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converting nekima


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well, I need a nekima model for October, and, since its not going to be released until some time after October I may have to proxy her (its for a tournament). However, if some nice people could help me come up with some ways of converting her that would be great, although it would still need to be roughly in scale.

Also, before any one says it, I don't think a mature nephilim would convert well into a female, the musculature of the model is too masculine for it to really work, although thats where i'd probably pinch the wings from.

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How large do we expect Nekima to be? What base size is she

There are a few places that do really nice 28-32mm female demons with wings but they are not huge.

My personal fave for a model like that would be the third one down.


I may be using that mini for Nekima despite the height issue and was hoping I could get away with just placing her on a larger base but I get the idea this would not be as impressive as you are looking for.

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that models perfect...but your right, assuming thats a 20mm base, it is a bit small.

she's supposed to be roughly mature nephilim size (although i would say a bit lither). Cheers for howing me that though, i'm sure people wouldn't mind you using that model, of ourse this is the part where you tell me that she was actually on a 40mm square base, right? :D

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How large do we expect Nekima to be? What base size is she

There are a few places that do really nice 28-32mm female demons with wings but they are not huge.

My personal fave for a model like that would be the third one down.


I may be using that mini for Nekima despite the height issue and was hoping I could get away with just placing her on a larger base but I get the idea this would not be as impressive as you are looking for.

Think Female Mature Nephilim with a big-a$$ sword (3-inch reach) and she's on a 50mm

And someone else posted this pic in another thread http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14176&page=4:


Edited by goblyn13
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Possibly something like this could work with a spot of converting skill


Again probably too small. I will post any other ideas in this post to prevent cluttering the place up.


Not sure as to the scale on this one. The model is expensive which always says slightly bigger to me so might work if you strap some big wings to it.


Edited by Chucklemonkey
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There's another Freebooter succubus with wings but she may be too large.


Okay my attempt to link didn't work, she's called CHA 005 Succubus.

I have several Reaper Sophies but all of them are either too large (72mm) or too small. Hopefully it won't be too long before she comes out. I'm always torn on proxying. I like to have something to use, but by the time I buy the model and possibly paint it, the original is usually out.


Edited by Atticus
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@Nicodumb-I don't really think there's any official ruling on including non released models in your faction, but, I'd assume that since rules are released an appropriate proxy or a conversion would probably be the norm.

cheers for all the replies, well, i've got alot of anticipation for when the actual model is released, I think it'll probably be awsome. So far, the most likely candidate is probably the first one suggested, i think, even if thats a 25mm base it may still be a bit too small, but I may have to make do...

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Currently, in tournaments, conversions are allowed as long as its clear what they are representing (and converted from Wyrd figs).

Models not released to the general public yet (i.e. they're not out in the stores yet) are not permitted. Likewise, proxies are not permitted.

The OP document is going through some tweaks, but that is where we are currently. Of course, your tournament organizer may let anything go, check ahead of time.

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I just ordered this model (already recommended by others) to be Nekima...it is at total of 65mm tall (almost twice her little sister), and is Werner Klocke to boot, so the style will match Lilith and her brood. The other chaos demon is nifty and all (and at 64mm tall, bent over as she is, is more than large enough), but this one seemed a bit closer to the Nekima art. I will try to post pictures of her with her sister, nieces and nephews when she arrives.


As to proxies in tournaments, in other game systems it is usually not permitted to use proxies or models not released to the general public. Of course, a call like that also usually comes down to your event organizer.

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+1 Klockenbooty!

Check the CMoN shop for all sorts of ranges. Reaper, Gamezone, Freebooter and Darksword do some nice succubus/chaos/dark elf sorceresses which would fill this niche nicely.

Also, check the Sophie models... they come in different sizes.

As for proxies, if the rules are available but the model is not, feel free to proxie with a suitable and recognisable mini.

Once the 'official' sculpt is released, it is usually agreed that you replace the proxie with it. This is a general unwritten rule in many tourney and club scenes.

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So far, official tourneys have been no proxies, but otherwise, it's whatever the organizer decides.

My personal opinion is that if the model is released, and you just don't like the sculpt/want more than one, and if you have another model that is very easely recognized as the model you're proxying for, go ahead.

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my only thing with proxies are availability. With the new book out there are a ton of unreleased models. Around 2/3rds of the models have yet to be released so it gets iffy when it come to tournament play. I'm not sure how I would feel in a league or tournament if I sat down against a totally proxied freikorps crew. I think they time their release models to balance out each other, maybe having a dust and ashes on the table right now without some of the other unreleased models is unbalanced. I think youll see a lot of the big hitters released at the same time (nekima, dust and ashes, Ryle, the 3 headed undead thing, storm) and that will be for a reason.

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I see what your saying Nicodumb, as it is I may be looking at proxying three models (although 1 is still more likely, but I can't say until the new book is in my hand and a few games have been played with it).

My personal stance is, that I don't mind people proxying against me, although, if I were going to a tournament, I'd expect proxies, if there are any, to look like what they are.

I personally think that the succubus model will be good enough and not cause any onfusion over what it is, and will do until nekima is released, which will hopefully prove soon.

On the topic of converting nephilim, does any one have any ideas for lelu and lilitu?

I was thinking for lelu the old metal gw blood letters, with the removal of the axe and a lot of reposing and greenstuffing on the arms.

For lilitu, I was thinking GW daemonettes, with a saint celestine torso and maybe using chaos knigh forearms as thighs just to make the model look a bit different seen this done before, looked very impressive, the thigh thing that is).

Only issue then is how do I make a whip? Maybe a dark elf whip from the hydra box set?

sorry about all the gw referenes there, just I only recently decided there are better (and cheaper) wargames out there and started selling up my stuff to fund malifaux, but I do love the models they produce.

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I don't like proxying myself, but in warmachine the satiyr mercs are demon chicks with horns and they all use spiked whips like Lilith. They are cryx models.

The only reason I proxy is to get a chance to play test the model. If you never proxy you'll never know how they play for real. Instead you go on pure speculation on how they play. Then if you like the model when it is released. Buy it. That simple. I just sculpted my own collodi the puppet master to the neverborn. I will post pics after he is painted.

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