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I've reworked the idea of my train crew to fit the 1-1-3 build. Now its going to consist of the dwarven train conductor, Miss Clara Lindypose, and 3 dwarven engineers to run the steam locomotive.

I've got the basic concept sketch done for the 3 engineers (I had a little bit of free time at work this afternoon and got 2 more drawn up).


Next I'll probably work on the dwarven conductor, and last with Miss Clara.

I think I've come up with some ideas for a few more abilities to coincide with their theme. I like the idea of the conductor to have some card manipulation (as he is also the ticket collector). Here is an idea for an ability/spell for him that sounded pretty fun:

"Tickets Please" - do your spell/ability test, and if you win, the opponent chooses a card to discard. If you win the test by 5 or more, the opponent instead gives that card to the spellcaster to put into his reserve hand. If you win by 10 or more, the spellcaster picks a card at random from the opponents hand to put into his own.

There's also the idea of an ability that would let you take a look at the opponents hand.

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Just a heads up, I and the others are keeping track of this thread, just not participating in it very much other than the occasional odd comment. We're not ignoring you, we're just mining you for nuggets.


I'm gonna need some space...I've got a damn dicertation that I'm gonna post. :P

Doing some prep work, but I've got a few ideas coming.


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As do I--it's a piggyback and expansion off of Tang's thoughts. One quick question (not sure if there is even an answer); in Nicholas Volker's short story "My Name is Master", he mentions East-West Steam Transit. Is that name of the rail line or the company that runs the train, or are those one and the same?

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Okey dokey - warband concept sketches done!

Here is the last character, Miss Clara Lindypose:


and for good measure, the whole group together:


Clara is the type of character who has charm abilities both against the opponent and on her own teammates. I'll see about getting the list of ability ideas written up and posted sooner or later.

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As do I--it's a piggyback and expansion off of Tang's thoughts. One quick question (not sure if there is even an answer); in Nicholas Volker's short story "My Name is Master", he mentions East-West Steam Transit. Is that name of the rail line or the company that runs the train, or are those one and the same?

We're still kind of talking about this and knocking some ideas around. Hopefully have something official soon.

@tang: cool artwork.

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Here you go--I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

After the security of The Breach was assured by the Guild in 1897, the next order of business was to reestablish the transfer of goods and materials through the passage both to and from Malifaux. Open bidding was initiated by the Guild with seven or eight of the most prominent carriers in the region. Steelhorse Steam Transit acquired the Malifaux freight and passenger transportation contract after nine months of intense bidding and backroom dealings. The fact that the contract representative from Folson Transport Company died in a bizarre stagecoach accident was never fully investigated.

Steelhorse Steam Transit now is in charge of maintenance of the rail line itself as well as the locomotives that transport the soulstones, materials, and clients from Earth to Malifaux and back. They employ the existing rail workers themselves (known informally as the “Boilermen“) as well as subcontracted workers (primarily drawn from immigrant populations) that deal primarily with construction of additional lines to newly discovered mines. SST's more entrepreneurial board members have taken it upon themselves to spread out into other areas of transport and now a number of sub companies have sprung up under the auspices of transportation of goods and services within Malifaux itself, well beyond the railway. Stagecoach and wagon transport are the most common methods; but horse rental, barge transports, and even rudimentary steam devices are in the process of development as well. This first and foremost allows rapid transport of guild members throughout Malifaux itself as well as to nearby outposts, but has prospered into services for local citizens and businesses as well.

SST has been able to make some very preliminary progress into the area of magical transport as well, which as virtually guaranteed their continued contract with the Guild. The obvious advantages of this are of extreme interest to the Guild who at the current time do not have the time or resources to expend investigating this independently. The most readily available source for investigation into arcane travel has, of course, been the arcanists themselves. SST does not share the Guild’s viewpoint on all things Malifaux and found it financially prudent to form some loose bonds with them.

One particular board member of SST, a Miss Clara Lindypose, has been especially active in pursuing areas of transportation outside of the normal Guild transport dealings. Her true motivation is not entirely known (although her extraordinary beauty is alleged by some to not be entirely natural), but she has been instrumental in the discovery of some of the smaller rifts rumored to have arisen simultaneously with the reopening of The Breach. As a sign of good faith, the vast majority of these have been turned over to the Guild for monitoring and control by SST. However, several small ones have been rumored to have been kept secret. This presumably has allowed for a lucrative alternate revenue stream for SST in the form of bootlegging contraband (both human and materials) between Earthside and Malifaux.

Nearly all things great and small are now handled by SST or one of a multitude of front companies. With no legal recourse under Guild law and the Governor General, SST and their derivatives have developed a virtual monopoly on transport. If one needs someone or something moved, SST is the company to do it.

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Very nice JW :)

I saw you mentioned an idea that was springboarding off my basic concept, but I thought you were talking about completely different characters and such. Then I read "Miss Clara Lindypose" and I actually laughed out loud and smiled. I definitely like the flavor you added to it, and especially the overall take on the SST.

You definitely have my seal of approval :) Great job!

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hey guys, im new to the world of wyrd but got captivated after reading the e-zines and having an over active imagination came up with a few ideas. heres one i fleshed out abit. enjoy :)

Count Luger Wilhelm: dressed in a fine black suit with all the trimmings and adorned with trinkets and jewels from lost civilizations. Around his neck a crude leather necklace of bone and teeth, an item of great power claimed many years ago. His elaborately decorated cane hides a fencing blade that’s has tasted blood with no remorse. Lugers piercing blue eyes and styled mustache frame his drawn face.

Wim (butler): short, elderly gent, hunched over and laiden with all manner of supplies, necessities and luxuries strapped securely to his back. Straining under his packs weight, he still manages to firmly hold a wooden box in his hands, containing a golden dueling pistol for his master. The pistol was forged from the gold of an ancient medallion said to have unearthly powers.


Dutch born aristocrat Count Luger made his fortune exploring and exploiting the wilds of the globe. The adventuring entrepreneur amassed a fortune in stolen treasures and artifacts. Using his ill-gotten gains to finance his elaborate and increasingly dangerous expeditions. His desires for wealth and power exceeded only by his need for excitement. Raised with only the finest, given the very best education and heir to a family fortune, Luger always yearned for more. He would find this in malifaux.

Wim was born into the service of the Wilhlem Family. Given the task of the care and upbringing of a young count, Wim struggled to control his wayward master. Wims main task now is to serve as a packhorse for Luger carrying his most precious and unusual trinkets. Luger may not respect his aging butler but at least he can trust him.

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mabey clara could have some sort of fammiliar as a servant like charecter? some sort of degenerate dwarf, little scrawnier than the others, but as a deffensive tool or accesorie??

i invision him stooping or kneeling delivering her her purse or hand bag encrusted with soul stones. he could look like a hunch back with service men googles and shackeled ankels and rags, used as a shawl.

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Here is my Luchidor group, I borrowed some ideas from aztec culture.

The group leader is a man that goes by the name of Quauhtli, he is a very large man of Hispanic decent. He dresses in the standard luchidor mask mixed with traditional period clothing that is common to Hispanic culture. Quauhtli is an archanist, but his powers are based around physical buffs and attack powers based around movement or motion. Some of these powers can be triggered for certian conditions. Quauhtli personality is somewhat 2D, he rarely speaks and his motivation is fairly apparent when he is encountered. An interesting possibility is that the mask is Quauhtli. When someone put the mask on, it take over the personality of the wearer and over time changes the physical aspect of the wearer. Quauhtlis magic is fueled by the blood and ritual sacrafice.

Quauhtli henchman name is a slight man named Rolon. Rolon acts as the spokesman for Quauhtli, he is the one that does all the speaking, negotiation, or makes the bargins. Rolon is a very bombastic person, when he speaks he uses exagerated hand motions/gestures. He is an oily man that wears nice cloths but not to nice, middle class formal would be the best description. He wears a derby style hat and is always chomping on a cigar. When in combat situations Rolan will head for solid cover and shoot from that place, he is also not afraid to take advantage of someone that has their back turned to him. His main role in combat is to help subdue and assist Quauhtli when it is needed. Rolon loyalty is completly to Quauhtli.

The minions of Quauhtlis group is strange creatures that he calls Salvaje. They tend to be smaller then the average person, but well built. The one thing that stands out about them is they have feral aspects related to some animals. Common animal types are large preditor cats, birds of prey, snakes, and wolves. Communication with the Salvaje is about the same as the animals they take on. They are strictly close combat fighter, and are great at subduing enemy fighters. They usually do not fight to kill, but to capture.

Edited by gregdorf
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