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Gamer first, or modeler??

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Just asking the community a quick question;

Are you a Gamer first then a modeler, or a modeler first then gamer?

This is just strictly for fun and my own interest

I,for one, am a modeler first mainly because I can always find modeling time late at night, but gaming time relies upon arranging time with friends ( not always that easy with busy schedules and busy lives ).

make your stance here and now! :wavey:

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Sadly, I am ever slipping further away from gaming and I mostly just paint/ model for fun. I need to get inspired to game again.

(It's also hard for me, havig just moved to IL, to meet people to game with. Sure, there is a game store close by, but I am kind of a shy guy {until you get to know me} and find it hard making new gaming friends... especially after leaving a gaming group of guys I have know for 7-ish years)

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Sadly, I am ever slipping further away from gaming and I mostly just paint/ model for fun. I need to get inspired to game again.

(It's also hard for me, havig just moved to IL, to meet people to game with. Sure, there is a game store close by, but I am kind of a shy guy {until you get to know me} and find it hard making new gaming friends... especially after leaving a gaming group of guys I have know for 7-ish years)

Show up at Games Plus on Saturday.

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Modeler only - don't play anything anymore and haven't for years. May try to save some money and pick up a copy of the new spacehulk though (just found out the LGS that I don't use has only sold one of their allotment whereas the LGS I DO support sold all of theirs in the first half an hour they had them!)

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I am 50/50. I won't play prepainted games, and I hate unpainted armies, tho if I don't get enough games in I go stir crazy and end up faction swapping. I need a healthy balance, so now I have been adding in terrain building/painting in the stretch to reach fully painted as well as doing commissions, that way there is always something to keep my hands busy in this mess of gaming.

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Gamer. If I didn't play the games I wouldn't buy the minis. Although as I get older I don't get to play nearly as much as I like so at the end of the day I probably have more time to paint. But in the end the reason I get these things is to push them across a table and have them fight other little metal men. The painting of them is really just a perk hobby that comes with it.

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Gamer. If I didn't play the games I wouldn't buy the minis. Although as I get older I don't get to play nearly as much as I like so at the end of the day I probably have more time to paint. But in the end the reason I get these things is to push them across a table and have them fight other little metal men. The painting of them is really just a perk hobby that comes with it.

Ditto with this statement. I do enjoy painting and modeling also, which I usually have a lot more free time to do. As an odd side note, I usually do not get into games that are collectible or pre-painted. That is mostly because I see the painting and modeling as part of the hobby and I absolutely hate anything collectible.

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I don't actually know.

I'm a shark power gamer that likes to have a good time and doesn't mind to lose.

I absolutely hate painting. I (For the most part) refuse to play with figures other folks have painted and hate to play with unpainted lead.

I also have a rather unhealthy obsession with terrain.

Where that places me on the spectrum I have no idea.

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I don't actually know.

I absolutely hate painting. I (For the most part) refuse to play with figures other folks have painted and hate to play with unpainted lead.

I also have a rather unhealthy obsession with terrain.

sounds strangely familiar.....I am not great at painting, I make lots of terrain/scenery..... however I only get to game once a fortnight, so i can't claim to be much of a gamer either.....

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sounds strangely familiar.....I am not great at painting, I make lots of terrain/scenery..... however I only get to game once a fortnight, so i can't claim to be much of a gamer either.....

I didn't say I wasn't great at painting. I'm actually rather good. Certainly not professional level but I do win my fair share of local painting contests. :D

I just hate painting figures. It's easily my least favored aspect of this hobby.

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I didn't say I wasn't great at painting. I'm actually rather good. Certainly not professional level but I do win my fair share of local painting contests. :D

I just hate painting figures. It's easily my least favored aspect of this hobby.

lucky devil..... you will see soon enough the level of my painting, just as soon as my minis arrive and i start struggling to put paint to them.....

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I'd say 95% modeller/painter, 5% gamer. I'd game more, just I'd usually rather be painting/modelling. Though This game makes me want to play more! I'd like to be 60:40 in the next year or so.

I usually play board and card games too (and mostly with my fiancee). The gaming club near me meets on a Monday night and I don't feel like gaming after 12 hrs traveling/working.

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...also...for somewhat the same reason as Nilus, I got into the minis gaming in order to be able to use what i build ( or push them across the table as it were? ).

I have built models all of my life ( 39 years ), and one day about 15 or so years ago I thought " I wish I could do something with the things I build besides just hang them from the ceiling or sit them on a shelf! "

...enter the world of table top gaming! :-)

As my kids get older and I find myself with a little more free time I get more opportunity to game, but sadly the people I know all around me are just starting their families and find themselves with a waning amount of free time :-(

...ah well? IRL right?

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I can kinda paint, and have gotten better at it over the years, but I'm about a decade away from EricJ levels of awesome. And I'm an engineer by nature (and by career); I find it easy to think in 3D so modelling was never a problem for me (painting, aka faking 3D, on the other hand...).

As far as gaming goes.... an example: Bestia, one of my mates from our BB league, owns a D6 with 5 x 5 and 1 x 2 instead of the normal sides. I rolled it seven times in a row once and got straight 2's. It's a gift, and I've lost the receipt to return it :P

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Gamer first. I paint, but it's not my fav activity ever. But I do it because I like the end result. I do a little converting now and then, but not too major. I do it when a fun idea strikes me. It's always more fun than painting, it seems.

So I guess you could say: Gamer, converter, painter. With gamer as the clear leader.

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Modeller/Painter first.

Gaming is like the creamy center of a Long John donut. It's great when it's there, but doesn't ruin it if it's not.

...LOL...me likes the analogy!

...also...I see that ' Incursion ' has struck your interest? Me too. I will be starting a build on some small wall sections to match the board map. The wall sections will be mounted on thin, flat wood pieces, and the wood will be fastenable to the appropriate gameboard section by Velcro ( so the sections don't go skittering around the playing area ).

I am having an enlarged printout of the whole gameboard made and then I'll be having it laminated with really thick laminate from a local print shop.

pics to follow, but first I'm finishing up my Malifaux stuff to get gaming!


- wetdigestive.

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