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Which Master?

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First Vote! Woo!

I voted other because of my deadly sin of Pride. Once I got on the same level as the rest of the Guild I can't honestly picture myself playing anyone else. Except MAYBE Dr. McMourning only because he reminds me of Dr. Satan from House of 1000 Corpses lol

But over all I play Guild, and Guild is who I will play. So I stick with my pride and will simply have to wait :]

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The Dreamer Nightmare is limited edition and I want it, thus I'll be ordering it during gencon.. The others have to wait untill I can get them locally as VAT, taxes and fees means +50% of the price for me (if not more.. ¬_¬), which I find a bit steep however nice the models are.

Also would rather know the rules before I buy the models. :)

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i really want collette... i wont lie either... it's cause they are freakin MANNEQUINS!!!!! probably the coolest idea yet... I know there is only a couple companions there, but (depending on the way she plays) my brother has a very well rounded Ramos crew i can borrow stuff from.

Okay, so maybe not really THE coolest idea, but gimme a break, i'm excited. ;)

can't wait till Gencon... i'll be there for sure!

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I must say I agre with Twizz666 completely.

Colette has entirely upset my plans of getting Zoraida and Som'er Teeth next and rounding up my Neverborn crew while giving them the Gremlin option too.

Instead I'm going to have to cut down on Som'er's crew and get the Colette's box with the spindly cutty things (=Coryphée) in the extra blister.

I'm just at a loss what Totem to get for her for starters (and I want a rounded crew with a totem :D) - since I'll have no access to her book before I order her, it's going to be a blind choice (and because I order from afar and shipping does cost, I'll have to order everything together).

I'm thinking the Student of Conflict may be a safe bet for every crew and he won't look bad on the stage either. Somehow Colette doesn't seem to be a pure spell damage master, so going for an Essence of Power for empower may be a miss.

Any guesses?

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I must say I agre with Twizz666 completely.

Colette has entirely upset my plans of getting Zoraida and Som'er Teeth next and rounding up my Neverborn crew while giving them the Gremlin option too.

Instead I'm going to have to cut down on Som'er's crew and get the Colette's box with the spindly cutty things (=Coryphée) in the extra blister.

I'm just at a loss what Totem to get for her for starters (and I want a rounded crew with a totem :D) - since I'll have no access to her book before I order her, it's going to be a blind choice (and because I order from afar and shipping does cost, I'll have to order everything together).

I'm thinking the Student of Conflict may be a safe bet for every crew and he won't look bad on the stage either. Somehow Colette doesn't seem to be a pure spell damage master, so going for an Essence of Power for empower may be a miss.

Any guesses?

I would wait. 90% of masters are better with their specific totem. And if Wyrd had her totem sculpted by now, my guess is that we would have already seen it.

I would go ahead and order her without a totem at all, and then see if any local shops in your area might have materials/models which you could use to proxy as her totem. After all, if it isn't out yet, proxying it should be totally acceptable in any reasonable playgroup.

Should save you a bit on shipping and (hopefully) also give you the best option for her totem.

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I'm just at a loss what Totem to get for her for starters (and I want a rounded crew with a totem :D) - since I'll have no access to her book before I order her, it's going to be a blind choice (and because I order from afar and shipping does cost, I'll have to order everything together).

I'm thinking the Student of Conflict may be a safe bet for every crew and he won't look bad on the stage either. Somehow Colette doesn't seem to be a pure spell damage master, so going for an Essence of Power for empower may be a miss.

Any guesses?

Edited by Angus Khan
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I must say I agre with Twizz666 completely.

Colette has entirely upset my plans of getting Zoraida and Som'er Teeth next and rounding up my Neverborn crew while giving them the Gremlin option too.

Instead I'm going to have to cut down on Som'er's crew and get the Colette's box with the spindly cutty things (=Coryphée) in the extra blister.

I'm just at a loss what Totem to get for her for starters (and I want a rounded crew with a totem :D) - since I'll have no access to her book before I order her, it's going to be a blind choice (and because I order from afar and shipping does cost, I'll have to order everything together).

I'm thinking the Student of Conflict may be a safe bet for every crew and he won't look bad on the stage either. Somehow Colette doesn't seem to be a pure spell damage master, so going for an Essence of Power for empower may be a miss.

Any guesses?

Just a thought, but if the mannequins are constructs the brass arachnid might be a interesting choice. I know it would lose the whole companion thing, but the "stoke" ability would definitely add a nice touch. of corse... that's assuming they are constructs.

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Just a thought, but if the mannequins are constructs the brass arachnid might be a interesting choice. I know it would lose the whole companion thing, but the "stoke" ability would definitely add a nice touch. of corse... that's assuming they are constructs.

Totems are master specific or universal. Brass Arachnid says "Totem (Ramos)" so you can't use him as a Totem of any other master than Ramos.

Generally speaking Colette can take her own totem (yet unknown), Essence of Power (universal Arcanist Totem) or one of the universal Outcast Totems - Malifaux Child or Student of Conflict. I suppose there may be some new universal Outcast Totems in the new book too.

The problem with Essence of Power is that it works only for Arcanist masters who rely on magic to deal damage. Now this is somewhat universal treat of the entire faction, so logically it should work with Colette, but if by any chance she is some sort of illusionist and the first Arcanist to be more of a buffing caster than direct damage one, the Essence of Power would be wasted on her.

That's why I'm thinking Student of Conflict may be a better stop-gap measure, until her own Totem gets released.

On the other hand I can probably just build my own Totem once I see the rules in the book, as others have suggested.

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The Dreamer will be my first choice, no hesitation. I really love the Neverborn style and with all three Neverborn Masters in my collection, it's inevitable that I buy the forth.

I also really love the creepy children in this game.

Plus, Lord Chompy Bits? That's like the freak'n Chuck Norris of names. :D

The next Master after Dreamer that is a tough choice though - I'm currently swaying between Marcus, Colette and Ophelia.

Edited by Rathnard
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