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zombie/undead flesh?


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couple different way to go with how I paint undead flesh.

main way is using vallejo paints(say the hell away from GW paints-overpriced and crappy pigmentation) use a base of stone grey, smoke wash, and then a mix of 50/50 stone grey and pale flesh drybrush.

replace stone grey with green ochre for a more greenish/yellow tone. my best bet is experiment. thats about the best way to find what works best with you

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From another thread:

After searching and searching and searching and not finding much of anything other than neon green zombies, I started experimenting, mixing parts of different non-green schemes I found.

I finally ended up with base coating in Rotting flesh, washing it with Gryphonne Sepia, a light drybrush of Bleached Bone, and finally a wash of 2 : 1 : 1 Baal Red, Asurmen Blue, and water. I am very satisfied with the results.



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These fellows were done using GW Rotting Flesh, plus increasing proportions of Foundry White. They also had a wash made of equal portions of older GW brown and purple washes (note that these were the older, thinner washes, not the current gooey ones):


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These fellows were done using GW Rotting Flesh, plus increasing proportions of Foundry White. They also had a wash made of equal portions of older GW brown and purple washes (note that these were the older thinner GW washes, not the current gooey ones):


Here's an individual picture so you can get a better look at the effect:


Edited by Heldrak
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My usual combo, using all GW colors, is :

- Prime white

- cover completely in Rotting Flesh

- Ogryn Flesh wash

- Drybrush / highlight in Rotting Flesh (to pull the green back into the color)

The reddish tones in the Orgryn Flesh wash will turn the Rotting Flesh brownish, so you'll need that last coat of Rotting Flesh to pop it back into actual green. Once you do, it comes out looking rather rancid.

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