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what else do you play?


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just curious really, how many of us play the same things, im mean i could list all the games i have but that would be too many so whats your favourite ones you play?

mine =


tannhauser board game

war for edhad card game

infinity miniatures game

mordheim miniatures game

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yes, much easier to list what i play as opposed to what i own!

Flames of War




AEWWII is on the wheel (just picked it up)

Ideally i would play all of them more often. stinkin' school, wife, kid, dog, job.

I will say that since Gencon i have gamed 5 times and all 5 have been Malifaux!

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Here is what I regularly play, and by regularly I mean what I have played in the last year.

Minature games


Space Hulk

Hell Dorado Occasionally

Pulp City soon

Maybe Warmachine again after MKII comes out

Board games

Battlestar Galactica

Last Night on Earth

A Touch of Evil


Legend of the Five Rings

D&D 3.5


Might play/run a Cthulutech game at some point soon.

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Currently I'm playing:



40K (really like 5th edition)


Warmacine/Hordes (don't really play to much anymore, I feel the current rulesset breaks down beyond 500 points IMO, not sure if I want to reinvest for MK II)


And a sprinkling of Carcasone, Blokus, Zombies, Ticket to Ride and a few other boardgames.

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Lets see Mini games



Pulp City


Uncharted Seas

Board Games

Last Night on Earth

Chaos in the old world

WoW adventures

and I have many more that I have and will play


Castle Faulkinstein, steam punk system that uses playing cards

DnD and the many incarnations of the 3.whatever systems

and my own Infinity RPG that I have been working on

I also have a few non-collectible card games,


Hex Hex


Video Games

Batman Arkham

Bioshock, got it cheap and I am playing it for the first time.

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nilus, being a bsg fan myself, whats the boardgame like?

A lot of fun and honestly I was surprised how much I liked it. Its one of my favorite games at the moment. It plays well in a large group(5 or 6 players). It has an interesting mix of mechanics to simulate both the Political aspect of the show and the space battle stuff. The hidden Cylon mechanics are a lot of fun.

Its a game where it is really hard to win as Humans, but its a lot of fun when you do. It gets even better with the Pegasus expansion as well(which adds a whole additional end game phase involving New Caprica). I can't wait for the inevitable third expansion.

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wicked, ill look into getting that, is it ok for 2 players as well or better if you have more, we usually play tannhauser for board games, which is great

Sadly unless you use optional rules(I think they are on FFG site) you can't even play BSG 2 players. I think its a minimum of 3 and best with 5 or 6(can play up to 7 with the expansion).

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Although I haven't played much of anything lately:


Confrontation 3/3.5

Spinespur (on occassion)

I have mini's for a number of other games, but don't have folks to play with.

I am looking forward to MERC mini's introducing their game, as the minis are very appealing to me.

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My fav's are:

Warmachine (Cryx)

Malifaux (duh! Arcanists and Resurrectionists with a side helping of Zoriada and Gremlins)

Hell Dorado (Demons, can't wait for Cipher to bring this back to life!)

Infinity (Haqqislam, Ariadna and Nomads, although never really got the hang of Nomads)

and the ever indomitable BLOOD BOWL (Chaos Dwarves, Orcs and Halflings)

I will be playing Warlands as soon as the book's released!

I dabbe with:

Necromunda (Ratskins)

AEWWII (Germans, but lost interest pretty quickly. The occult expansion looks cool though)

Board Games:

Space Hulk


Zombies!!! (even the girls play this one!)

Computer Games:

Utterly in love with Fallout 3. It has ruined all other games for me. Waiting with bated breath for Blood Bowl and Mass Effect 2 (which is the only game I can see taking over Fallout, until the next Fallout's released then the whole hideous cycle begins again)

I still play Magic occasionally, usually drunk with my flatmate.

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I have played all of these in the last year.

Strange Aeons

Hell Dorado


Uncharted Seas



Wargods of take your pick

Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer 40K

Battlefleet Gothic


Epic Armageddon



Man O' War

Space Hulk (1st Ed and current)

War of the Ring

Blood Bowl

Played a little Magic her and there and a few boardgames including:




Ticket to Ride Europe

I haven't touched Warmachine since before Christmas, and don't see myself stepping back into it.

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I play Warmachine and Hordes - long time Cygnar player, but recently ditched them for the Retribution, which is a faction that seems tailor made for me. Play pretty competitively in hardcore format.

I dabble in infinity and AEWWII. Casually on both fronts. I play Pan-O in Infinity and Americans in AEWWII.

Malifaux, clearly. Just getting started, but already have crews with several masters. Leveticus is my main focus, but i plan on dabbling in Nicodem, Sonia, Perdita, Ramos, Pandora, and Lilith when all is said and done.

RPG's: I play in a long running (like, 9 years) shadowrun campaign. Still have the same character from the first day i started too. :) I'm not a big RPG guy but its with some of my best friends and the GM is a really good story teller.

Past that i like gaming RPG's of all sorts (open world, non-linear types are my favorite - stuff like Fallout 1, 2, and 3, Mass Effect, Oblivion, etc - anything where i'm not hammered into a linear story and can just tool around is great with me), and play Team Fortress 2 on Steam.

Boardgames: I'm a scrabble junky. My girlfriend and I play 2-3 times a week. :) It's not unusual for our scores to be like "high 400's vs low 500's". :D And we are nazis with one another when it comes to the game. :)

-- Haight

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I've been playing since '87 and Rogue Trader! God, i feel old!


Wings of War


Uncharted Seas

Wargods of (both; Typhon and Spartans)

Warhammer Historical (especially Great War)

Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer 40K

Battlefleet Gothic


Epic Armageddon



Man O' War

Space Hulk (all 3)

War of the Ring

Blood Bowl

Confrontation and AT-43 occasionally

Crusader (historical)

Future War Commander

Just don't ask me how many I've actually got round to painting yet!! :mad:

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I've still got a garage full of Confrontation models and 3 or 4 of them are large enough to make 5000 point armies in the new system. I also have the same for AT-43, 3 5000 point armies.

I haven't played a game of AT-43 in over a year, and am currently converting Acheron undead to be in my Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Counts. We don't care what you use locally, as long as it's clear. One of our guys is using Wolfen as an Ogre Kingdoms, to the point of rewriting the OK army book to match with Wolfen.

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