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Everything posted by Darkover

  1. @icemantis99 : You're definitely right there, but this impression was completely intended. If I got the background correctly, the brass arachnid was the first construct of Ramos and I therefore wanted it to look older and not as futuristic as the spiders and the borg. It should look as if Ramos used other materials to create it and It should also look a bit worn out through years of service. It might look a bit out of place, but this is ok for me. I'll add some more colours to the group when I paint Hans and Joss, the whole team is a bit too blue at the moment (mainly because of the spiders...). They'll definitely fit to the rest of the group, but there's always room for some tiny changes. @themurphyfella: Thank, it's good to hear that. Maybe I'll try a thin layer of wash over the skin to cool down the contrasts a bit. And You're right about the back, I'll fix that.
  2. More steam (but still no brown bases...)! I'm not all that happy with my steamborg, but at least the contrasts on the skin aren't as harsch in reality as the look on the picture... Time for a first group picture! Hope You like them!
  3. I must say that I tried the brown version (in fact the base of my steamborg is was made that way), but I'm not fully happy with the result. I'll keep an eye on that and maybe I'll follow Your advice with the brown wash, but not right now. I have to think about that first. :thinking:
  4. Great work! The chest looks great and Senor Ortega is a real masterpiece! I hope we can expect more of this? :wave:
  5. Wow, this crew looks amazing! Great work on the Death Marshals and everything else, I really like Your style! Want more! :bigok:
  6. Thanks, maybe I'll be able to post a group picture soon. But I'll have to finish the Steamborg first...
  7. Like him a lot. The shovel is my favourite part, but the rest is just cool as well. Not sure about the base though. It looks a bit unfinished to me (maybe add a little bit of Sand?). Cheers!
  8. Haven't been here for quite a while, but I'm a really slow painter (and I have too many projects at the same time...). Anyway, some new stuff for Dr. Ramos: What would Ramos be without his Brass Arachnid? And You can never have enough spiders! Up next: Human beeings for my warband and another swarm of spiders (as I said: never enough :spider:). Cya! :lollypop:
  9. Ok, You got me. I'll give the bases a thin layer of brown wash. This should take the blue undertone away and add more contrast to the figures. I'll make a test with my next spider and if the result is convincing I'll go over the other minis once more. *gg* If anyone mentiones the word OSL once more, I'll throw some sharp objects! :gunman: No, seriously: I've heard that about ten times now in the German tabletop forum and I completely agree. OSL would look awesome, especially on Ramos, but I simply don't dare to try it. I've only got very limited experiences with OSL and the risk of spoiling the mini sort of discourages me. Maybe I'll add some OSL after a little more practicing. Btw: The mailman just brought me my Brass arachnid! :clap:
  10. This is one sexy demonlady! :top: Also love the graveyard bases!
  11. *sign* This is definitely good work! I like Your minis a lot, no need to hide them! I would only add a little bit more details (grass, mushrooms or stuff like that) to complete them. Happy painting!
  12. Ok, You're right there, I didn't think of that. That could look cool, but I see the danger that the bases might take away the attention from the minis. Even with muted colours a base with a bigger variety of colours could distract the watchers eye too much. But maybe I'll follow Your advice and add some stones with other colours and give some of the stones a layer of brown wash. This could help to let the spiders shine out and it will add another tone to the whole mini. I'll try that for the next spider (there are still many to come, so a little experiment can't be wrong). Thanks!
  13. You just made my day! Great work and truely a great help for a noob like me. Thank!
  14. Thanks to You all! It's great to hear that You like my minis. True. I noticed that too, when I put the spiders on the Bases, they really seem to vanish. The problem isn't that big with Ramos, but definitely true for the spiders. Neither do I. Since I can't change the colours of the copplestones (grey is simply the right colour for them), the only way would be another scheme for the spiders. I could go for a rusty, brown look instead of the mystical, blue one. But I like the blue spiders and so I'll just stick to the plan and keep the scheme. I'm sure my spiders will like their camouflage. :nod: It's not perfect, but I like it.
  15. Hiho and greetings! :itsme: I'm pretty new here, but I would like to take the opportunity to show You my first Malifaux-minis: Hope You like them and the pics aren't too big. Best regards!
  16. Hiho and greetings! :itsme: I'm completely new to the game and it seems like I've once again picked one of the most difficult teams... Ramos is definitely a cool guy and his minions look awesome, but after reading this thread I'm a bit scared of my first game. To make things even worse, the new errata has changed the rules for latch-on a bit. Do You think that this will significantly harm the arachnids in battle? Or is the good old combo Ramos, Joss, Spiders still a good way to go? Any help before my first game (against guild or resurrectionists) will be truely appreciated (although this thread was already a great help for me). Best regards! :clap:
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