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  1. Not in my experience. I've got some mixed with white/clear sand, and it hasn't yellowed at all. I think the idea that it yellow is actually from the glue that some folks have used with it. Elmers yellows over time, for example. I use Aleen's tacky glue for hobby projects for that reason, it isn't supposed to yellow, and I haven't seen it do so yet in about four years of using it.
  2. It says when he makes a melee strike action. So no, a charge gets you a melee strike, but in itself is not a separate action. Dangit, now I'm reminded of another Joss/Power token question, with flurry. Time to post my own thread
  3. Yes, but the post you quote specifically says 'melee alpha strike'. The Ortegas can alpha strike all right, but they are most definitely not fans of melee.
  4. Read swarm together and the split up ability more carefully The resulting, summoned model can't do the other action this turn. The game designers already thought of that infinite loop, and closed it.
  5. Oh, I knew it was that way for for the 'area' victory conditions. The bit I learned from our game is that they can't sabotage because of insignificant. ~/Tellin' all y'all this is sabotage/~
  6. Between the 2 def, and the protection of being multiple spiders so no one murdermachine can kill them, and the activation control you get by having them scattered, I'm going to have to say 'no'. I prefer to advance them upfield on their own until they have a juicy target.
  7. Breaking up for reconnoiter doesn't work. Check the wording on the insignificant rule. As for how to advance them up, I'm fond of starting joined, and then splitting fairly early on. Because of how the summon on them currently works, you get them a bit up field that way. That particular ruling is due to be rewored though, afaik. Not sure what the intent is at this point.
  8. More synergy maybe a bit, but Rasputina being able to hand out armor and blocking off LOS for shots is not to be underestimated, and the theme is rather good. Myranda could be thrown in a crazy cat lady list without breaking theme though.
  9. Yeah, certainly, but that doesn't help much when you have a limited stock of models. Now, granted, going up to a 50SS game with a limited stock of models is a bit of an odd move. We where doing an escalation league, and the new mini order hadn't come in due to a distributor stocking issue, so that's probably part of it as well. Worth considering. I think I'll stick with 25-35SS games for now, anyway
  10. Cool. Yeah, I went out and bought some 3'x3' boards (well, some 8'x4' boards and had it cut down), and am building up some boards of my own, but I may well look into them, as they are apparently local to me, about half an hour's drive. I've got one of their 4'x4' mats for WM, and it works great.
  11. And that local gamer would be me I see the steamborg as a great way to deal with a single target. I see the Ice Golem as a great way to deal with multiple targets. It all depends on what you are facing off against.
  12. Yeah, on a 3'x3' board, I don't think I'll have as much of an issue, even with slower masters. There are 'bad' matchups like Resputina with treasure hunt vs. Lilith or Marcus or Zoraida, where they can take your treasure and run the heck away, but at least then you can go try to beat them up, 3' across isn't quite so bad. But we where playing a 50 SS game, and I really don't think that even at 50 SS, that the game warrants a 4'x4' board. I think I'll challenge that same opponent to a friendly game, same lists and strategies, but a 3'x3' board, see if that one change deals with my concerns.
  13. That's more or less what I'm getting at, yeah. Not that drawing either one yourself is non-interactive, but that if you opponent draws it, there is incentive not to be interactive. Specifically against a 'control' oriented opponent (both Ramos and Rasputina are, and as such it seems legitimate to avoid them if you can win otherwise), if that opponent gets either of these two strategies, it's entirely possible on a 4'x4' board with a reasonable amount of terrain (meaning any that would hinder the slower masters down to lag behind their crew) that the opponent can just camp in or around their deployment and thumb their noses at you with the right schemes. As for randomizing schemes, that seems to be a less fun way to tackle the issue. I just wish there was some sort of in built meta objective to every scenario that was worth 1VP for either player, that forced control of the board. Something that would only come into play to break ties, perhaps.
  14. So, not sure where to put this. There isn't a specific 'general game feedback' section, and it isn't really a rules questions so, at least I'm not posting something 'off topic'. So here we go. So, we had a local league going, just wrapped up. My opponent and I, top two in the league, where both playing 50 SS Ramos/Rasputina crews, though beyond the masters, very different crews. However, he drew slaughter, I drew assasinate. So aside from my pick of a stake a claim scheme, there where no incentives for us to actually interact. If we'd both picked, say, bodyguard a few times, there would have been no reason to actually go get each other. As it was, I lost because I picked an interaction based scheme, though granted because I picked a bad spot. So, I guess my question is, with it being entirely possible for both players to draw slaughter and assassinate in some combination, and then pick schemes that are entirely based on defending themselves, such as holdout and bodyguard, where is the incentive for either player to actually interact, or to pick schemes that force them to interact? Moves, especially for some crews, are so slow, that getting to the opponents deployment zone in 6 turns is hard and pointlessly risky if your opponent has no incentive to move. Now, in a non-competitive environment, the obvious answer is 'don't be a jerk'. Got that. I'm talking about allowing a fun ruining exploit for competitive events.
  15. Yeah, how about no? I can see a convict gunslinger alt sculpt, because he's not unique, but Johan I figure will always remain disturbingly underclothed. If I want to use him, I figure I'll have to give him a shirt with some greenstuff Because honestly, in game, he's a good fit, and other than the chest thing, it's a nice sculpt.
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