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Everything posted by cheaky

  1. I'm concerned with bowing of the MDF. I'm trying to make some modular terrain with 12mm MDF that has already been precut into 30cm squares (near enough to 1 foot). And due to some temperature changes and humidity changes, they have all bowed slightly (though I've fixed it now, I need to find a way to stop it happening again). And I was just wondering how they stopped the 3mm MDF from doing the same thing given the thicker the wood, the more resistant it is to warping and bowing. The idea with the magnets is great.
  2. I'd love to see an improved version of the book. The current book is very good, but it would be nice to have some "hobby" advice and examples.
  3. nice distribution of results. I was worried that I'd see one or two really popular factions or one really unpopular one.
  4. we should really start a group terrain thread where we can post pictures and inspiration for other projects. and the tree looks pretty cool!
  5. I was just starting to do the same! Nice pictures and good idea with the double sided Can't wait to see more
  6. damn, this is gold. It's one of those few "ah ha" moments! I hate windows. Nice work, get back on the "john"
  7. repainted the steamborg. Still got a bit to do, but I think I'm happy with it so far. I need to pick up some matt varnish, then I can do a little bit of rusting. Comments and criticism would be much appreciated! cheers, cheaky
  8. Thanks I thought it might make him look a little crazy. I wanted to add some washed out red around the eyes, but my skills are not so good yet. DeafNala: It kind of saddens me to know that I completly cleaned this bench last weekend while I was waiting for the wyrd stuff to arrive. I've scrubbed the steamborg, I can't get the skin right. I want it pale and slightly green. I am happy with the metal parts of the steamborg (blue/purple colour) so that will be easy to replicate. Love metal sometimes, so easy to scrub.
  9. Updates! I am keeping on my schedule, NEVER thought that would happen. I thought I'd show off some WIP pictures of my steamborg. Still got a fair bit to fix up, but you get the basic idea. I am tossing up whether to weather it, with a little rusting, or not. I might gloss it once I am finished then weather it, if it looks bad I can just wash it off (I use a rust mixture made by leaving steal wool in vinegar and it results in a realistic rust pigment type stuff. the display board as is And here is my garage, with my table and gaming table piled up with stuff. I'm pretty messy, I guess that's why I'm not aloud to do hobbey stuff inside Comments? criticisms? Cheers, Cheaky
  10. I just used REALLY strong superglue. Q-bond, automotive grade superglue. I'd green stuff them or use a small amount of araldite if you can't get a strong superglue. Best of luck.
  11. I'd say 95% modeller/painter, 5% gamer. I'd game more, just I'd usually rather be painting/modelling. Though This game makes me want to play more! I'd like to be 60:40 in the next year or so. I usually play board and card games too (and mostly with my fiancee). The gaming club near me meets on a Monday night and I don't feel like gaming after 12 hrs traveling/working.
  12. Thanks for the comments ecthelion: It's already been baked. It's not difficult. Only 15minutes at 130*C for every 6mm thick. The thickest part was a little over 12mm so I baked it for 30 min. I'm going to buy some more sculpy and try and add some "bark" to it. I'll see how this turns out before deciding whether to put it into the display base or not. DeafNala: Totally agree, but my main concern was whether it looked good enough! I'll see when I bark it up. I think the posing of the steamborg is perfect for this pose, as it leans backwords naturally. I've done a little conversion by adding a tinny tight spring from the gap between the shoulder blades and his head, which I'll green stuff over to look more natural! I've decided to buy another 3 blisters of spiders as I think it will look cool with the display base crawlin with them. I'll have one on ramos base and one or two on the borgs base, and some more scattered between the borg and the two swarms so they don't look delibertly placed on the bases. Also, I was reading the rules at work today and I see, counters are important . So I'm going to buy a heap of bases (well those equal to how many counters I would drop) and scratch build some nice mechanical junk! Thanks for the comments again! cheers, cheaky.
  13. After much waiting I finally recieved my crew (actually not that much waiting, I just wanted them ASAP!). I love display boards and when I first saw this game, I thought it would be a great opportunity to theme up some small crews for play and display. After reading your chronicals volume 3, I realised I could use super sculpey to bulk out trees (I always tried grout mix and pva or powder putty and pva which work, but not that well) and it worked great, which gave me the idea to use it for the texture of the display base. Anywho. I was pretty inspired by the gencon 09 swamp board (wish I could have seen it in real life!), so I have chosen to place the crew in a swamp. The pictures don't really show it, but the areas that are marked red are lower than the surroundings and I'm going to use water effects there. Close up of steamborg. I want him to be running forword: Not sure if I'm going to use the tree I made, but we'll see (I don't want it too tall) and I want it to look good. I made it for some terrain. (not finished, need to get to herns hobbies for some woodland scenics supplies) To finish this crew, I will buy another base of arachnids (and another to put on the board (I want to have a spider running under the steamborg), a brass arachnid. I hope to start painting Saturday (which means the Saturday after!) Comments? wish me luck.
  14. Massaen, that will be great if they let it [url=http://worldsendradio.com/?p=133#comments]
  15. oh nice I love this podcast, but wish they talked about other games too. Hopefully they start too. I need more malifuax to listen to on the way to work. thanks for the heads up
  16. Wish I could go! If I could live anywhere else in the world, it would be seatle. So much goodness. Nice demo table.
  17. Hey thanks! Yeah, I don't play them often, wish I could more but I'd usually rather paint than play. But I play arkham horror, starcraft (when I can be bothered!), enjoy game of thrones when I can get 2 other people over that want to play. I picked up infernal contraption last week. Hoping to play that tonight and I've played the a game of thrones LCG a few times too.
  18. hey, This game looks amazing, love the fluff, the models and the mechanic looks really interesting. I was thinking before how its not truly random. If your deck is not properly shuffled, you may end up getting a lot of high end cards/low end cards at the start and that limits later game play. I think thats cool, and changes the way you play. I have ordered the book, and the miners and steamfitters union, but I plan on getting more later (doubt anyone around here plays, so ill need to get more.) I figure you can own everything from wyrd for the price of a standard 2k warhammer army, well almost. I spend 90% of my hobbie time painting/converting and well very little time gaming (have not played a proper war game for about 5 years, which is disappointing). Though I try to play more board games (FFG stuff). I'm looking forword to making a nice display base with the models and painting them. The game is so fluffy and characterful I love it. Just wanted to say hi here, and hopefully I can have my minis in a week or two!
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