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I would like some facts about the new game

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I had been looking around the forum for information about the new game based on the minis and sadly all I could find was snarky forum talk and posts filled with nothingness. Perhpas a FAQ but be in order for those of use who just want the strait facts without having to sift though all the mineutia (sp I bet).

Been painting your minis on and off for the past few years since you released your first set of figs...Victoria, Killjoy and a few others I cannot remember. Been a fan of the cost and production value. The idea of a game based on the figs interests me.

1. Is the game point or faction based (I saw something about 1-1-3)?

2.d? 6-12-20 ?

3. When will the initial book be released.

4. Book or Codex format?

5.Will models have one hit....or will they take considerable damage before the go down?

6.Was this always the plan or an afterthought to sell more minis?

I must admit I am curious. If a game has strong enough rules I will jump into anything skirmish.

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From what I gather...

1: There will be major factions such as Guild, Rezzurectionists and Arcanists. These factions will be brokendown into subgroups (Ex: deathmarshals, witch hunters and ortegas are the known guild subdivisions) No official answer on intermingling (Ex: using deathmarshal figures in a force led by a witch hunter). After that there probably will be a point system.

2: No dice, the system will use a 52 card deck of playing cards.

3: Unknown, possibly this gencon or fall. At least thats my impression.

4: Unknown.

5: Unknown.

6: It was stated that Wyrd was first a miniature company and not a game company. The idea was later decided upon to make a gaming company. I do not know the details.

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Im not an insider (playtester.) but I can at least answer one thing for you.

the 1-1-3 thing is something I made up and has nothing to do with the rules/point system/anything official , but with my obsession with patterns, underlying systems etc.

I was merely talking about how groups were made up ( as I think explained there too.)

1's representing named/unique individuals and a 3 representing 3 unnamed characters wich are *the same* (rotten belles, dead marshalls, witchling stalkers etc. )

I think for wyrd themselves its more coincidence that they create groups that way than anything else :)

on 2 : the game uses cards yes, but was it ever confirmed it was standard playing cards ?

on 3 : wyrd is still a small *hobby* company, developing and releasing a game takes quite some time, so far there have been no real public previews of the game itself, so I think its quite some time away still (end this year, early next ?)

on 4 : I think book only, same reasoning as no3 , but again I couldnt possibly know :)

on 5 : you can bet they wont go down that easily, the game is supposed to be playable with a very small group of characters (smaller groups even than helldorado, pre-ragnarok confrontation etc.) many carry guns, but not all do, meaning that if there was a single hit system, lilith's group wouldnt stand a chance against the ortegas. (same problem confrontation faced when playing at low point values.)

on 6 : while what is said above is true, I think most miniatures companies, that focus on making original characters etc. have the possibility for a game always in the back of their head. most companies Ive done conceptart for either have ideas allready, or like the possibility, but lack the time, money, resources, inspiration to do so.

I think it wasn't that different for nathan ?

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If you download the free online Mag, The Wyrd Chronicles, there is some good info in there that may help.

I can partially answer #6. Nathan just wanted to have miniatures that he thought were 'cool'. As more and more of them took form, many peeps began to question about a game, or to have something to do with the miniatures. Once that ball started rolling it got going pretty well. As far as when it will be out....Nathan is very particular about his stuff, and while I know he wants it out as soon as he can get it, he won't do that until it is 'just right'.

In fact, I know the rules being worked on now are not the first incarnation of them. I know the rules and plans were scrapped at least once and started again.

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I think also that the game took form to give the range a direction and focus....public demand for a reason to use the figures led to the game development..

as already mentioned it is a long process for a small company.. even after all the playtesting and everything on that side is ironed out there is still artwork , minis , stories fluff and content that all need to be done (by a very very small group of people) then the actual production itself..

I am confident enough from what I have seen from the minis and how they are approached and Nathan's general way of making sure things are right tht the fina product will be both different and highly entertaining..The sheer amount of work been done on background and general look say that a very professional product is heading this way as for timing well I guess the best estimate is when it's ready...

As for snarky chat and posts full of nothingness.... firstly as a first post that doesn't put you in the best light... ( just take a step and think chief) secondly the empty posts are a lot to do with folks making their own guess and throwing ideas in the pot.. as things get more concrete I'm sure that an FAQ etc will emerge but until there is something to FAQ on then there won't be an FAQ..

best thing is as you have done just ask...... in the meantime the store is being changed with groups set up that will give you roughly gaming ready groups to collect...

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secondly the empty posts are a lot to do with folks making their own guess and throwing ideas in the pot.. as things get more concrete I'm sure that an FAQ etc will emerge but until there is something to FAQ on then there won't be an FAQ..

best thing is as you have done just ask

Pretty much what he said.

I know Nathan likes to keep things close to the vest so as not to tip his hand too early. Some of it is because things change; some of it is to prevent things from leaking out. Supervike did offer some great advice about downloading the first issue of Wyrd Chronicles as it does have some information about the game. And, as DH mentioned, you can always post a question or questions as you've done (although you may not get the answer you were looking for - either because no one knows or because they're not supposed to say anything).

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  • 1 month later...

You can glean the following from the TGN videos, but I'll throw a couple answers in case you aren't able to access them.

1. Is the game point or faction based (I saw something about 1-1-3)?

Faction-based army builds, with a point build system (sorta, always have a twist in there, right?

2.d? 6-12-20 ?

Diceless. Each player needs a 52-card deck (well 54 with the jokers).

3. When will the initial book be released.

I'm not privy.

4. Book or Codex format?

Not privy. I'd prefer book format myself.

5.Will models have one hit....or will they take considerable damage before the go down?

Multiple wounds.

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Speaking of GenCon- I saw the beautiful setup and the big card deck, but were there actual demos using the alpha? If so I missed that, and I spent a major block of time there- I am kicking myself now if there were - I would love to run this system at Con of the North in February- and I have no problem building a weird west themed outpost town near one of the new portals!

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That would have been fun to get a taste of the system- well all in good time. I was too busy trying to guess the mini-painters who did the case pieces! I am not sure who I talked to before they handed me off to Nathan but I was real impressed with the customer service! But then I heard my friend betting thati was going to buy one of everything because I get a new game system every gen con so I had to walk away! Even though I never got into a system at a gencon since clanwar! But this one counts as I got hooked ....

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