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Office Wars


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ok, so while I was away on vacation, my office "friends" decided to have fun with my desk...so they did:


so now one of them is heading on vacation in a few weeks...so I have to come up with something better in revenge, ideas? (preferably nothing that will get me fired)

Edited by EricJ
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Collect newspapers from everyone you know for the next couple of weeks. Ball up individual sections and fill his cube (alternately, use packing peanuts).


I had thought about the newspaper idea...a little less poluting than an office worth of packing peanuts. The grass one is funny...just in that gray area of might get me fired.

the strings were a nice touch, it looked even more densely packed than it shows in the photo, took me about 20-30 minutes to get to my computer

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You could also cover their entire cube in Post-it-Notes.

We screwed with people very badly in college - there's lots of ideas there, though most would bring you to the firing point.

- Turn the cube into a strip club with a pole and an inflatable sheep

- Turn it into a beach - put down a tarp and fill with sand and bring in a kiddy pool with water

- Brick up the entrance.



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Is said coworker young? You could get a cheap cellphone, and give it one of those ringtones that is only audible to people under 30. Hide it in the cube, and call it frequently. Especially good if most other employees are older, as your coworker will be complaining of a ringing phone that nobody else can hear.

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continuing the theme of filling up the area, you cold try things like:

balloons, bouncy balls, unbuttered popcorn, etc...

if you are not in the mood to fill things up, then depending on the type of stuff in their work area, you could go about turning everything upside down, backwards, or inside out depending...

covering in post it notes is fairly decent, though time consuming.

seran wrap is pretty good too.

filling up a cube wth peanuts is hilarious but would probably actually be rather expensive on you.

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my favorite it so just superglue a quarter to the desk...because it isn't ever going to come up, but damnit, it's a quarter, so everyone is going to try. there was one table in my high school with a quarter superglued to it...and damned if it wasn't the most aggravating thing ever.

yeah, I like balloons in the cube, that's a good one, and relatively fun as well (I don't want to get mean about it, we're all friends, and she's really nice!)

I also loved it when you could change the motion of the mouse in older windows versions (haven't tried in vista), so that moving the mouse one way always produced the opposite movement for the pointer.

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Something else to do, if you can get to her desktop is to take a screen shot of the desktop then throw all her icons into a folder and set that screen shot as her background. It will look like her normal desktop but she won't be able to click anything except the folder you threw all the icons into.


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On some computers if you press ctrl+alt+the down arrow it flips the screen upside down.

Basically have to hang upside down to be able to read anything. ctrl+alt+up arrow puts it all back to normal.

funny, never knew that. and it seems to work on my notebook. I guess I might pull that one on some unsuspecting workmates :vb_devil:

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