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True Line of Sight?


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So, I was just sitting at my miniature table working on how I would like to base Rasputina and her crew, when a sudden thought struck me. Initially, I was going to use cork to create very large rock formations for all of the models. However, then I though, what if Malifaux is going to use true line of sight? Basing the models on cool scenic bases that resulted in considerable elevation would be a terrible handicap during the course of a game. Is there any information out about this? I need to know ASAP because I want to have the crew at least fully assembled for Gencon, and if I take the extra time to do very nice basing, I am going to need every second I can get.

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Although I can't say too much, if you look at the previewed stat cards the models do have a height stat already built into the game mechanics and their base size is listed as well...just sayin'.

Hmm, well if this is the best that is out there, I guess I will have to run with it. I have just never heard of a skirmish game w/o true LOS and each model having 360 degree vision. That being said, I have no idea how one would apply a restricted field of vision to such a game, so hopefully this height stat has some specific purpose. Perhaps all terrain has to have a designated height? It sounds a bit tedious if that is correct, but if it keeps my characters in cover and on scenic bases, I will work with it.

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but if it keeps my characters in cover and on scenic bases, I will work with it.

The game wants to support awesome looking models and did not want to disadvantage people who took a lot of time and effort to create really striking models and bases.

Similarly, it didn't want to encourage gamers to "game" basing and modeling their miniatures.

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basically, a model is defined by the size of it's base and it's height statistic, not the size of the conversion. We really wanted to create a system which was both VERY clear about what blocks line of site to what, while at the same time doing nothing to inhibit people from enjoying working on conversions and basework.

So if your model is Ht 2, and you mount it on a 5inch tall base, it will still be blocked by a Ht 3 piece of terrain or model, even if the model you put on the table is physically a lot taller. Similarly, you can't get away with someone converting Mature nephilim to be crawling on their hands and knees to ensure they're blocked by smaller models...it just doesn't work that way!

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You also don't get punished by having banners/pennants/arms/chains/etc sticking out past the edge of the base.

There are several skirmish games out there that don't enforce facing, the game encourages a speedy play style without a lot of nickel and dime rules-mongering. Tactics should be based on what the models are capable of, not which angle you stopped moving something that is, by its definition, still moving. ;)

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Once again, Wyrd is a miniature production and painting company first. That was at the forefront of a lot of what we did rules wise.

I'm sure all of you have had experience with a company that decides to walk away from its roots and how bitter that can make you feel. It's something that Eric, Kel and I kept in mind for a lot of the decisions about how to tweak things.

The game is very important of course (and I think that shows) but at the same time the creativity of the user base is easily just as important.

It is also what spawned some of the talks about having mandatory painting. Before we start that debate back up though I would like to remind all of you that we are talking about it behind the scenes and Eric will come out with an official ruling on that shortly.

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There's a lot of gamers that are also hobbyists that have designed and tested the game. Lots of experience behind it. There's a push to make it fun in all of its aspects without punishing you for doing something aesthetically. In fact, there might be rewards for using your imagination and presenting your models in a unique, kit-bashed sort of way.

Time will tell on that, but I wouldn't be surprised to see rewards for some mods.

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LOS and Ht issues in the game are so smooth, and the way you work it into terrain is completely natural. No one is going to have to go out and replace all of their terrain. Of course, everyone is encouraged to build awesome new terrain for Malifaux.

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sounds great, I think we're all thinking the more the better at the events, the more heads we can turn, the better chance people will jump on the malifaux train :D

If a train leaves the station at Indianapolis at 3:20pm on Sunday and another train leaves the Malifaux station at 4:45 on Monday... how long would it take before Killjoy breaks out of the baggage car and rampages through the Malifaux train before a gremlin switches the tracks and allows the Indy train to blow into the wreckage?

All math aside, theres already quite a few on this side of the states that are already ridin' the train!

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If a train leaves the station at Indianapolis at 3:20pm on Sunday and another train leaves the Malifaux station at 4:45 on Monday... how long would it take before Killjoy breaks out of the baggage car and rampages through the Malifaux train before a gremlin switches the tracks and allows the Indy train to blow into the wreckage?

Its a trick question. Killjoy can't be contained by a mere baggage car.

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