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Malifaux RPG a possibility?

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Forgive me, if this has been hashed out. I did a search for "Malifaux" and "RPG," but nothing came up.

Same result just using "RPG."

I'm wondering if there has been any discussion of branching out into the RPG world with Malifaux?

Being a new player, I'm studying the rulebook. Every time I hit some fiction, I stop to read it.


The worlds that it paints are just fantastic; both Malifaux and the in-game "real world."

I'm seriously a hardcore D&D fan. Old school D&D. I run a regular game, and it's 2e AD&D, because I don't like anything else. I would convert this group to a Malifaux group, if there was a decent RPG published or if I could get in on a beta/playtest.

I'd do it in a heartbeat, and I'm certain my group would convert right along with me!

I'd love to know any rumblings about this, whether pro or con.

Alternatively, has anyone tried converting the Malifaux setting to d20 or some other RPG system?


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Well the rich background that's been created certainly provides alot of potential for an RPG.

Generally my interest in RPGs is, well, absent (lack of time - playing and running a wargames club is more than enough!). But I certainly wouldn't begrudge a Malifaux RPG. Hell, I might even pick up the book for the background. :D

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I neither confirm or deny any rumors about Malifaux: RPG


In other words: "We're kicking the idea around but don't want to get your hopes up".

I don't work for the company, the above is just what I immediately thought when I saw that reply.

That said, I've been thinking about using GURPS to run a Malifaux campaign. It should be a fairly straightforward port. I just wish I had more fluff to work with.

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There are a few threads about a Malifaux RPG somewhere... they just don't register when being searched for, oddly enough... There were some good ideas being tossed around on those threads, for anyone who is interested.

On that note, however, I would fully support an official Malifaux RPG should Wyrd make one...

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I neither confirm or deny any rumors about Malifaux: RPG


I don't know, this reads to me more like it's in the works than not wanting to get hopes up. I mean, it's not like he said

"about a Malifaux RPG"

He said

"about Malifaux: RPG"

That's vaguely namelike! With an "a", it's even somewhat specific! I'm watching your typing style, Eric!


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A Malifaux Role Playing Game would be legendary, as long as they have some kind of card system. I don't know how well a deck of cards would work in an RPG I do know that Cthulhu Tech you have the ability to use a deck of cards or Roll Dice. So something like that would be cool.

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A Malifaux Role Playing Game would be legendary, as long as they have some kind of card system. I don't know how well a deck of cards would work in an RPG I do know that Cthulhu Tech you have the ability to use a deck of cards or Roll Dice. So something like that would be cool.

What would be wrong with the current Malifaux card mechanic? With a tiny amount of alteration, it could be perfect, IMO. (Plus, we know it works... why try and fix it if it ain't broke?)

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There are a few RPG options out there if you do not want to, there is a card based RPG out already called Castle Faulkenstien, I am fairly sure I just misspelled it. It is set in a Victorian steam punk setting. It is a ok game, but it really cannot handle more detailed complex actions. Things like combat can feel a bit lacking. The other game that comes to mind is Savage World, this is diced based and is the main system used in the Deadlands rpg. I find this game very good but with the exploding dice rolls luck can have a much bigger impact then what some people may like.

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The other game that comes to mind is Savage World, this is diced based and is the main system watered down from the Deadlands rpg.

Fixed your spelling, couldn't help myself.

That being said, the card mechanic has a lot going for it that has yet to be exploited. If players had a hand of cards, they could trigger powers/effects by card combinations rather than just single card suits and values. Poker hands could be used as "criticals" doing different effects. In other words, Dear Wyrd, PleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE make an RPG. Don't make me beg.

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I would like to confirm, not deny, my PROFOUND desire to playtest such an RPG, should it ever become a reality.

Personally, I'd like to see it use a dice AND card mechanic.

Something I thought of today:

Instead of just receiving experience points for stuff, you receive 2 kinds of "xp." For clarity sake, we'll call them Alpha Points (AP) and Beta Points (BP).

Alpha points are relatively rare. Only the toughest, strongest, wiliest opponents have any AP value to them. Most give BP.

BP are what you use to advance in levels.

AP can be exchanged on an (X) to 1 basis (X BP per AP exchanged). So, if needed, they could be used in a pinch to help you hit that lat few points to level.

BP may NEVER be exchanged for AP, though.

You can trade up, but you can't trade down.

Perhaps Soulstones that your character carries are good for a set amount of AP, as well.

AP have a value in game play.

For a set # of AP, you can do things like the following:

- Cheat Fate (Draw a card & add or subtract that # to/from your roll)

- reroll a die

- Cast a spell (different spells have different AP costs)

Personally, I don't know that an RPG with ONLY a deck of cards would work. I mean, Role Players LOVE their dice. Also, sad as it is, the DM would have to keep his eyes on ALL of the players, to ensure that they're only cheating fate, and not the DM. KWIM?

Would love to see this game!


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I've designed my own Malifaux LARP.

Being a gremlin player, it more or less involves eating a lot of burritos.

and then getting people to pull your finger....?

Have never played an RPG or have much of an idea of how they work. Would I buy a Malifaux RPG on the background possibilities alone? Yes, yes I would.

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What would be wrong with the current Malifaux card mechanic? With a tiny amount of alteration, it could be perfect, IMO. (Plus, we know it works... why try and fix it if it ain't broke?)

woops should have worded what i said better.

What i meant was that the Malifaux RPG would be using its own card system like how Cthulhu Tech has a card system. Not that the Malifaux RPG should use Cthulhu tech's card system.

So you could use the dual system for combat and social combat from the miniatures game. For non combat checks you can just have them flip over a card beating a success number that the storyteller/Game master gave the test. something like that.

The only thing I can think of would be challenging would be creating the characters since different factions don't like to get along.

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Well, you'd probably have to insist that characters were from the same faction, which isn't really asking a lot of the players. Just because you're a part of one faction doesn't mean you have to subscribe to their every ideal. I don't know, when I run games, stopping players from hating each other on sight is high on my list of things to do (if they hate each other based on personality, that is acceptable).

I'm confused as to why people think that the current card system couldn't work. Obviously it wouldn't be a straight translation, but you're essentially just rolling a 13 sided die + a critical success + a critical failure. Different types of actions get different bonuses (or negatives) from different suits. Then you add your modifier and you're done. There's no big deal if you're rolling a d6, d12, or d20. In this case, it's like a d13.

The real issue I see is just going through the deck, and at what point do you reshuffle. Dice have the same chances on every roll, the cards do not, which is a strong point (in my mind) for the minis game. For an RPG, you just need to figure out a way to make it work for you. You could always adopt the staple of something like "reshuffle after every scene." Or take an action to reshuffle.

In any case, I don't see any need to preserve the card mechanic in any sort of RPG, but at the same time, it would be nice to use my deck of cards and keep in the spirit of the minis game.

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The real issue I see is just going through the deck, and at what point do you reshuffle. Dice have the same chances on every roll, the cards do not, which is a strong point (in my mind) for the minis game. For an RPG, you just need to figure out a way to make it work for you. You could always adopt the staple of something like "reshuffle after every scene." Or take an action to reshuffle.

I would treat the deck as a measure of fatigue, so when you run out of cards you're spent. (and thus very easy to hit, since you can't resist) Rest and maybe an action spent burning some SS could allow a reshuffle of your deck/hand.

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I would treat the deck as a measure of fatigue, so when you run out of cards you're spent. (and thus very easy to hit, since you can't resist) Rest and maybe an action spent burning some SS could allow a reshuffle of your deck/hand.

I would prefer if you shuffle your and draw a hand at the start of evey encounter

and why change the system all damage could have week moderate and sevre

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Personally I was never a fan of leveling up a character but more of gaining experience to add more skill points to an attribute or gain a new skill.

At the begining of each session the players shuffle there fate deck and draw there hand. Then they can use the cards in there hand to cheat fate by succeeding whatever there doing. Then when the characters rest they can reshuffle there deck and redraw there hand. That way it even gives the impressions that after a whole bunch of battles that the characters are tired, or that the one who controls fate is aggravated and wont allow them to cheat there own fate that he/she has given them.

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I neither confirm or deny any rumors about Malifaux: RPG


As long as it's nothing like the d20 system and focuses on actual role playing it'd be good.

I currently use the Shadowrun 3rd ed. engine for role playing.

If it ends up being a d20 system product it'll stink and won't be worth the paper it's printed on...IMHO.

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