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pipeline paints


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That purifying flame is the bomb! Way to pick out shapes to make up for the in-filled nature of that sculpt! I made my own of these out of the flame basing kit, but I'll be using the PF I bought for some sort of magical terrain feature (or a dead zone). Seeing this paint job inspires me to finish that thought!

Also, way to make Frankie not look like a skinny punk! :)


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What colour/technique did you use on the coat?

Base was Bloodtracker Brown.

Water down wash with 1:1 Devlan Mud and Thraka Green.

Shade with Devlan Mud.

Shade with Badab Black.

The highlights were the base incrementally mixed with Beast Hide then Jack Bone then probably some white.

Mud glaze.

Maybe a bit of green glaze.

something along those lines. Thin paint and time.

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How do P3 paints compare with Vallejo? I use Vallejo mainly for the quality and cost/quality as opposed to GW paints.

I've only used Vallejo metallics and they were good. P3 metallics are trash. However, the regular paints are great. They remind me of the old school gw/cote de arms. I intend to use more Vallejo in the future. Until then, I'm afraid I'm not much help.

I did a comparison of GW to P3. GW claims the paint pot has 12 ml. P3 lists 18 ml. However, when I pour each into a dropper, P3 has what appears to be twice the amount of paint. GW is certainly not the best deal.

All in all, use what works for you. I've seen great work with acrylics from the craft store.

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P3's also cut well with water without seperating, i like them more than the Vallejo range generally. Not all of the metallics are trash, notably Pig Iron, but sadly most still are so i mainly still use Vallejo metallics. P3 does have a good range of inks/washes as well.

On topic, i like your stuff, its well done!

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Beautiful! Your painting style is very smooth and well blended. You've done a nice job of making the details of the minis stand out with that final, sharp highlighting layer. Strange, I never noticed before that Francisco is wearing a ruffled tuxedo shirt - classy! Looking forward to seeing more.


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