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Another new UK Player


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Hi all just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Noticed this game at a show in Reading and was instantly fascinated with the mechanics and especially the beutifully sculpted models.

Since then spent a samll fortune on as many crews as possible and extras i.e. totems, new release blisters etc...

I was a long time Warmachine player with a good respect for PP but unfortunately my personal opinions towards their new direction (retribution faction that looks more like Infinity than Infinity - Codex type books - etc....) have stopped me playing.

Fortunately Malifaux has taken over my gaming/modelling/painting life and cannot sing its praises enough towards my local gaming club.

These boards are great, picked up some great tips, brilliant downloads and some of the painting makes me green with envy and amazement.

Yours Wyrdly


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Does anyone know of plans for Salute?

It is THE biggest gaming show in the UK and it would be cool to see a large malifaux turn out.

Would be very cool indeed..

If SMG are there no doubt he'll run his standard Demo game. But would be great to see something far bigger.

And welcome to Deathjester.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Salute Just isn't the place for any sort of tournament, the cost and the room available just don't make it viable.

We've got a BIG participation game of malifaux for Salute - something a little different this time 8'x4' and multiple objectives and sub-plots so lots of little games going on as part of the overall Wyrdy-warzone.

We're looking at Games Expo (Birmingham in June) for a UK tourny or possible Colours (Newbury in September) if expo doesn't work out. An idea of numbers would be good - who's up for it? probably a one dayer would cost about £10 but that'd include entrace to the show too:poke:

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