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what else do you play?


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WM/H: I dropped the games when PP showed the field test (which sucked big time imo). Since the final version took quite a few steps back from the dumbing down process they had put WM through, I'm thinking about playing again.

C3: never really stopped, I even bought quite a few models for a new army at the Chimera hobby booth at gencon (good deals too)

Hell Dorado: or how throwing down years of development to get fantastic models and a cool ruleset by taking a few amazingly stupid decisions. Despite the announcement that Cipher bought the game and is working on it, I'll believe it's not dead when I see new stuff coming out.

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Infinity, a lot. Rockin' game for tactics and sci-fi.

Would play Helldorado, but this game put the kabash on that front. I love this game, have the income to play others, but there really isn't much room for multiple fantasy skirmish games in our area and we're moving forward with Malifaux.

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Games I've played this year:




Magic: The Gathering

D&D 4th ed. Eberron

A Game of Thrones LCG


Aye Dark Overlord

Space Hulk

I've bought a bunch of other games that I've yet to play like Anima Tactics, Cutthroat Caverns, Illuminati, Red November and my Malifaux stuff just came in this week.

Games I use to play:

Warhammer 40k

Warhammer Fantasy



Epic 40k




Heavy Gear

Magi Nation

Alien vs Predator tcg

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Currently not playing because:

Uncharted Seas (only other player is very occuped at the moment)

Malifaux (no other players in my area)

WH40K (cause it su*** and I don't want it any longer. Screw 5th Ed)

Epic Armaggeddon (no active players.. :( )

Anima: Beyond Fantasy (completely unbalanced, no rulebook for 3 years, no fun)

WHFB (it su***, too)

Currently playing:

Shadowrun RPG 4th (but it's dying 'cause our master nearly killed the whole group on run one and sees no mistake in his actions.)

Blood Bowl (cause it's the greatest game ever invented by GW :D)

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Played this year:


Space Hulk


Wings of War

Full Thrust


Building armies to play this year:


Atomic Cafe

Strange Aeons/Cosmic Horror

Have played in the past:


Hordes of the Things


Foundry Wild West/18th Century rules

Principles of War



RPG's played in the Past none recently:

Ars Magica

Call of Cthulhu



SLA Industries


Over the Edge

Star Wars (West End Games)



Most exciting forthcoming release:

Kingdom Death (http://poots.com/peoples/kingdomdeath/)

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Currently playing:

Lord of the Rings/War of the Ring (both)

Warhammer Fantasy Battles


Space Hulk (soon!)

D&D 4th Edition

Shadowrun 2nd Edition

Own and wish to play but hard to find opponents/players:


Hell Dorado


Traveller RPG

Serenity RPG

Games I'd love to see make a "come back":



Games/Companies I won't touch with a 10-ft pole:

Anything Rackham (unless they come out with a proper fantasy skirmish game)


Games I might be interested in the future:

Uncharted Seas

Blood Bowl

Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader RPGs

Battlefleet Gothic

40K (when new Tyranid dex comes out)


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I've got a pretty similar mix to everyone else (I've just been squeezed for playing time of late):


40K (yay Space Puppies!)



Song of Blades and Heroes

Blood Bowl (online version too)

Pulp City



D&D 4th Ed





What I've had my eye but not played yet:

Space Hulk

Chaos in the Old World

Eclipse Phase


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Over the years I have played too many games to list here...... waaaaaaay too many!!

But here are my current faves:

- Malifaux

- Dark Age


- Blood Bowl

- Warmachine

- Dogs of War (modern skirmish)

- Savage Worlds

- SLA Industries

- Runequest

- Dungeon Twister

- Formula De

- Space Hulk

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Minis I used to play:

WH40k - Tau & some 'Nids

Confrontation / Rag'Narok / Hybrid / DoW - from the beginning; I just love Rackham (well, I did until they dumped the metals). Cynwall, Griffin and some Orcs and Dirz

Blood Bowl - Greenskins

I also tried myself in Warmachine but didn't really get the hang of it. :(

Played some Necromunda and a little Mordheim, but nothing serious.

RPG's were DnD, Vampire and some Hungarian stuff (in case someone else from Hungary reads this: NOT m.a.g.u.s.)

I ran 1 game of Cadwallon and have most of the minis but never really got into due to me moving. Funny that no one mensioned it (Cadwallon) before... is it that unpopular?

Plus any board games that come across, including chess and backgammon. :)

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Infinity, Infinity, Infinity

the system rocks, the fluff is thought provoking and open to lots of great intrigue and the models are stunning.

Stopped playing 40k a while back, and haven't played Warmachine in a year.

Now all my energies are in Malifaux and Infinity.

I would love to continue playing Helldorado though.

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