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What to add to Lillith's crew?


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Don't ever discount the possibility of ordering more Nephilims. Lillith's group works well right out of the box, and if you are going for bigger games, having more of something that works well isn't a bad idea. You could always pick up another pack of tots and another Mature Neph.

I assume you are probably looking for more variety than that though, and I'm sure there are lots of other nice choices as well within the Neverborn minions. Also, don't forget about the Outcast mercenaries. Lillith's crew packs a lot of punch as is, and the Outcast mercenaries do a lot of the same, so they could provide some of the same style if you wanted to stick to that theme without buying more Nephilims.

I'm sure more well versed players can offer better suggestions than I can though. Good luck, and have fun. Lillith is a fun and effective crew that's fairly simple to learn.

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I know it's not out yet, which makes this post fairly pointless to you, but a woldgiest is great what with Lilith making her own forest! Sorrows could be useful with a terrifying model kicking about, keep a sorrow behind the mature neph and whenever a terror test is failed, that's one damage which could make all the difference! If you use sorrows Kade would be a nice addition too, not only can he cause more terror checks but he's a sneaky little melee beast too!

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I'd say the Hooded rider for awesome factor. And Doppleganger for the ability to copy some of lilith's and or Niphilim abilities etc. Also, I think in this way you are keeping a more pure Lilith crew. Only Niphilim and "unaligned" neverborn. Not withstanding that, i'd say take more terror tots and young niphilim.

*edit* sorry, you'd have to make/proxy hooded rid/dopple. I guess i'd recommend more terror tots. Or another Mature Niphilim. Though i think you'd have more flexibility due to the increased activation count if you took the tots.

Edited by Thortheviking
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  • 1 month later...

I'd say one of the problems Lilith will face is handling ranged attackers. She's got her Illusionary Terrain spell to provide some cover as she makes her way into melee range, but in larger fights it might help to have a little ranged support. Looking at the mercenaries, Hans might make a good choice. His long range support just might give those shooty crews (Perdita and the Oretegas) something else to think about while Lilith and her Nephilims rush into melee.

Are there other ways or better ways to help give Lilith's crew some ranged support? What do the pros think?


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I would suggest another pack of Terror Tots for her crew, they really work well for the added rush/swarm list.

For range I would have to suggest one of my favorites- the Convict Gunslinger. He will cost 6 SS, but his triggers are good both on def and att. Not to mention his general awesomeness use of his Peacebringer pistols.

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Here are some ideas. I read thru this post and another and this is what I did:

I bought bits for a GW Wood Elf Dryad and made my own Waldgeist. With the extra Dryad pieces I got I am going to make Lilith's forest terrain.

I am using a GW LoTR ring wraith as a hooded rider.

I have a Judge I picked up at Gen Con that I will use as a Doppelganger.


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I've proxied the Hooded Rider with her to good effect, and the Waldgeist should work well too w/ Illusionary Forest.

I probably wouldn't buy Sorrows separately unless you're sure that you won't want to get the Pandora box later on. It's just more efficient to get the box.

The problem though is that the Rider, Waldgeist, and Doppelganger aren't out yet so you'll need to come up with some reasonable proxy models to use for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally have ordered the Lilith boxset, and if you have played it at yet, you realize that it has a lot of potential for growth inside itself. The Terror Tots become Young Nephilim, who may in turn grow into Mature Nephilim. I would suggest picking up another Mature for sure (lol that rhymed) and as soon as the Young Nephilim are released, grab a couple of those nasty little suckers. As is, utilize the many great models that the Neverborn have to offer, and enjoy the beatstickery that is Lilith!

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Thing is, in the 5 or so games i have played with the starter set i have NEVER been able to get the grow spell off. It simply becomes an opportunistic thing to do rather then basing your strategy on it. I find the highercards are better played when you hit the enemy lines and using sprint then trying to get the grow off.

As for adding to her crew, i find Candy very cool

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I've also tried Candy with the Lilith starter box and found her to be a useful addition. She's able to give a healing flip that can either support Lilith or the Mature Neph or to help one of the Young Neph live a little longer. The other thing I like is her spell that lets her have people turn their own weapons on themselves (I don't remember the name of the spell.) That and her ranged weapon give a little ranged support to Lilith's box set.

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Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker? I'm not sure if that helps... Here, let me start over!

Candy is awesome, especially if she has one or two sorrows to buddy up with! Baby Kade is another fun beatstick, but isn't exactly something that Lilith didn't have already.


Let me say that I completely agree with Snuggler on this. Lilith's Crew is a face-biter, if you include the fact that Young Nephilim's can come into play. Baby Kade, I have found, makes a great addition. He causes some pain, and once the Teddy comes out, I'll be running both with Lilith.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using Candy to expand my boxset in quite a few games and I'm happy with the extra support she offers.

Sweets is a no brainer and helps keep those tot around just a little longer for growth. When keeping Candy back with Liliths high def + fast + master of malifaux I can withdraw whenever I feel like and receive free healing flips.

Self loathing is no slouch at dealing out damage.

The kicker for me is Sours though, poison on either Lilith or the Mature ensures 1 shotting a lot of minions on 1 severe damage flip (6 + 2 from poison).

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