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20 More Questions: Movies


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EGAD! Do I watch movies? Oh, yeah, I do.

ok, non-mini one: Movies (yes, I know it's 21 again, it's like when you order a dozen bagels, you always get that 13th one free!)

1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

LOTR: Return of the King. ALL MUST WATCH IT NOW! OK, maybe not.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Pick a LOTR movie. Any of the 3 will do.

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

Grosse Point Blank.

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

While You Were Sleeping. I don't remember how I ever got talked into seeing it once, and now I simply cannot change the station if its on. EGAD!

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre

Whatever isn't on. I watch very few movies. Maybe Animated, or Comedy.

5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

Steel Magnolias. Julia Roberts DIES! WOOT!

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Ho! Caddyshack, without question.

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

See #1 and #2. I named my DAUGHTER after the Queen of the Elves of Lorien. Safe bet it'd be a LOTR movie. Although Star Wars is second. AND DONT GIVE ME NO EPISODE 4 GARBAGE! Sorry, I get testy about that one.

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.


9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Raiders of the Lost Ark. Movies haven't been too good for me for 20 years. LOTR excepted.

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

Oh, man. I get Dates? Oh, yeah. Um....When Harry Met Sally. That good?

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

IF I see them, its DVD. The last theater movie I saw was Happy Feet with my daughter. Before that, Return of the King. I've been to the movies 7 times this century.

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Kevin Kline.

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

For acting, or hotness? Acting, Cate Blanchett (see my daughter's name) and for pure hotness, drool drool Miranda Otto. Drool. I'm a pig, yes.

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Ben Stiller. Although I do skip most movies.

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

OH, people, Miranda Otto. I'm not even sure if I could think of a second one.

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Ahem. Again, my Miranda Otto. I was rendered SPEECHLESS in her presence at a convention. And I do not do Speechless easily.

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Um, Peter Jackson. As if, at this point, that would come as a surprise.

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

Oh, dear. It'd have to be an intellectual comedy using fun, big words and things like that. Maybe about my life. People would pay to avoid it.

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

Since my movie would involve my life, and large funny words, I'll say Kevin Smith.

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Um, lets see. Miranda Otto as my love interest, and me as myself, just so I could at least make out with her once, and get paid for it. I'm such a pig.

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

CGI, for the sake of how much cooler it makes everything look. I mean, how can you argue with a HORDE of real-looking CGI Uruks at Helm's Deep. HOW?

There. Not bad, considering I really don't watch many movies. Except for the Three about the One.

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And yes, I know the entire Princess Bride. It is so obvious to announce, here, that I didn't even bother. Who in the WORLD, even NON Gamers, hasn't seen it? WHO?

I only mention this, because I just looked, and this is the TWENTY YEAR ANNIVERSARY of its release. Meh.

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  • 2 years later...

1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

Men Who Stare At Goats, and no it sucks

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Blues Brothers

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).


3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

not sure,

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

LA Confidential

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Zack and Mira Make a Porn.

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

The new Star Trek

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.


9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

the Rundown

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

It depends, If I really want to see it I will go to the theater, otherwise I will just wait till it hits DVD

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Leonardo D'Crapio

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

I hate movies that puts too much emphasis on CGI, but everything has its place.

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(yeah I rezed the 20 mini question when i was searching- thought it was great way to get to know others here)

1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

Drag me to Hell. its an off Horrody (horror comedy- much like Evil Dead)

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

tons to choose from: Usual Suspects is one of my top favs tho

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

REPO! the genetic Opera

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

Moulin Rouge

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

Moulin Rouge

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Grosse Pointe Blank

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

Lord of the Rings/Matrix

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Akira (the original 80s version)

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.


10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)


11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

DVD- I got a home theater system and theaters are overrated

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Robert Downey Jr

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Nicole Kidman

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

none that i know of-depends on the plot

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Nicole Kidman

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Penelope Cruz

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Brian Singer/Guy Riche

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

Horror Steampunk...think Wyrd

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

Brian Singer

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?


21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?


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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it) A strong man, New Cohen brothers film. Wouldn't reccomend it... boring.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.


3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon). Failure to launch.

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

Zoolander, Red Dawn

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

Garden State

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Christmas Vacation. Good ol Clark W Griswald. Watch it every year with the family!

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.


8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Akira or Appleseed. Although the old school Robin hood cartoon is pretty classic.

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Red Dawn, I hear they are going to remake it.... :P

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

First date, 5th grade, we took our girlfriends to see Arachnaphobia because we thought they'd get scared and hold our hands. In the middle of the movie they told us they liked the other guy better and they switched. Swinger from day 1!

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD. I don't do the whole dowloading thing, so I see a fair amount of movies in the theater. Mostly action movies that look good on big screen. Otherwise I'll wait for Netflix. Here in Portland we have a bunch of pub theaters that show inbetween theater and DVD movies for like $3. You can get a slice of pizza and pitcher of beer while you watch your flick. I hit those up a lot.

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Jach Braff

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Natalie Portman

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Sandra Bullock I can't stand this woman AT ALL :rocketwho

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Natalie Portman or Zooey Deschanel

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Natalie Portman

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director


18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

Rifts: Escape from Chi-Town

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it.

Bruce Campbell

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

I don't know who would star but Samuel L Jackson would be in there with a good rant, and Mos Def as a supporting actor.

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

They both are great work if done well.

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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it) Night at the Museum 2 (no, I can´t recommend it)

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

The Usual Suspects

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon). Trainspotting

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

St Trinians (the remake)

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre

Film Noir

5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.


6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Big Lebowski

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

Star Wars IV

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.


9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Pulp Fiction

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

X-men 3 ;)

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.


12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Gary Oldman

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Helena Bonham Carter

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Julia Roberts

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Maggie Gyllenhaal

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Maggie Gyllenhaal

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Tim Burton

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it.

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

Model based

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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

The new Dawn of the dead. Yup I liked it, I like most zombie movies anyway.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Heh, another zombie one, this tme it's Shaun of the dead though, freakin hilarious.

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

The boy in the striped pajamas, or a kiwi film called out of the blue (it's got Karl Urban in it). Both brilliantly done, but both harrowing in different ways. But I don't think I want to see these again, although I don't regret watching them.

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

Can't think of one off the top of my head

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre

Action I guess, or maybe adventure. Is that a genre?

5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

I know there is some, but I can't for the life of me think of one.

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

When it came out I hadn't seen anything funnier than Ace Ventura, Pet detective. Still love that film.

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

A tie between the Lord of the rings and the first Alien

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Finding Nemo

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Die Hard

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

Dunno, whatever RomCom happens to be on, I guess a chick flick y'know?

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

Depends on the money situation, although some films are best seen on the big screen

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Sir Ian Mckellen, awesome in Richard the 3rd

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Probably Miranda Richardson

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Tom Cruise

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

mmmmm Kate Beckinsale

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Dunno, it would have to be one who's not a vegetarian. Is Kate Beckinsale a veggie?

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Peter Jackson

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

An adaptation of The Gap series by Stephen Donaldson.

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

Peter Jackson or Terry Gilliam

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Ian Mckellen, Samuel L Jackson, Bruce Campbell, Christian Bale, Kate Beckinsale, Miranda Richardson, and loads of others I can't think of.

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

Both, if they're done right. Because either can look really crappy if done wrong

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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it):

28 Weeks Later, watched it last night. No I would not recommend it. It wasn't "bad" per se, but the original is much better. The characters were great, and intriguing, but JUST as you are starting to really like them,or they have the potential to forward the story and understanding of the plague, WHAM, they get killed off. Which is fine, its more horror than suspense, so the removal of fail safe is intrinsic to the genre, but still, it annoyed me after the Mother, Father, Doyle, and Scarlet all got done in.

Additionally OMFG FORESHADOWING. Could that movie use that technique ANY more ? It got annoying.

C+. Original was B+.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Oh god. How much time you got ?

Michael Collins, Lord of the Rings, Munich, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Zodiac, Sweeny Todd, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Rescue Dawn, The Professional, Valkyrie, Band of Brothers, The Prestige, .... tons really. I'm a movie buff. I had a collection of over 700 DVD's at one point.

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

Trainspotting. Great movie. Depressing as all hell.

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

The Hobbit animated movie. It's soooo seventies out and cheesy, and deviates from the book quite a bit, and the DVD is horrendous in quality, but man, the songs are worth it alone.

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre

Dramatic Suspense Thrillers. Not horror, not action, but the movies that make you think while paying keen attention to suspenseful rising action.

5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.


6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Half Baked. :) I am not a stoner, but goddamn, i must have watched that with my best friend at the time in college on any night we didn't have anything better to do, and it was still funny every goddamn time. I still use lines from that movie to this day.

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

Sci-Fi: Toss up between Star Wars and The Matrix and Ghost in the Shell / 2nd Gig if we're talking works as a whole. Singular ? Bleck.... i don't even know.

Fantasy: Lord of the Rings.

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Movie ? I dunno. I don't watch too many animated movies that aren't kids stuff. Probably Finding Nemo because my son loves it.

If shows are okay, definite toss up between GitS and Tri-gun. And i'm not even a big anime guy either.

9 was pretty good too, if short.

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Arc

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

Oh god. :P I have no idea. I like dark movies that encourage you to think, or completely inane crap - neither of which are really conducive to dating. My girlfriend likes most of the same movies I do, too, so I am not even sure.

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

DVD. Theatres are packed with rude Phillistines these days. The only way i go to the theaters is if its a movie that i really think would be better seen on a gigantic screen with a truly professional sound system rather than on my HDTV and home theater rig. It's pretty rare these days.

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

None, really. I like a lot of them, but no real "favorite".

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Ditto as above.

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

I hate to say it because i love his earlier work, but man, any movie from the last 5 years with Jason Statham in it gives me pause. Even Revolver was pretty awful. He's become a low rent, low budget action star, which is pretty crappy because when given a good script and direction he's a pretty decent actor. Vin diesel is another one where i'll just usually say "no thanks".

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Meghan Fox or Scarlet Johanssen. Grrrooowwl! ;)

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

No thanks. ;)

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

David Fincher. Only flick of his i haven't liked was panic room. And that was more because i hate jarred leto and jodi foster.

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

I'd like to make something epic - a story spanning several movies that is greater than the sum of its parts. I'd like to tell a fantasy story that isn't pretensious or unapproachable for the common person, or a sci fi movie that explores deeper themes than anthropomorphic furries and pew pew noise making guns.

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

David Fincher or Del Toro.

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Depends on the movie... really i'm more about the correct visuals and depiction than i am about star draw power. I'd rather have an unknown nail the role than a big name on the marquis.

If there was a deadpan role in the movie, then Robert Downey Jr. would be in. His last series of films have been awesome, and he does deadpan very well.

If a wizened Bad Ass MF'er was required, Liam Neeson.

For a smart ass, i'd like the guy from the matrix that played the Merovingian. I might require he do a french accent. :D

For a nervous crazy guy, i'd do the guy that's in Band of Brothers who tells the FUBAR bomber story (he was also in Seven as the living survivor of the Lust sin crime). He does nervous wreck crazy sumbeetch really, really well.

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

CGI if they are done REALLY well, but that's a recent development in the last few years. Otherwise, model based.

Awesome Thread - keep these coming. :)

-- haight

Edited by Haight
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ok, non-mini one: Movies (yes, I know it's 21 again, it's like when you order a dozen bagels, you always get that 13th one free!)

1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

Fan Boys, and yes

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Blazing Saddles

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

I'll watch any movie I like.

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

Attack of the Killer Condom

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

Usual Suspects

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Blazing Saddles

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

The Empire Strikes Back

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Robin Hood (Disney Version)

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Top Gun

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

Harry Potter series

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.


12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Benicio Del Toro

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Helena Bonham Carter

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Jim Carey

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Alison Hannigan

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Alison Hannigan

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Kevin Smith

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

Barbarella II

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

Robert Rodriguez

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Mickey Rourke and Christopher Walken

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

Models and puppets

and stuff

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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

On the Beach - recommend? Yes but it's b&w, quite slow but thought provoking.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Lord of the Rings

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

so many...

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

I'll admit to anything

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

This Happy Breed

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Any of the Ealing comedies

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

Lord of the Rings

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.


9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

Phantom of the Opera - Lloyd Webber version

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.


12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Sean Connery

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Peter Jackson

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

Round the Bend

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it.

Peter Jackson

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Someone new

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

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1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it)

The Hangover, and absolutely.

2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over.

Out Cold or Pulp Fiction

3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon).

The Dark Knight

3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to.

Fried Green Tomatoes

4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre


5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama.

Gran Torino

6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy.

Out Cold

7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy.

Tin Man

8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie.

Howl's Moving Castle

9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie.

Minority Report

10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to)

The Princess Bride

11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD.

It's a toss-up, I usually try for theater but a lot of times I end up waiting.

12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor.

Johnny Depp

13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress.

Keira Knightley

14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it.

Anyone from effing Twilight.

15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be?

Emma Watson

16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be?

Natalie Portman

17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director

Tim Burton

18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make?

A film where outer-space samurai zombies invade the planet of the mutant cyborg penguins, and the bloody battle that follows. With a heart-breaking love story between a zombie captain and his young penguin captive.

19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it

M. Night Shaymalan

20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it?

Everyone would be played by Jeff Goldblum

21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?

All of dems.

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