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Imitation is the highest form of flattery ?


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Honestly, no. I'm kind of past the point of doing such things for free. Although for one thing I'd be worried about Weird; you should at least get him to stop failing to read, or maybe it is a failing to understand questions that are being proposed (or maybe he simply doesn't know how to properly handle these situations). His general tone relating to answering questions is poor and a new company that is interested in creating a good image of its self should not create frustration or irritation for customers; especially when they come to the community to ask questions.

Here are just a some of his poor posts, most within the last couple days (humor is great as long as it does not come with a emotional cost to a questioner.)

I fail to see how any of those qualify as poor posts. They certainly have a friendlier feel than what I would have posted if I had been in his position.

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People who post online often fail to remember that they put their own interpretations on a post's tone without the benefit of in-person feedback (verbal or non-verbal) and usually misinterpret it without the filtering an in-person encounter would provide.

Well the big scary teeth do not help with the first impression.:laughing:

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Werner does make some great stuff and I hope he keeps sculpting for other companies. I've loved his pieces for Reaper and Privateer Press and had to slap myself for not recognizing his work here.

I hope when we do get to see some more "avatar" figures that he does a few more for the Neverborn. It might convince me to pick up a crew of them instead of sticking to the Guild as I have.

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I've never understood why Werner Klocke seems to be held in such high regard. I think he's definitely created some beautiful sculpts, but those really seem to be the exception.

Dunno, he's magic or something. Ever been to Reaper's website? He's the only sculptor with an entire search category, Klockenbooty, devoted to him. (Or at least his female sculpts)

He has his own style. I don't dislike it, so it doesn't bother me. That's probably the polarizing factor.

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I had a sneaky peek at the rule book at Salute today. It does look good and I thought sufficiently different to Malifaux, although there is a picture of a voodoo dull with two pins stuck into it which did make me raise an eyebrow.... Gorgeous minis though.

I wouldn't give Wyrd the monopoly on voodoo dolls. My first intro to voodoo dolls on a mini were with Rackham's Mid-nor dwarves and that was before Malifaux. I am sure there were other voodoo dolls on minis before they were a design thematic to Rackham's Mid-nor faction.

Back to Freebooter's Pirate game. I want to learn more!!! :)

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It wasn't a mini, it was a picture in the book (maybe an illustration from one of the cards), and to be honest it was pretty much identical to the one we are familar with from Malifaux. You will realise what I mean when you see it.

I am not saying it is a rip-off, maybe more of a sutble wink or homage ?

But yes, back to the game. I would have loved to have had a run through, but the table was very popular. The Freebooter guys had made an real effort with the pirate themed board, stall and costumes and were attracting a fair sized crowd.

The book looks lovely with great photos and pictures throughout, as well as useful diagrams to illustrate how some of the game mechanics work.

I can't see me picking up the game as I have properly caught the Malifaux bug, however I can see some of the Ork and Goblin pirates making their way into my 40k army.

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Well my ninja succeeded in his mission, picking up the book, a deck and two starters (assassins for me, pirates for him). Apparantly you only need one deck per two players so I am forseeing a more "traditional" card game feel to the mechanics (duels are resolved by playing "snap" or some such, well maybe not).

However he's keeping schtum about any details, don't know if he witnessed a game. Anyone at Salute have a shot? I'm looking at you here Prophaniti......(nudge nudge).

Also, sorry to flog a dead horse but I find WS's posts concise and helpful. It is frustrating when people ask questions that are already answered in the book/errata. Anyway, enough of that now.


Edited by DangerousBeans
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Hi all, I attended the Salute show and although being a complete malifaux geek wanted to try out Freebooters Fate.

The game is dice less as you are awar and uses a fate-deck card system like Malifaux, but you only need one set of cards and you keep drawing until the deck is depleted then you reshuffle and start again. The deck also includes two sets of hit location cards (six cards with head, torso, abdomen, right arm, left arm and leg locations) and a set of event cards.

It is less complex than the Malifaux system and does not include any spell casting, combat is straight forward as the attacker and defender both secretly choose a number of body location cards relating to their attack or defence, if the attackers cards match the same as the defenders he has missed, if they don’t he hits and may possibly cause a critical.

The fate deck includes white and black cards numbered 1 to 10 (but have mulitples i.e which incorporate two cards with 2 and 3 cards with 4 etc..) suits are the the faction’s symbols, also various cards carry images such as treasure chests, voodoo dolls or pistols, these are used during various actions like swimming or in the case of the treasure chest, drawing a card with this symbol allows you to draw an event card.

I will not be swayed away from Malifaux but Freebooters is a cracking game, and is subtley different than Malifaux. The miniatures are lovely (but yes expensive!!) but the rulebook contains full card shots of all the stats, but the dubloon cost of each is missing??? as soon as this is FAQ'd you could proxy.

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Nope, barely anything is samey to be honest, aside from the format of I-go-you-go but that's hardly exclusive to Malifaux.

The book's nice - good layout, nice drawing and page design, good fluff. The card deck's nice (the hit location cards are Leonardos "Vitruvian Man", except a goblin. Much mirth to be had here.) The models are gorgeous, but I've spent about £60 on Brotherhood and have 7 models to show for it! Hot dang if that ain't expensive.

Yet to actually play a game, but got one pencilled in for next Tuesday. I've heard it's a lot of fun, although the combat mechanic isn't particularly deep so I'm not sure how the game will stand the test of time.

The voodoo dolls are justified too, seemingly in the future there's plans for a "Voodoo Witch". The model's available but for some reason she's not in the book, despite that there's an illustration of her!

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So have we finally come full circle now from claiming it to be a ripoff to realizing that it doesn't have one dang thing in common with Malifaux at all that isn't standard in most skirmish systems?

Yeah sorry i jumped the gun a little there ;)

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I'd best 'fess up at this point that I didn't get to play Freebooters' Fate. I did get a brief look at it, but that look was so superficial that others have already said more (I didn't feel like waiting to play, there's a lot to see). On the plus side one of my friends came with me and got himself started with Lady J, a rulebook and fate-deck.

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