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34mm Medusa

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Pete's a fantastic sculptor.

I've several of the Sacred Blade minis, and am looking forward to more.

This one's a bit too cheese-cakey for me, but I appreciate the skill (and that lovely cleavage....Ladies, this is the type of cleavage that I like to see, please make a note of it)

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The Medusa is one of my favorite monsters, and wearing it as an embellishment on armors is actually historically supported. The Medusa is very closely linked to Athena and came to be a symbol of Athena's influence. Athena bound the head of Medusa into the center of Zeus's aegis and she would often carry it into battle.

Roman and Greek city states for which Athena was the patron (such as Athens) emblazoned their arms with the gorgoneion in a similar way to this character.

Gosh, sorry about that, I nerded up this topic pretty bad. Boobies?

Anyhow, I'm interested in getting this piece, just for the medusa nerdgasm she inspired.

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don't like the face...... Nt that it's a bad face it's just the hair and general look don't really suit the rst of the sculpt for me.. Still nie to se a nice sculpted mini.. wouldn't have missed not showing the boobies but at te same time always good to see a cleavage you could fit your head into.

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Should I consider myself lucky that I don't know who Lady Gaga is?

Or is this kinda like Günther in the respect that a lot of people can't stand him, but I think he's teh awesomes.

Gunther rules! It's a no no, but you like it!

And Lady Gaga is nowhere near as cool as Gunther. She's a very talented classically trained pianist who can sing a little, but her marketing and style are just annoying. She's also beyond eccentric.

Edited by Brushmistress
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