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Sucker Punch

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I don't think anything could be worse than the last airbender... D:

Well the Last Airbender did lead to some good. After seeing it with a buddy he begged me to watch the Nick Show it was based on. Turns out that its several cans of awesome wrapped in a kid friendly coating. Me and my son are both digging it.

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  • 8 months later...
Well the Last Airbender did lead to some good. After seeing it with a buddy he begged me to watch the Nick Show it was based on. Turns out that its several cans of awesome wrapped in a kid friendly coating. Me and my son are both digging it.

Avatar (that's what the cartoon is called) is the most awesome thing EVER, the chactors are loveable, the fights are beautiful, the story is epic and Marcus went crazy withe animals here platypus bear, Sabertooth moose lion's and Zuko rides a black Chocobo in season two

Also Sucker punch had clockwork natzi zombies

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I suppose I'm going to be the odd-man out here. I watched it a few weeks ago and it didn't do it for me. My wife and I actually both agreed that the movie pretty much sucked.

Then again...I don't like Anime, and it really felt like it was just a Live-Action anime film. The problem is the plot really just sucked in my opinion. Maybe its just because the genre doesn't tick with me, but the movie felt like a very thin and flaky story wrapped in a bunch of anime visuals....which is not enough to keep me interested.

Its sort of like a video game with fantastic graphics, but no depth to the gameplay or story. The visuals are enough to make you want to try it, but unless there is any substance, you won't want to stick with it. That is how I felt watching Sucker Punch.

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I suppose I'm going to be the odd-man out here. I watched it a few weeks ago and it didn't do it for me. My wife and I actually both agreed that the movie pretty much sucked.

Then again...I don't like Anime, and it really felt like it was just a Live-Action anime film. The problem is the plot really just sucked in my opinion. Maybe its just because the genre doesn't tick with me, but the movie felt like a very thin and flaky story wrapped in a bunch of anime visuals....which is not enough to keep me interested.

Its sort of like a video game with fantastic graphics, but no depth to the gameplay or story. The visuals are enough to make you want to try it, but unless there is any substance, you won't want to stick with it. That is how I felt watching Sucker Punch.

The story was pretty basic, most to all of depth was metaphoric, such as the dragon was symbolic for the mayor

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The story was pretty basic, most to all of depth was metaphoric, such as the dragon was symbolic for the mayor

Yeah, I get that it was all metaphorical. I still thought the overall presentation was...sorry to say....stupid.

I'm not a big fan of anime though, so I would have a harder time enjoying this movie. I just don't really get off by seeing a bunch of teenage girls running around in skimpy clothing and fighting like they've had 30-40 years of combat experience. And again, like I said...I just thought the plot was pretty dumb.

Kinda crazy, considering Viktoria, Sword Mistress was the mini that made me check out Wyrd in the first place. (in my defense, Viktoria has more substance).

I understood the concept of the movie...it just wasn't enjoyable for me.

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