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This is me jumping on the band wagon.

The list:



Mature Nephilim

4 Nephilim





1 Steampunk Arachnid Swarms

Assembled and based / Converted

3 Steampunk Arachnids with Magnet Bases / 1 large base for Swarm

2 Steampunk Arachnids with Sculpted Bases


1 Steampunk Arachnid

Lets start this up guys!

Edited by TheBugKing
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Super fine White Milliput for the bases.

I love the stuff for sculpting bases. I am planning on making a bunch of bricks like the 'Borg has just broken through a wall for it's base. I figured Ramos would be most likely seen in town with brick roads and the like.

I kinda figured Ramos and his crew would be in a more victorian setting.

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Well yes. However they had brick roads in Victorian times! :D

It was either cobblestone (Which is harder to show damage and wear on) or brick. Brick won. :D

I may add some wood work or steps with some Victorian elements on a few of the bases. I do have 13 to do for this group.

The Neverborn present a bit more of a thematic challenge. I really like the studio ideas and that closely mirrors how I think their normal surroundings would look. The problem I have is that I will probably produce some themed terrain for my local games. If so I want the Neverborn to match that so I may just go with a similar basing style. Ah decisions decisions decisions! :D

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Keep em coming TBK. Cool stuff.

I have a question about the arachnid swarms I've been meaning to ask for some time now. Maybe you can help me since your in the Beta. It may not be a big deal, but I see you are basing them individually. Are they played as a "swarm" (mount all 3 on the 40mm base provided) or do they play individually and should be based seperately. Are you really going to have ten individual bases running around your gaming board? Plus they are such tiny models, I'm hesistant to give each one it's own base. I'm curious how the rules play them at the moment. Thanks.

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Both ways actually Peterdita.

I just happen to like them individually based at the moment. I'll be buying more that will be based 3 to a base. They will just come later.

I have been mulling a way to be able to use magnets to work both options, so I can switch them up depending on the composition of my army.

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Ok thanks. So I take that as both will have some sort of profile. There will be stats for an individual arachnid, and then a seperate profile for the swarm. Therefore anyone planning on playing with them may want to have a few as swarms and a few based individually.

I have some arachnids that I've been meaning to base up but was unsure how they will play out. :spider::spider::spider:

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I have been mulling a way to be able to use magnets to work both options, so I can switch them up depending on the composition of my army.

That would work rather easily actually. Replace the bottom portion of the legs with a steel pin. Then mount the magnets in the base so that the spiders just stick to the base. It's a really good idea. I'll see if I can make something up tonight as an example.

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Well as I said, I worked up a quick magnet base for the little blighters.

I used .015 steel wire, cut the bottom section of each leg off and inserted the wire. I will apply Greenstuff to rebuild the legs but they are really simple shapes so the sculpt should be trivial.

I applied 4 rare earth magnets to the base and there you have it.

I will probably do a total of three like this and set up one medium base with 12 magnets for the swarm (Though I can probably get away with fewer as the spiders wind up being quite cozy)

All in all it took me about 30 minutes to get to this point with interruptions. Doing the greenstuff will take about 15 minutes as will sculpting the base. So an hour of prep to do a magnetized spider. Not bad.






It holds to the base surprisingly well. I will probably add a very thin layer of greenstuff over the feet to keep the wire from scratching the pain on the base.

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I think the 1/2 x 1/32 would work just fine. I'm using the 1/4" x 1/32 because I have a slew of them.

I got the steel wire from a hobby store. However a welding supply store may be able to help you as well with that. You could probably go as large as .020 wire and still be fine. Just be sure that the drill bit that you use is a couple thousandths larger then your wire. Also be sure that you get ferrous wire. Of course you could simply bring a magnet with you to be sure that the wire will work. If you go the welding supply store rout just tell them that you need ferrous wire and you will be set.

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So I needed to allow my IP entry greenstuff work to set so I went back to working on this little magnet project.

Tonight's progress:



I added a bit of the "road" edge to this base and will for the other three magnetized spiders. That way they will be easy to see at a glance. Once the three are to this point I will create the medium base mounting.

I probably won't have an update tomorrow as I am driving up to Augusta Georgia for Siege of Augusta to play in a Flames of War tournament on Saturday.

It seems the season is picking up!!! Whoo hah!

@ Everyone Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot to get compliments from so many talented people. Thanks again!

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I have placed my order for the 1/2" disk magnets, picked up the steel wire and a matching pinvise bit. I will be working to convert my existing swarms to work with both base sizes. I did come up with an idea to use small sections of tube to allow me to place basing material over the magnets with out obscuring the mounting points to the magnets. I should hopefully have them ready by this next weekend.

I also still need to post my blog for Gencon...

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