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Gremlin Bayou Swamp Board


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Thank you for the complements everyone!

Alexlg89- The water is made using resin, lot's of resin.

I like it since it adds depth to the board. In some areas it's over 3/4" deep.

I'll be making new evil trees for the board soon, and a shack. Anyone have any other ideas?

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adler hobby- the resin is a clear resin.

Atticus- I forgot to show the bridge in the pictures. I made two really simple ones. Thanks for the ideas, maybe I'll try an obelisk.

Omenbringer- A row boat sounds like a good idea.

Any other ideas?

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Excellent Pat.

I'm glad you are finally building Malifaux terrain!

I think some of your weathering technique with the shacks would be great. Also, there are frequently old relics from the previous (well current but now in a different form) inhabitants of Malifaux. So stone ruins are good. Also crazy archaic structures would possibly be buried half way into the swamp.

Good stuff man!

(P.S. It's great to have another Terrainthrall haunting these parts! :D )

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It was a lot of fun to play on.

The 2 bridges Senji mentioned are movable, too, so it's possible to fiddle with the setup a bit. (The docks are set.)

For one of the games we did at the demo, we had the little islands with the alligators count as dangerous (make a damage flip) for any model that got within 1".

Lots of potential for custom 'setup', even though most of the features are stationary. (Count the water as severe (or maybe even dangerous), allow lone models on the 'gator islands to send them out to attack (spell--cc-14, rst-df, range-6", damage 2/3/4, if casting fails caster takes a 2/3/4 damage flip)...

(I'm getting carried away, aren't I?)

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Swuuuuweeeeet swamp gremlins!

That is just awesome.

I'd say the only thing you need to add to the board is some terrain that blocks LOS.

Others mentioned shacks on stilts, and/or ancient stone ruins. I think both would add an insane amount of character to the board it would be a shame not to do them both.

Also, perhaps adding in a couple of moveable small bit of LOS blocking terrain like a rusted and broken down tractor or machinery bits here and there.

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One hesitates to give advice to such an expert, but since you did ask...

1. I think that a still would be an excellent, characterful piece of terrain for this board (So'merteeth has to get his 'shine from somewhere...).

2. Other pieces of stereotypical "Hilbilly-themed" terrain might also be fun- Roadside fruit & vegetable stand, rusted-out car(s), outhouse, smokehouse, etc.

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