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Ramos help


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I've only played one game with him, but I was actually very impressed with how he did. It seems to me that Ramos is all about buffing up his team instead of doing direct damage.

When I played I took Ramos, 2 Arachnid Swarms, and the Steamborg in a 30 soulstone game. I found the best use for Ramos was to advance him up and then have him stand in the eye of the storm casting spells. I'd salvage scrap counters, then crank out an arachnid, whose whole job was to run interference in case someone got too close. Then later, I'd sacrifice the spider to heal as necessary.

Usually this left me with a free action to cast. I usually used either Arcing Screen, or electrical creation. The latter was especially fun because you were sending out floating bombs essentially. Arcing screen was a little less useful because of its short range, but it did act as a deterrent. The attack spell I'd only use if I had no other option.

Basically, I let the other guys do the heavy lifting and have Ramos be the director. The steamborg is pretty simple to use : point at enemy and let him go. The arachnid swarms really impressed me because they got a healing flip every turn and they could paralyze an enemy. Plus when in melee the sheer number of attacks they got was simply impressive.

Dunno if that helps, but like I said, only played one game.

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Ramos himself is a support caster and can seem weak when used incorrectly. I try and keep Ramos about 6+ inches from my front lines so if an enemy breaks through he's got a little bit of room to maneuver. Arching screen is great, but I usually like letting the totem cast it rather than Ramos because of the 3" range. Construct spider/ electrical creation are both very useful, but hard to pull of with out the right control hand... sometimes your actions are better spent somewhere else. I have found electrical fire to be very useful to whittle down enemies before the spiders move in to finish the job. Nice damage, good range, and an easy to achieve casting total = one very useful spell. (Don't necessarily put Ramos in a dangerous position in order to cast electrical fire on someone, but if the right opportunity presents itself, don't be afraid to zap them.)

Ramos is a delicate master, but if handled well can be very lethal. (Despite what AOM says, Lilith isn't actually all that...I've killed her using Ramos despite her having maxed out SS. Take that, Neverborn! :D)

As far as running a Ramos crew goes, my favorite list is:



8 steam spiders

Totem or 2 extra SS

What I usually like to do is use Joss as an immediate threat, forcing my opponent to focus on killing him. (Even if my opponent doesn't fall for it and go after Joss, its still a win/win because left to his own devices Joss can be quite the lethal fighter.) Meanwhile, I move up my spiders individually (not in swarms) using terrain to keep from taking too many bullets. Once in melee range, I pick a target and latch on with a few spiders while the rest swarm together and attack. I can kill almost anything in one turn this way, since the swarms have melee master and the individual spiders lower the defense of the target enough to usually ensure positive fate. I usually wait to detonate the spiders until I've whittled the enemy down enough that my spiders out number his forces at least 2:1 (sometimes even 3:1), however sometimes I'll detonate one or two if a really juicy target comes along. (Don't detonate all your spiders too quickly, though, or you'll soon find Ramos all by his lonesome.)

Sorry for the long post, hope at least some of it is useful!

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Im with Angus Khan, my go to's are joss and the solo spiders and they gather as needed.

His listed tactics mirror my own as well. One of the best things about Ramos is that offensively he has spiders and electrical creations that can inflict damage that cannot be stopped. Defensively he has arcing screen that inflicts damage that cannot be stopped.

So if good old lilith with her 8 soul stones is across the table, well I horde 7+ of tombs like mad so i can make electrical creations/spiders to my hearts content. I have yet to make 3 electrical creations and one spider in the same turn but one day...one day it will happen!

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As people here have said, spider bombs and electrical creations are key. Unresistable damage is king and Ramos forces your enemy to spread his army out otherwise blast damage kills the entire enemy army.

There's a lot you can do army wise with Ramos. The usual is 1 big creature and the rest being spiders. Though you can make the big thing a spider swarm, or 2-3 and go crazy. It's a lot of fun. You do have to keep Ramos close so he can create more spiders.

It's all about attrition, swarming, locking enemies in combat, and blowing up your guys.

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I believe Ramos is actually one of the better masters. However he requires more skill to run. He is not a straightforward figure and can't be used as a offensive beat stick.

I agree with the above on taking some single spiders although i have a hard time NOT taking a Steamborg considing how lethal it is. I find my opponents concentrating on the borg while my spiders gain a strong striking position and Ramos remains in cover pumping out spiders. Even then, my borg tends to take out 1 if not 2 figures before he falls.

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  • 2 months later...
Any thoughts on Alyce with Ramos?

The +2 card draw is amazing, but that does mean she has to stay close to Ramos... This is unfortunate because she is pretty good at both melee and ranged attacks. Her ability to make steampunk Aboms makes her perfect for a Ramos crew, since it allows for at least 3 constructs being summoned in one turn. (More if the brass arachnid is nearby...) Also, Burn Out is well suited for steamspiders, since they die quickly anyway.

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At 10ss Alyce is a tough sell. However the ability to draw 8 and keep six with a master that already has stoke is huge. Alyce can also drop snares to protect Ramos. The thing is that she takes up the big slot in a typical list. It's really hard to keep your spiders out of the crosshairs with Alyce on the table as you don't usually have that immediate must deal with threat that Joss and the 'brog present. She does bring headshot to the table though.

It's a tough sell certainly and makes a relatively steep road that much steeper.

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So I have now run Ramos. I brought Ramos, Joss, Alyce, brass arachnid, and one steampunk arachnid, leaving me with 8ss in game. I played against Marcus, rattler, sabertooth, 3 molemen, and she had 8 ss. I had slaughter, bodyguard, and hold out. Marcus had assassinate, and 2 sabotage.

When the dust had settled all that was left at the end of turn 5 was a sabretooth with 2wd. And Alyce ramos and the brass arachnid. Marcus had gotten his 2 sabatoge off early with the tiger.

My thoughts afterwards are these. Having joss active 3-4 times in a turn is amazing even if he does after (stoke, overload, and burn out) eapecialy with how easy burout it to get off with Alyce haveing an 8 cast. Second if you can lure in a melée oriented army to a swarm next to an electrical creation it is one big boom. As the explosion kill the electrical creation as well. Last between surge and alyce's 2 extra cards you can get off those hard casts with ramos.

In the future I think I will bring the student of conflict over the brass arachnid.

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My thoughts afterwards are these. Having joss active 3-4 times in a turn is amazing even if he does after (stoke, overload, and burn out) eapecialy with how easy burout it to get off with Alyce haveing an 8 cast. Second if you can lure in a melée oriented army to a swarm next to an electrical creation it is one big boom. As the explosion kill the electrical creation as well. Last between surge and alyce's 2 extra cards you can get off those hard casts with ramos.

Page 46 of the rulebook:

(*) Reactivate: The model may activate a second time this turn. A model may only Reactivate one time in a turn.

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So, I've now played 3 games with Ramos, and here are the additional things I've learned. One, Brass spider, reactivate, two spiders in the first turn, and then hopefully another spider, a reactivate, move up twice and, and electrical creation second turn is a really good opening gambit. You want Ramos in a little ways so that he can zap with electrical fire anything that gets close or heal his constructs, but do not overexpose him. Once he's in melee, he's basically useless.

Also, the electrical creation is a great ability. Automatic damage, with a low risk of going off at your own models. I love this little guy.

Oh, also? I really like the Ice Golem with Ramos. Gives his crew some much needed ranged/template attacks. I'm considering one ice gamen as well, for the extra damage buff and to have another non-insignificant model.

Edited by archangelq
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But he is talking about getting off reactivate TWICE in consecutive turns (which you need a natural 11+ tome as it can't be soulstoned) as well as TWO spiders (each of which requires a tome and probably a soulstone or two). Unless your hand starts largely filled with tomes (of which you should average 1.5 in your starting hand) this is not going to happen.

Edited by agorfein
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