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McMourning crew and a bunch more rezzers


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My second master was going to be Leveticus, but when it came time to buy a Flesh construct for him I just ended up buying the whole McMourning box. Since the Hollow Waifs hadn't been released yet I decided to go ahead and go with the lunatic surgeon first. Before I knew it I was expanding my ressurectionists. Which is fine because Leveticus can use them all anyway if I want. Still haven't gotten a game with him yet but I'm looking forward to doing my first one in the next week or so.





I found the living to be the easiest to paint. They were the last things I did and I finished them the fastest. Something about all that skin sloughing off the undead is tricky for me to wrap my head around.













And if anyone is curious, I did all the cobblestone bases myself using this technique: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/01/hobby-making-cobblestone-bases.html.

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What fantastic work. Where do I start. I LLLLLOVE the big syringe - the blending is superb. I like the mixture of old blood smears and newer wetter looking splatters. The glowing green eyes are awesome. I love how you did the second nurse's red cross as a cut out showing her cleavage - very sexy. The Flesh Constructs entire face is seriously cool, great teeth, but I really like the glasses. Bases look great.

I would give one small comment. I think McMournings hair needs just a tiny bit of one more highlight to make it really pop.

You're a terrific painter.

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very classy paintwork indeed

I like the 'cartoon' blood splats, they are well done, but not sure how they fit in with the more natural looking underlying blood smears?

on second thoughts I am not worthy to pass any slightly negative comments - they really are that good. I have painted McM, Seb, Construct and necropunks and couldnt dream of producing this level of work. The NMM is superb.

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I thought that was the more wet blood that I mentioned. If I'm right, hitting that with some paint on gloss might help with the cartoony look.

Also, the gold stripe at the base of the one punk zombie's skirt is cool and the first Necropunk's face is just sick.

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I like the mixture of old blood smears and newer wetter looking splatters.

I'm glad you noticed that. It was exactly what I was going for and its great someone could tell.

I would give one small comment. I think McMournings hair needs just a tiny bit of one more highlight to make it really pop.

I thought about that but decided not to. Could be it just looks better in person or maybe its just me and the extra highlights really could help.

Thanks for all the comments from everyone else too. Wyrd minis are a blast to paint. It helps encourage you to spend the extra time.

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I thought about that but decided not to. Could be it just looks better in person or maybe its just me and the extra highlights really could help.

It really could be that. Unless you're a professional mini-photographer (as in taking pictures of miniatures, not a really small photographer :) ) you always lose something in the pic - plus people's computer moniters have an effect also. I'm ALWAYS happier with my minis IRL.

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Wow... Some beautiful concetion and painting there. I must say I'm not a fan of the cartoonish blood splatters mixed with the other bood stains. One or the other - But,hey, that's just my preference.

There are to many great things happening with this crew to single all of them out but if there's any one thing I really like it's McM's face.

Cheers and get started on a new crew!!!

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Stunning brushwork! I love that you've carried a consistent, subdued color-scheme throughout your models. The layered blood effects come across beautifully. I've seen plenty of "non metallic metals" before, but this is the first time I can recall someone doing a glossy wet effect with flat paint before. Wonderful and innovative!


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