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Dec. NBR: Lilith Went Down To The Bayou


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Lilith went down to the bayou, she was looking for a soul to steal.

She was in a bind 'cos she was way behind: she was willin' to make a deal.

When she came across this young gremlin sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.

And Lilith held out a dim soul stone and said: "Boy let me tell you what:

"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.

"And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.

"Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give Lilith her due:

"I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."


The gremlin said: "My name's Gronny and it might be a sin,

"But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

Gronny you rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.

'Cos hells broke loose in Malifaux and Lilith flips the cards.

And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.


But if you lose, Lilith gets your soul.

Lilith opened up her case and she said: "I'll start this show."

And fire flew from her fingertips as she resined up her bow.

And she pulled the bow across her strings and it made an evil hiss.

Then a band of nephilim joined in and it sounded something like this.


When Lilith finished, Gronny said: "Well you're pretty good ol' girl.

"But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done."

Knockin‘ over stage coaches run, humans, run.

Lilith's in the house of the risin' sun.

Hog whisperer’s in the pig pen rollin’ in the mud

"Sommer, does your pig bite?"

"Fo‘ sho‘, child, fo‘ sho‘."

Lilith bowed her head because she knew that she'd been beat.

She laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Gronny's feet.

Gronny said: "Lilith just come on back if you ever want to try again.

"I told you once, you evil bitch, I'm the best that's ever been."

Knockin‘ over stage coaches run, humans, run.

Lilith's in the house of the risin' sun.

Hog whisperer’s in the pig pen rollin’ in the mud

"Sommer, does your pig bite?"

"Fo‘ sho‘, child, fo‘ sho‘."



We played a 30 soul stone game.

My Crew: Sommer Teeth Jones, a war pig, a piglet, a hog whisperer, 2 mosquitoes, 3 gremlins, and a 4 soul stone cache.

My opponent’s crew: Lilith, 2 mature nephilim, 3 terror tots, and a 5 soul stone cache.

Our missions: Grab the golden fiddle in the center of the board. For this we used a slightly modified scenario. The fiddle would count and act as a treasure counter from the scenario treasure hunt, and we agreed that the player who’s model had possession of it at the end of the game would win. If neither of us had it, the game would be a tie. There were no schemes.

The board:


Lilith chose a side and set up first:


Sommer’s set up:


Turn 1:

There are a few decisions which I marked with an asterisk that are discussed further after the report.

1) Terror tot sprinted forward

2) A mosquito sacrificed a gremlin to summon a third mosquito and draw some cards

3) Another terror tot sprinted, making it slightly farther than the first

4) Sommer healed the furthest mosquito for two wounds and used git yer bro twice

5) The third terror tot sprinted

6) A summoned gremlin moved up

7) A mature nephilim double moved towards objective

8) The other summoned gremlin moved up

9) The other mature nephilim moved up

10) Hog whisperer gave war pig reactivate and fly

11) Lilith transpositioned with a terror tot, cast illusionary forest in fron of the objective, and moved forward.

Lilith’s crew was done, so the gremlins finished their activation. A mosquito moved up and cast souey, dragging the war pig with it. The pig then activated and moved three times. The pig activated again and grabbed the objective, then moved twice back. The summoned mosquito cast souey and failed. The pigs charged it and missed. Remaining gremlins and piglet moved forward.



Turn 2:

1) Gremlin in front moved, focused shot at a mature nephilim, missed, and hit the gremlin behind it *

2) Lilith brood mothered mature nephilim, moved twice, transpositioned the war pig (which was 12” in front of her) with a terror tot (which was 12” behind her) The companioned mature nephilim then activated and swung at the war pig, doing 5 damage.

3) The pig activated and moved back, escaping the nephilim

4) Terror tot sprinted, killed forward gremlin

5) Sommer activated, git yer bro worked once

6) Terror tot that had been transpositioned activated and hit the mosquito in front of it for 4 wounds. (this mosquito had been healed)

7) Mosquito soueyed war pig

8) Terror tot in back moved

9) Wounded mosquito soueyed war pig and attacked terror tot

10) Mature nephilim double moved

Lilith was done. The hog whisperer healed the war pig for 3 wounds (taking it from 11 to 8) and gave it reactivate (bringing it back up to 11). Gremlins charged the terror tot damaging it, black blood killed the wounded mosquito. The war pig activated again, attacked a wounded gremlin, killing it and used eat your fill to heal all its wounds. My last mosquito moved and used souey on the war pig. The piglet moved forward.

Ok, I wish we had taken some pictures in the middle of this turn. The war pig was transpositioned 24”, almost into my opponent’s deployment zone, took eleven wounds, and managed to make it back into the very corner of my deployment zone at full health.




Turn 3:

1) Hog whisperer gave war pig reactivate and healed it for 2.

2) Terror tot near the center of the board grew, walked, hit piglet for 4.

3) Sommer ditched my opponent’s hand with gremlins luck and healed. Ended taking 4 wounds.

4) Mature nephilim moved, swung at piglet, missed.

5) Gremlin swung at the terror tot near my deployment zone, doing one wound. Black blood killed both gremlins near it. **

6) Mosquito moved, used pull my finger to finish off terror tot.

7) Lilith brood mothered a mature nephilim, moved, attempted to use transposition and failed. Mature nephilim charged the mosquito behind the building near my deployment zone and missed.

Lilith was done. The piglet stampeded, hitting the young nephilim and died to black blood. A mosquito moved and soueyed war pig. The war pig activated twice, using all AP both activations to move, making it across the board.



Turn 4:

1) Sommer activated, healed himself, used gremlins luck to ditch Lilith’s hand, and healed again. Ended with 3 wounds.

2) Young nephilim charged mosquito behind building, missed.

3) The mosquito used pull my finger, hitting both the mature and young nephilim in combat with it. It then attacked the young nephilim with its proboscis, and killed it.

4) The mature nephilim, seeing the young nephilim’s horrible fate, tried to move away from the mosquito, and failed. (this mosquito is my hero)

5) Hog whisperer moved twice toward war pig and used pig wisperin’

6) Lilith moved twice toward war pig and attempted to cast illusionary forest. She failed.

7) War pig activated and stampeded all over Liltih, missing every time.

8) Mature nephilim moved towards war pig.

9) Last mosquito moved, tried to use pull my finger, failed.

10) Terror tot sprinted toward war pig



Turn 5:

1) Sommer ditched Lilith’s hand and healed. He now had 6 wounds on him.

2) Mature nephilim finally escaped the mosquito and tried to swing at sommer, missing.

3) The mosquito moved in between Lilith, the terror tot, and the mature nephilim and used pull my finger, hitting all three.

4) Lilith moved, killed the mosquito, and cast allure. ***

5) Pig stampeded, hitting Lilith for 7 and the mature nephilim for 5

6) Mature nephilim attacked the pig, killing it, and took the golden fiddle.

7) Last mosquito moved, cast pull my finger with a soul stone and killed Lilith and the terror tot, damaging the mature nephilim.

8) Hog whisperer charged mature nephilim and did 3 damage




Turn 6:

1) Mature nephilim hit the hog whisperer who squealed away. He then hit the mosquito, knocked it aside and charged the hog whisperer, killing it.

2) Sommer moved out of melee range with the mature nephilim nearest him and shot at the further nephilim twice using dumb luck, and killed it.

3) The last mature nephilim charged sommer and killed him

4) The last mosquito moved up to the fiddle and buzzed very loudly because he was too insignificant to pick it up. (ok, technically he died when sommer did, but it made no difference and made for better pictures)

The game ended, the golden fiddle lying upon the bloodied grass. It was a draw.



* This was my biggest mistake of the game, a total waste of initiative. I should have moved the war pig out of transposition range.

** You may be wondering why I just let my gremlins die, but I had no cards in my hand above a six, and this netted me four cards. All of which, it turned out, were a jack or higher. Plus, I had no desire to let the terror tot kill a gremlin and grow.

*** My opponent was under the impression that once my pig made it into the 3” radius of allure, its charge would end. Which is questionable, since the charge began outside of the 3” radius. Perhaps I’ll ask about this. But, it was irrelevant once I reminded him that a pig charge isn’t an actual charge, but a push interrupted by a melee strike and proceeded to gore Lilith’s face off. However, it is worth noting that had he used defensive stance here, Lilith would have almost certainly lived. Plus, I got very lucky on the initiative and he had been burning soul stones to attempt to change that, to no avail. So he was out when the pig mauled Lilith.

All in all a very fun game.

Edited by Justin
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Turn 5 step 5:

You forgot to mention that I flipped an ace which allowed you to make a straight damage flip and cheat it to severe.

Guess it was a bad time to play test an ability. Alluring doesn't seem worth thinking about...

Well, I suppose its good for keeping enemies in melee with her, but the "cannot charge" portion is just rubbish!

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Turn 5 step 5:

You forgot to mention that I flipped an ace which allowed you to make a straight damage flip and cheat it to severe.

Guess it was a bad time to play test an ability. Alluring doesn't seem worth thinking about...

Well, I suppose its good for keeping enemies in melee with her, but the "cannot charge" portion is just rubbish!

Warpigs get a +flip on damage when they pigcharge, so I would have been able to cheat no matter what. The problem is hitting her and -- had you been in defensive stance -- you would have had three cards and if a single one of them had been a 10, I would not have been able to hit her with even a king...and I didn't even have a king.

You're right about alluring, though. Lowering defense is always good, but the "can not charge" portion makes very little sense to me. Doesn't really matter, Lilith is good enough. And since when have you started using the word "rubbish?" You're American, damnit.

You also didn't beeline straight for sommer with Lilith and cut his head off like you usually do. I appreciate you trying to make the battle report more interesting. Or screwing up because you were tired. Either way, thanks.

And thanks for the compliments seabook, perplexti, nick and n0signal!

Edited by Justin
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  • 2 weeks later...
card's aren't in front of me, but doesn't gore just give a damage boost on pigcharge, not a +flip? Unless you are pointing out the obvious of always getting a + on charging...not just pigcharge.

You're right, gore doesn't give you a +flip for damage during a pig charge. However, under the description of pig charge, it says you get a +flip on damage.

But keep in mind you don't get a +flip for charging during a pig charge. Despite the deceiving name, a pig charge isn't actually a charge, just a push interrupted by a melee strike. Which is nice, because you could still make a normal charge if you so chose (and weren't stampeding).

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