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Get yer tats out!

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In my circle of best friends I am the only one that does not have a tattoo. They all have at least one nerd Tattoos.

I'm as nerdy as the next guy but not really the type to get a Tat, plus it would have to be something really meaningful since its gonna spend the next 30+ years living on my body. I have debated getting my sons name written in Arabic on my arm though. Either that or a Samurai holding a Pizza :)

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Bug King - well done sir!

Fangrot - I have your album! Worked with Kenny for a while when he moved to Glasgow. Small world.

3Wolf - I hope your tats have the same affect as this (read the reviews)


Tattoos don't have to mean bugger all, look at Bug King for example. It's pure hedonism! I just realised that my facehugger and pumpkinhead are pretty damn geeky too. GEEKS RULE!

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@Bugking, I didn't realize having your nickname tattoo'd was nerdy... cause I have had "Maple" tattoo'd on my arm since I was 17. Crap... I guess it is kind of nerdy.

Heh, I've got my nickname "Soup" tattooed in chinese on the side of my neck actually. So lets band together with our nerdy tats....and things :)

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I may win the nerdom contest here - I have a tattoo of a Neopets Faerie Kau just above my left ...er, um, yeah - looks just like this, without the animated sparkles of course. Very girly, I know, but hey - I'm a girl.


I'd say I want pics. But given your reticence to even mention the location I am afraid to. Looks cute though.

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Well, here yaz all go's.





I've affectionately named the facehugger "Scamper" and he generally raises a lot of comments. My favourite one being "Why's your spider got a tail?".

The Cryx logo, well, I always wanted the Mark of Slaanesh, but since GW went and screwed their games I'm glad I didn't. This doesn't just show my allegience to the Nightmare Empire but also to wargaming as a whole.

Pumpkinhead and Greebo were done by a friend of mine during his apprenticeship, hence why they're not so good. Pumpkinhead is especially rubbish but I'm working on getting him tarted up.

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...well, I always wanted the Mark of Slaanesh, but since GW went and screwed their games I'm glad I didn't...

Good thing you didn't. You'd be getting a cease and desist letter in the mail for infringing on their IP... then they would require you to remove the skin their IP image was tat'd on.

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