the Blessed God-Princess of Lead Death.

That being said, yeah Bullet pending kinda sucks now. So I never cast it. Obey and Execute are the spells I use most with her. Ignoring LOS was to powerful, but what she has now is not great. I agree maybe just giving her a +1 fate flip would have been better with it. But for now just use her other assets and enjoy.

Really the only other master that gives her a run for her money in terms of ease of play and power is Lilith. They are just top tier death machines.

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The only reason I liked perdita is cause she reminded me of the movie wanted. Just thinking, her flinging her gun quicker than the eye can perceive. The bullet flying through the air in slow-mo. Then curving towards her choosen victim and slamming them in the chest. Blood spurting from the bullet wound as the bullets exit splatters gore behind her target.

Now its, she flings her gun out quicker than the eye can perceive, three bullet flying in slow-mo to curve and miss a tree or a rock. Its not as cool as before.

Oh perdita, your still good, but not "wanted" good.

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Whoa.. I'm seriously glad that I don't associate Perdita with Wanted in any way whatsoever. She's waaay too cool for that comparison to be made.

Me and my friends frequently joke about bad movies being worse than Wanted, but of course such a thing is not possible.

A few things > Perdita > Most things >>>>>> Wanted

No offense meant, but I really do not like that movie and you are actually the first person I've seen/heard expressing any sort of enthusiasm about it.

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Whoa.. I'm seriously glad that I don't associate Perdita with Wanted in any way whatsoever. She's waaay too cool for that comparison to be made.

Me and my friends frequently joke about bad movies being worse than Wanted, but of course such a thing is not possible.

A few things > Perdita > Most things >>>>>> Wanted

No offense meant, but I really do not like that movie and you are actually the first person I've seen/heard expressing any sort of enthusiasm about it.

Man I worded that wrong. I don't like the movie wanted, just the gunfighting style behind it. I see her doing what they do, just in a better story driven "game." (Malifaux) lol

But ya I didn't like the movie in any way except for the gun aspect of it.

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Man I worded that wrong. I don't like the movie wanted, just the gunfighting style behind it. I see her doing what they do, just in a better story driven "game." (Malifaux) lol

But ya I didn't like the movie in any way except for the gun aspect of it.

Wanted wasn't so bad. Its got Morgan Freeman dropping the F bomb, and one scene that was filmed in my hometown of Berwyn.

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@nilus. That's actually pretty cool. Was Angelina in that scene. Because she was super hot in that movie. But when isn't she. IMO

Yeah it was the scene early in the movie where the shootout in the convenient store happens. The exterior shots of the parking lot are Cermak plaza in Berwyn.

What funny is the way they filmed in a way where you don't see the piece of art that the Plaza is famous for. A giant spike with 7 or 8 cars impaled on it(Which they show briefly in the movie Wayne's World). Sadly that piece of art was torn down recently because people apparently thought a new Walgreen's trumped art.

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Man I worded that wrong. I don't like the movie wanted, just the gunfighting style behind it. I see her doing what they do, just in a better story driven "game." (Malifaux) lol

But ya I didn't like the movie in any way except for the gun aspect of it.

Go read the Wanted graphic novel. Perdita is just like that. Of course not so much after the errata.

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I have grown rather tired of hearing people compare her to wanted... it was an alright movie and all but just stop with the comparisons.....

Who would you compare her to?

Because like the person before said, she is exactly like the novel. That's just the first thing that comes into my mind when you say bullet bending.

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It would be intresting if Bullet bending was reworded to say this,

(0) Bullet bending

(CC: 14 /Rst: - /Rg: C) Untill the start of the closeing phase, this model's peacebinginger strikes receive -2 cb and ignores cover and LoS when declareing a target. Thses shoots do not go though Terrain but instead must move around it. Mesure from Perdita's base to the target's base messuring around any blocking terrain to check for range for these peacebinginger strikes.

So now you can bend bullets but you can't go though walls anymore you have to have go around, so if your target is behind a building then your bullet has to go around the building to hit, and that is if your target is still within 10 inches.

So the bullets have to bend is the idea, Most players wil end up cutting a sting at 10 inches or use a talors tape to do the bending messurments.

Its defendable because the CB is reduced to 5 and its a useable skill again.

Just a thought.

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It would be intresting if Bullet bending was reworded to say this,

(0) Bullet bending

(CC: 14 /Rst: - /Rg: C) Untill the start of the closeing phase, this model's peacebinginger strikes receive -2 cb and ignores cover and LoS when declareing a target. Thses shoots do not go though Terrain but instead must move around it. Mesure from Perdita's base to the target's base messuring around any blocking terrain to check for range for these peacebinginger strikes.

So now you can bend bullets but you can't go though walls anymore you have to have go around, so if your target is behind a building then your bullet has to go around the building to hit, and that is if your target is still within 10 inches.

So the bullets have to bend is the idea, Most players wil end up cutting a sting at 10 inches or use a talors tape to do the bending messurments.

Its defendable because the CB is reduced to 5 and its a useable skill again.

Just a thought.

That's a good idea. BAM!!!! Lets go sketch, make it so. Lol

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