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My Arcanists


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my second thread around here...

I would like to show you my work with the miniatures as well as asking you stoopid questions... :)

But first: Warning,.... my CAM is very crappy... it eats colors like a hungry troll. :D


Lets start with my Cerberus:


A nice Miniature, I think (Was my first Malifaux Mini I painted)... In the game he is always dead very erarly ... maybe i want to much from his fighting powers...

Second, my hoarcats:


I like them much because they look so cute... :D

I played them only omce, but in this game i noticed that more of this tiny puppys would be easyer to handle with...

Third: The rattler


The photo looks like i used a lot of grey color, but actualy he is painted green (like i said my cam is ...aaargghh...).

I like the Speed of the Rattler in the game... Like the cerbereus he often dies very quick... hmm... i should practise a little with this one... :D

Nowon: Myranda


One of the best Arcarnist Models so far, i think. In the game i´m realy disapointed about her... she always seems to not fit in this crew... and when I need her healing or shapeshifting powers she always fails to cast... damn girly... :D

Sonow... the Master himself:


The more I play (actually yesterday for the third time :D), the more I like him. It tooked the first two games to realized how to handle his spells and abilitys. While i don´t like the miniature that mutch, i like his playing style...

And last but not least a photo of the crew:


Soo... thats all so far.

I orderd some silurids for this crew, yesterday... maybe they´ll push them to another level... ;)

Thx for reading, I hope my english isn´t that bad... I actively didn´t use it für about 11 years...

Edited by Koali
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  • 3 weeks later...

I never thought that my Minis would got that much positive reactions...

Thx for all that! :)

And sooo... you coulds see my work of today...

I painted without taking a break (okok... i got some food...:D)...

That's some impressively quick painting there - I wish I could paint that quick!!

Does that time include the bases?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, i'm really impressed!

The black cerberus and hoarcats are nice, yet i think they don't fit into the group that way. The colours on the other minis, especially myranda (which looks absolutely phantastic!) are so much brighter and friendlier, whilest the kittens look as they had emerged right out of hell Oo

But now that i found the second page of your galery (:club:) I must say everything fits very nicely together.

Yet a great painting job Mr. Koali :)

Edited by Daniele
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