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McMourning and ...?


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I've decided to start my Malifaux career with McMourning and his Body Thieves. How does the box set perform on it's own? I realize the majority of starter kits require some outside help to perform against certain crews; Mindless Dead, Canine Remains, Outcast Mercenaries and the like. How does the McMourning box stack up? Are there individual blisters I should consider to help balance the force? I ultimately hope to assemble a 30ss-ish crew, for starters.

Pearls of wisdom are appreciated! Thanks.

Also, so far as Nicodem is concerned, would the three Mindless Dead be all that is required to balance the box set? Or would a Convict Gunslinger be a wise addition, as well? I may end up ordering both kits after all is said and done.


Edited by Hatchethead
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Quick, Zephir! Thanks. I edited my post to include Nicodem's crew as a possible purchase. I dig both Nico and McM equally, I could see swapping between them on a regular basis.

I don't know who I'm kidding ... I'll eventually end up with 95% of the Ressurectionist line. I'm a completionist at heart w/ absolutely no willpower when it comes to this sort of thing. Only the sculpts I really dislike will miss the boat, and even then there's only one or two.

I'll likely grab Canines regardless of which set I end up with first. They appear to be extremely useful and cost effective, based solely on the batreps and threads I've read recently. I see the Convict Gunslinger more often than not, mixed in with random Res crews. How does Hans stack up? Or Ronin? Rusty Alyce?

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The starter is not that good at all, but it has potential ;)

First off, I don't think two nurses are all that neccessary in 30ss game.

I'd go with one.

Secondly, you will not want to pay ss for the flesh construct. They are much better constructed from body parts (couple nice tricks with Canine Remains here).

Sebastian on the other hand, is actually pretty good. He is a very nice support character and has more than decent combat skills.

He tends to get underestimated and then chops up to pieces an 8-9ss model.

So, out of the entire box, its only 6-11 points you will want to use.

What to buy? Anything, really. You can't go wrong with almost anything that's available atm. I'd suggest a blister of punk zombies, one or two blisters of canine remians (these, you will use and need a lot) and another construct. Zombie chihuahua is obligatory- for 1ss too good not to take.

Later on, you might want to give Bete a try. She likes nurses and dead dogs.

People will also advise you to get rotten hookers.

Seriously, there aren't really many things that won't work.

Necropunks are probably the hardest to use, but most of things will require some thought to show thier full capabilities.

So to sum up, I'd go:

Body Thieves box

- nurse

+ punk zombies/rotten belles/necropunks/mix of them

+ canine remains (!!!)

+ chihuahua

+ one more construct

This should give you more or less 30 points and a decent start all around. Also, you will have plenty spare models, so you will be prepared for different scenarios.

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Don't get the Mindless Dead unless playing Nicodem. They're summonable mooks only Nicodem can make at the moment.

As said the McMourning is about the only one of the starters that doesn't work too well by itself. The Nurses are support models and with nobody to support they feel a bit left out. Adding two blisters of Canines or one of Necropunks should fix the starter's problems very nicely (the Nurses like cheap, fast and expendable models on which to apply their spells).

Also, Rotten Belles and Punk Zombies work very nicely with any Resurrectionist Crew.


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So yeah, Canines are 100% definite. I figured as much. I'll likely grab both blisters. I really dig the Necropunk minis but they're not highly regarded, at least compared to other options (especially Canines). I'll decide that for myself, eventually. They'll end up in my collection at some point, if only because I like the looks of 'em.

I was hoping someone would recommend the Chihuahua!:dance:

One more construct, gru6y? Another Flesh Construct? Or something from the Outcast line?

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Punk Zombies are coming highly recommended. I'd likely save myself coin in the long term if I pick up both the Nico and McM box sets + Canines, at the very least. Nicodem and Mortimer are brilliant minis, definitely something I'll eventually buy. Seems silly to purchase them separately when a more cost effective option exists. It'll save me on future shipping, as well.

See how I talked myself into that?

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Yeah, flesh construct.

One more construct is imo as needed as canine remains.

There will be moments when you will be able tu summon it and not being able to do so because of lack of model... well- sucks.

As for the outcasts- I have seriously no idea. No experience with them at all. Convict Gunslinger is probably a safe bet. Every crew seems to have one.

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Yeah, flesh construct.

One more construct is imo as needed as canine remains.

There will be moments when you will be able tu summon it and not being able to do so because of lack of model... well- sucks.

As for the outcasts- I have seriously no idea. No experience with them at all. Convict Gunslinger is probably a safe bet. Every crew seems to have one.

I avoid it for that very reason...

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The McM Box set isn't all that great, you won't get a great deal of use out of that second nurse, the Flesh Construct is good, but your not going to pay SS for it

Dogs are a must, 2 Blisters, I haven't regreted buying them. Generally you want to buy one hitter for your team, Bete Noire or a Hanged can fill this slot nicely, as they are both tech heavy, and can give beat downs(or in the Hanged Case Scare downs).

If you don't like the Flesh Construct, I would recommend against playing McM, They are really core to his ability set, You generally summon 2-3 a game, if you don't like them on the table you are denying yourself effectively his best ability.

I have had games where I have ended up 25SS ahead of my opponent because of Sebastion and McM

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Punk zombies 4sho! Paired swords at CB 7 almost guarantees a hit or a cheat by the defender. Decent damage, hard to wound and slow to die. Great combat units for any res force.

I like having something else out in front to distract the enemy while they advance though. I like Necropunks (other people hate thtem but I get my 3SS worth out of them) and def. dogs if it's McM.

Good luck!

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If you don't like the Flesh Construct, I would recommend against playing McM, They are really core to his ability set, You generally summon 2-3 a game, if you don't like them on the table you are denying yourself effectively his best ability.

Hrm. That's a shame. Makes me think I might be better off with Nico, though I still love the majority of the miniatures in the McM box.

I'm attempting to make this decision without the rulebook in hand (it'll be included in the first order, along with the appropriate fate deck) and hence no knowledge of stats nor the abilities of individuals models.

Another vote for Punk Zombies from Peterdita! Cheers. Maybe I'd be best served with the Nico box + Canines + Mindless Dead ...? Maybe Bete for some punch? The Convict Gunslinger is tempting, but, like Chucklemonkey, I'm inclined to look elsewhere in lieu of opting for the "obvious" choice. Hans, maybe. Though I do like the Convict, based on appearances alone ...

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I'll agree that with McMourning Canine Remains and the Zombie Chihuahua are a must. You'll only want to use one Nurse in most lists, so hitters to fill up the extra space are needed. Although Canine Remains missiles can do a surprising amount of damage. Punk Zombies are exellent hitters for any Resurrectionist Master. Rotten Belles are also good due to Lure. Basically they can force opposing models to walk towards them, pulling things within your range or pulling them away from their support. Since Flesh Constructs are slow, this can be useful with McMourning.

So you can use that to sell yourself on a Seamus box to. :decision:

Seamus is a lot of fun to play as well.

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Seamus is a lot of fun to play as well.

Thanks for the input, Atticus.

While I certainly appreciate Seamus' style of play, I really REALLY have a hard time with the whole Frosted Lucky Charms/Mad Hatter theme. I know a lot of people really like Seamus, but he doesn't flip my switch. He doesn't fit.

I love the concept, the joyous-insane serial killer ladies man necromancer with a bevy of undead hookers ... it's pretty much the best thing going ... but I'm finding it difficult to enjoy the Seamus mini on almost every level. I think he's too ridiculous, even for me (and I love me some ridiculous). If he were a darker version of himself, more Jack the Ripper and less Magically Delicious, I'd definitely be on board.

That said, I adore the Rotten Belles.

EDIT: Yup. I think I've made the decision. I was drawn to the Ressur's by the zombies and Nico appears to be The Man when it comes to raising a horde. I'm still a huge fan of McM and Sebastian. I'll end up with the box at some point and likely proxy a few additional Flesh Constructs for non-tournament play, quietly hoping that Wyrd (someday) releases at least one alternate Flesh Construct mini. If McM is expected to have 2 or even 3 stomping around at any one time, it seems like a reasonable request ... variety is the spice of (un)life, after all.

EDIT2: Or not. Crap. The flip-flopping continues. I like both boxes for different reasons!

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Thanks for the input, Atticus.

While I certainly appreciate Seamus' style of play, I really REALLY have a hard time with the whole Frosted Lucky Charms/Mad Hatter theme. I know a lot of people really like Seamus, but he doesn't flip my switch. He doesn't fit.

I love the concept, the joyous-insane serial killer ladies man necromancer with a bevy of undead hookers ... it's pretty much the best thing going ... but I'm finding it difficult to enjoy the Seamus mini on almost every level. I think he's too ridiculous, even for me (and I love me some ridiculous). If he were a darker version of himself, more Jack the Ripper and less Magically Delicious, I'd definitely be on board.

I understand that completely, before the game came out and I was debating factions I didn't like any of the Resurrectionists, McMourning hadn't been shown at that time. So while I normally like the undead factions in mini games, I had decided to start off with Neverborn, which was actually my first box sets.

Seamus didn't excite me and I still don't like Nicodem, it's mainly that stupid vulture on the arm that I don't care for, but it would require serious modding to cut it off.

McMourning and the Nurses got me interested in the Resurrectionists. I don't particularly like the Flesh Construct model, but then again I'm not overly bothered by it either. After reading the fluff and playing some games the lure of undead hookers was too much, despite how stupid Seamus looks. I would have preferred a darker, more Jack the Ripper looking figure also. I wish I'd thought of the Lucky Charms leprechaun though, I should have gone all out with that theme. I did do his coat and hat green so it's got a little of that look. Mini Me (Copycat Killer) looks even more like a leprechaun.

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I'm not sure I'll ever field Seamus in his current form, nor his spunky little Copycat Killer (though I approve of the Copycat Killer as a stand alone model I have the same problem with him in context). Seamus isn't a total tear down, he's simply TOO cartoon-ish for me. I don't even mind his hat! Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York was a scary dude.

Regardless, his Rotten Belles and their Madame will most certainly be in my collection, with or without Mr. Lucky (and the glorious synergy he would otherwise provide).

This thread is not intended to be a slam fest ripping on the models I dislike ... I'm a fan of the entire line of Ressurectionist minis with the exception of Seamus and the Flesh Golem. I have much the same issue with the Golem as I do the Hatter: Saturday morning cartoon, I'd prefer something a tad grittier. Barring those two exceptions, the rest of the Ressur models are golden.

Thankfully, I'm pleased with both Nico and McM. I like McM the best, as well as Sebastian over Mortimer (though Mort is good people and a really nice sculpt). I'd be fine with running one legit Wyrd Flesh Golem but I'd certainly have to proxy beyond that. If forced to choose, either the Reaper or the Heresy Flesh Golem would do in a pinch.

In short, I prefer McM and Sebastian, but I enjoy Nico's minions moreso. I enjoy both play styles, though Nico's horde edges out the construct army. I also like that Nico can raise anyone from the roster (at least, according to what I've read). That said, I dig that McM is a combat monster compared to the other Ressurectionist Masters, and the synergy with Seb and the Canines is entertaining ...

*sigh* :dozingoff

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Ahhhhh, who am I kidding? I don't do anything piecemeal.

I'll order both the Nico and McM boxes. It'll be nice to have a pair of Masters to jump between for the sake of variety, not to mention a selection of minions to mix and match. I'll likely grab at least one blister of Canine Remains and some Mindless Zombies, as well.

Go big or go home.

Thanks for the input, everyone! :bounce:

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Ahhhhh, who am I kidding? I don't do anything piecemeal.

I'll order both the Nico and McM boxes. It'll be nice to have a pair of Masters to jump between for the sake of variety, not to mention a selection of minions to mix and match. I'll likely grab at least one blister of Canine Remains and some Mindless Zombies, as well.

Go big or go home.

Thanks for the input, everyone! :bounce:

This way you can play in a Brawl too. Win-win

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This way you can play in a Brawl too. Win-win

True! Though I'll likely be the only guy in my FLGS with enough models to play a Brawl, at least at first.

Thankfully, enthusiasm is contagious. The owner, who intends to paint up the Vik box for in-store demo purposes (and personal use, I assume), has already gone crazy with Malifaux terrain. One dude is flip-flopping between Lilith and Pandora, another guy is all about the Lady J and her Marshals (and the Peacekeeper). Two of my Warhammer buddies have expressed interest. Then there's me, spearheading a relatively massive undead contingent. It's a good start.

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you will not be disappointed with the flexibility those starters will give you.

also, if it makes you feel better in your choice I played the following last night;

McM/Chia/Seb/3xPunk Zombies/Gunslinger doing slaughter against

Seamus/Grave Spirit/Sybelle/3xBelles/Punk Zombie doing claim jump

my opposition had cr*p luck with cards and I wiped out his entire crew in turn 6.

I never seem to commit with McM as much as I should - last night he got stuck in and he is awesome. btw I didnt summon any assistance all game.

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Congrats on the victory. I'll have access to every model in your winning crew with the exception of the Convict Gunslinger.

I went a little crazy and ended up ordering:

McMourning box

Nicodem box

Canine Remains I & II

Mindless Zombies


Zombie Chihuahua

The Hanged and Convict Gunslinger are next on my must-have list. They'll provide some much needed range. Bete Noir won't be far behind, nor an additional Flesh Golem (proxy). More beatsticks, more love.

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Congrats on the victory. I'll have access to every model in your winning crew with the exception of the Convict Gunslinger.

I went a little crazy and ended up ordering:

McMourning box

Nicodem box

Canine Remains I & II

Mindless Zombies


Zombie Chihuahua

The Hanged and Convict Gunslinger are next on my must-have list. They'll provide some much needed range. Bete Noir won't be far behind, nor an additional Flesh Golem (proxy). More beatsticks, more love.

I recommend some Rotten Belles, too. They're one of the best (and most underpriced) Resser models, and they're very good with McM. I'm thinking about bringing three of them in 30 points with Sebastian, the Gunslinger and a pair of dogs.

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I recommend some Rotten Belles, too. They're one of the best (and most underpriced) Resser models, and they're very good with McM. I'm thinking about bringing three of them in 30 points with Sebastian, the Gunslinger and a pair of dogs.

Oh my, you can bet. The Belles are on my short list. Not only are they pleasing from a stat card standpoint, they happen to be some of my favorite minis in the entirety of Malifaux.

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