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Do you use Wyrd's custom base inserts?


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I have tried a number of different resin bases. The Dark Age base inserts need a bit too much cleaning and filing to fit properly for my taste. Back-2-Base-ix makes a quality product, and ships really quickly. I have heard nothing but good things about Dragon Forge bases.

As for Wyrd's base inserts, I love the detail and weight they add to the models. I am currently using the Victorian bases for my Azur Alliance models for Anima Tactics, and will probably use the same for some of my Malifaux stuff as well (I got into the former game first). I do make my own bases from time to time as well...my nightmare Neverborn and Showgirls will get wood floor planking.

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I like them. I think they are sculpted and themed well. I like the weight it adds to the bottom of my mini and helps keep them on the board and not tipping over.

The one thing I don't like is the gap they leave before the lip. But I just wrap a GS snake around and fill it in. I like to make my own bases as well, but for gaming guys I think they are great.

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I use Wyrd bases to tie together specific models within a crew, such as the graveyard bases for Nico's crew (Nico himself, Mort, vulture, his mindless zombies). I use resin flagstone bases from Fenris Games for the rest of my Res models, for minis that play well across multiple crews and aren't otherwise thematically or mechanically tied to a specific master.

I love 'em. I hope Wyrd creates new bases to support some of the more outlandish crews in Book 2.

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There are a poop ton of options. I'm also using scenic bases from Dragonforge and Armorcast. The trench plank bases from Dragonforge are perfect for Guild (imo), though I'm using them for my Ronin, Convict Gunslinger and any other western-ish minis I stumble across. Armorcast has a set of awesome broken tile 30mm bases that may as well be sculpted for Dr. Doug and his crew.

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  • 1 year later...
Ive put my McM crew on sewer bases and really like them, just pin the models to the bases and youre set to go

i'm relatively new to miniature building/painting/basing so my drilling and pinning skills are untested. Would putting green stuff on the model's feet/base work? The green stuff might even add some detail to the base inserts (mud or grass spots).

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Nah, you're pretty much going to want to pin them. it's not hard, I pin everything on my models. makes assembly a lot easier too. For big surfaces cross hatching (scoring opposite lines with your hobby knife) will work pretty good, but for small joins (like hands and feet) pinning is a really good way to go. Just get a pin vise, some small bits and some paper clips and you'll be good to go. Always make a small mark to start so the bit doesn't slip and I usually lubricate my bit (soap or wax is good, I use a lubricant and never had problems with paint. Just clean up when you're done.)

Good luck and if you have any questions ask. And i really am liking the Wyrd base inserts, never used any kind before but have decided to use them on all my malifaux crews.

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When I grabbed my first crew box (Nico) I also picked up some base inserts and am rather happy with them. Some models are a bit odd to mount and pin, but for the most part, they look awesome, add much needed weight to lower the center of gravity and in all, improve the look of the model.

I still scratch build most of my bases, but every now and then if I find a look I like, I will buy inserts or resin ones.

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Currently using a mix of Wyrd Graveyard, Micro Arts Studio Cobblestone, MAS Winter Shale, and will be flocking some, too. For the most part the money spent is worth the time saved in making my own (not to mention I am not fond of sculpting with Green Stuff).

The Graveyard Accessories set is nice, too: enough for at least 2-3 more bases, plus you can make a Vulture that looks different from the normal one and is tourney legal.

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Nah, you're pretty much going to want to pin them. it's not hard, I pin everything on my models. makes assembly a lot easier too. For big surfaces cross hatching (scoring opposite lines with your hobby knife) will work pretty good, but for small joins (like hands and feet) pinning is a really good way to go. Just get a pin vise, some small bits and some paper clips and you'll be good to go. Always make a small mark to start so the bit doesn't slip and I usually lubricate my bit (soap or wax is good, I use a lubricant and never had problems with paint. Just clean up when you're done.)

Good luck and if you have any questions ask. And i really am liking the Wyrd base inserts, never used any kind before but have decided to use them on all my malifaux crews.

Thanks. I will take that into consideration.

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Ok.. just an update..

I used the Graveyard base inserts for my Starter Lady J crew..

I ended up painting and washing the graveyard bases first and then built, painted and washed the models separately.

I then used green stuff/modelling putty to place the models on the coffins and bases. They all seem stable enough and I'm confident they would hold.

One huge mistake I did was I used too much putty on my Death Marshalls and I did not have enough time to sculpt detail on the putty so i just ended up making the putty look like park of the trench coat and/or the boots. I did some touch up painting and will probably be done tonight or tomorrow. I'll post some pictures soon.

Lessons learned: 1. Make sure you don't use too much putty on your models 2. Be sure you have time to model and sculpt the model (in short, don't promise the wife to take her out for dinner before building your models.. hehehe)

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