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Hello! With the help of my boyfriend I've been getting sucked further and further into tabletop gaming as a whole, admittedly more on the painting-minis side as I'm not really very good at all the strategic and rule-based aspects. XD We've been kind of casually following Malifaux and Wyrd for a while, but the release of Colette's crew sealed the "OMG WE HAVE TO PLAY THIS GAME" for me at least, and just now at GenCon we got the things necessary to play.

So right now I just have my Colette crew and a few odd models that I thought would be fun to paint for the most part, but I'm looking to expand my knowledge enough to at least play competently with others, and just have fun talking with people about this awesome game.

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Pipeline-- Thanks! I'm in Peoria, which sometimes seems like the middle of nowhere and everywhere at the same time. XD

Chaos-- I have to admit the choice was largely cosmetic at first (I've always been a fan of that kind of old magician/dance hall aesthetic, and Colette vaguely resembles a character of mine that I've wanted a mini for forever), but she's been growing on me as far as what she can do in-game as well. I just hope I can do her justice someday :D Thanks!

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Well not in Peoria, but in Bloomington so not so far away. ATM I dont know of any game store in the immediate area carrying Malifaux, me and a buddy have a fair amount of stuff and play here and there on top of a ton of other tabletop/board/RP games.

So if you guys are interested in trying to get a game together let us know, have tons of play space at my place as I have my own game den with 3 8ft tables.

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I swear, I will teach you to make people fear the frills!

Hello you. I cannot wait to make people fear the frills!

And I'd kind of forgotten about this thread here-- if there's a possibility for games in Bloomington, that'd be awesome. I used to make that drive so much it's nothing at this point. But I am still a casual player right now-- if you'd be looking for.. well, competence in an opponent it may be a short while (and a few more visits to Jonas my mentor).

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Well my email is lord_chaos45 @ hotmail.com

If you want to work something out in the future just shoot me an email. On August 28th im having a decent little cookout/gaming get together wit friends and gaming is pretty much what we intend to do the entire weekend.

Hate that you cant PM on this board lol.

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