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Scott Radom's Malifaux log


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Well I thought I'd start up one of these threads too. I have no real clue WHAT faction I will actually play when the game is released, but I have about 95% of the mini's collected, so I am lucky enough to be able to pick and choose what I want to paint. But that also means I get distracted too easily from painting up a single cohesive table force! Anyway, I liked the dead hookers so I painted up the boss chick lady. Nothin' fancy, but it felt great to paint something I knew I was gonna keep for gaming. Here she is....



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Thanks guys!

Pete, bug all you like! This mini was painted pretty darn quickly. The only thing I really sunk effort into was the flesh.

Nathan. Yes, I did like painting the bum. Was that wrong?

Eric. I tried utilizing a little blue/red into the flesh. I wound up going over most of the red areas (My deepest shades) with an olive green as the skin looked more living and less dead hookerish. I used a lot of really dilute GW blue wash (whatever the hell it's called. No wait! It's "Asurmen Blue". Whatever the hell that means. Ah hell... I just remembered that Asurmen is a Tzeentch special character. Damnit GW! You really got into my head! I don't even wann know how I know that!) and kind of enjoyed the effect. It's not really visible in the pics as I did it in the middle of the process and lots of glazes and stuff went over it, plus plenty of ole' faithfull GW "Leviathan Purple" wash. Which is the name of a Tyranid hive fleet if I recall. Damnit GW! Get out of my HEAD! Anyway, thanks for your input on skin tones with a previous mini, my Guild Executioner (which I know NOTHING about..... probably 'cause my head is STILL too full of GW.) and your reccomendation of more colors. I will have to be more bold in their use but I did enjoy a little experimentation on this model. I got scads of hooker's 'n zombies to play with color on, so I hope to keep spamming this place with more work.

Thanks for the comments everyone!

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