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Hi, I<ve been following the developement of malifaux for a few months and I have a few questions.

1- Will it be possible to have a small overview of the rules online, making it possible to have an idea of how the games plays before buying the full rulebook

2- All the stats card that were released were for characters. How will the star of generic models be (ex: bayou gremlin, steamborg). Will they all have spells, trigger and ability or will they simply make standard attacks

3- Do you have a shop in Quebec ,Canada, that<s gonna distribute the games.

thanks a lot

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The only real difference between named Minion characters (like Bishop or Rusty Alyce) and unnamed "generic" minions is that only one instance of a named character can exist in a crew.

In all other ways they share the same compliment of spells, triggers, and abilities. The Steamborg, in particular, has one of the more impressive triggers.

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It's not as impressive as it used to be. ;)

As for the rules preview, I'm sure that once the cat is out of the bag on August 13th, it will be easy enough to figure things out. If you can wait that long for the book, I'm sure another couple of days shouldn't be too painful. Still, I can say that this is one of the best rules sets I've run across, and the card mechanics are original, fun, and unique, rather than just choosing something different for the sake of being different.

To further add to the "generic" minions info, some of them are rarer than others. Many of these minions (Death Marshals, Punk Zombies, Bayou Gremlins, etc.) can be hired as many times as you've got stones for. Others have a cap on them to limit how many you see cropping up in games that size. The Convict Gunslinger is one such Rare model.

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1. Doubtful. All of our hinting around is probably the best you're going to get. However, as others, AoM in particular, have said, after Gencon I bet there'll be plenty of discussion about how the game works and a ton of rules questions for clarification. I (self-appointed advocate of the L.C.D.) and many of the others will be popping on regularly to help in the understanding of the game and answering a lot of those questions. I bet that if you follow those threads even loosely you'll have quite a lot of understanding for the game.

2. it's been covered, above, but think of the nature of the game. It's true skirmish where every model is absolutely unique. Although the easy answer is "yes" to each model having all the same kinds of stuff, really the sky's the limit for development. Surely some day you may see a model of absolute generic abilities with few to no spells, triggers, etc, but decent stats. As it is, though, spells and triggers and abilities are there for everyone even on a generic level.

3. That's really up to you and other gamers. Nathan and the Wyrd developers won't be able to insist a store or distributor carry the game, but gamers can kind of insist it with persistent requests. It's really the only way a store tries out a new game - when players keep asking for it. Don't just buy online! Ask them. It's not just good for your local economy, it's good for the overall longevity of the game if it's played all over the place.


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3- Do you have a shop in Quebec ,Canada, that<s gonna distribute the games.

Gamers' World in Montreal already has some of the Miniatures in stock and can order in whatever you're looking for, and I can tell you that they will be stocking the game as well as having event days on a regular basis (there's some interest in the game already and one of the staff members *innocent look* has been talking up the game as "the next big thing").

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lol, that's what we like to hear! Thanks Xenon :D

As for the questions. We are working on some things to help illustrate the rules for everyone, they should be ready shortly. We're just so busy making sure we have everything ready for a comprehensive release at Gencon and not dropping the ball on anything that a bit less time than we would have liked has gone into online, but it's very high on the post Gencon priority list.

I think the other questions were covered pretty well. We have definitely made a lot of effort to avoid any "boring" statlines, so that hopefully every model you'd take in a game will add to the playing experience and not just be another lump of metal to push around :)

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Gamers' World in Montreal already has some of the Miniatures in stock and can order in whatever you're looking for, and I can tell you that they will be stocking the game as well as having event days on a regular basis (there's some interest in the game already and one of the staff members *innocent look* has been talking up the game as "the next big thing").

cool, gamers worlds is the store I mostly go for my miniature. Tough I must admit I've never seen the mini in question.

Do they have some starter boxed sets.

Also, are the stats card included in the boxed set

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Also, are the stats card included in the boxed set

No boxes have the stat cards yet.

Those will be released at Gencon and then distributed in boxes thereafter.

However, if yuou buy a current box set it'll have a little redemption card # in there where you'll contact Wyrd and they'll send you some in about 3 weeks. I'm hoping they give me mine at Gencon. :)

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No boxes have the stat cards yet.

Those will be released at Gencon and then distributed in boxes thereafter.

However, if you buy a current box set it'll have a little redemption card # in there where you'll contact Wyrd and they'll send you some in about 3 weeks. I'm hoping they give me mine at Gencon. :)

What I'm curious about is "what about if you've bought boxed sets before then or have gotten old boosters without those redemption cards"?

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The faction decks for folks that have picked up miniatures over the years will be on hand at Gencon and available online here. We'll be releasing them in faction decks, no fancy packaging, just everything in one faction that has been released (so obviously, not Nurses, etc) will be together. The faction pack will be $5.

For folks that have only a few models or in the future will need replacements, they can be purchased for .50 each.

We'll be offering the faction pack until the end of the year as by that time folks will have had the chance to pick up everything that they've needed and it is one less thing that we have to keep on hand. We won't be selling these cards through retailers or distributors as we don't want to confuse customers as well as the fact that we're just not going to keep it up to date. In the future we may do something else more grandiose but that remains to be seen.

All miniatures shipped out as of next week, as well as the new releases, will have the stat cards included with them in the packaging. We'll also be sending along a load of cards to distributors as well so that they can update the packaging.

One of those things that I wish we could avoid but its one of those growing pains as well as having miniatures before game (we did it backwards .. :D ).

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1 of each card, HOWEVER, we've printed a different card for each of the 3 death marshals, 1 with a photo of each sculpt, so you'll get 3 death marshal cards, they're just different cards :D

What about steam spiders/ spider swarms? Are they the same way? (Going to need a lot of cards for all of those little buggers... ;) )

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We won't be selling these cards through retailers or distributors as we don't want to confuse customers as well as the fact that we're just not going to keep it up to date. In the future we may do something else more grandiose but that remains to be seen.

Snipped by me

So if I get this right I won't be able to get a faction deck from my FLGS, only from you guys right?

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So if I get this right I won't be able to get a faction deck from my FLGS, only from you guys right?


This is something we had a long discussion about last week and quite frankly I think it will serve only to confuse new customers seeing this, something along the lines of 'what .. I have to buy the stat cards seperate?' and we're wanting to avoid that.

Also, this way we can keep things cheaper quite frankly by having the stat cards in baggies and sending them on out instead of having to go through the process of getting packaging for them to go to retailers ... we could do that, and then of course, raise the price. Believe me, retailer packaging costs, particularly if you want to make it affordable and have to buy it in the several thousands.

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