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Guest Eastern Front Studios

hehe these little guys are nice..is that middle dwarfs beard purple tinted..the one on the left looks grey and the one on the right more dirty blond..so just wondering if its a light issue?

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@FF - I wish, the back of the wastcoat has detail sculpted on.

The beard are grey, dark brown and red. Not too sure about the purple issue but I'll check my pics again - ta!

The CD is well worth the money, if you are like me and are self taught it is a real help, I don't know anyone that paints so haven't seen anyone painting in the flesh so it helps to have videos to refer to, my blending took a real step forward after watching it. The galleries on there are ok but it's the video and step by step tutes that make it worth the cash.

thanks for the feedback folks!!

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There's always something to learn, I figure! There's stuff I read/watched/whatever years ago that I'm only just starting to really try. Sometimes it's a bit frustrating how the bar is always raising. I've finally reached the kind of level of painting I aspired to starting out three years ago, but now it's just good and not wow. I'm sure by the time I work up to (if I can work up to) what's wow right now, the bar will be reset and I won't be much further ahead than I am now. On the other hand, it's cool to always see what fantastic new things people are coming up with, and to have new techniques to try out and so on, so it's not all frustrating.

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@Wren, you have a point, it's taken me 2 years to be at the stage where I'm happy with the basics and brush control, the reason I like this hobby so much (apart from the stress relief) is that it's difficult and you always need to push yourself to do a better job than the last mini.

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You know, I haven't painted in over a year, mainly to time and having my painting area in a closet and having to pull everything out and setup (fixing that soon and moving it to the garage and an actual table) but I found there towards the end I was actually 'stressing' more over paint. Was then when I figured "alrighty, you need to take a break and not give a crap about a CMON score'. Started enjoying it soon after then. :D

Might pick up the CD and the brushes again one of these days. Hell, I sat in the GenCon booth with EricJ for three days and didn't give a toot for how he was painting as I didn't do it any longer, but it was interesting to see him in progress (and his paint pallete!).

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I hope you do get back to painting, FF, and that you find it enjoyable again. It is easy to stress about scores or getting frustrated over a particular technique, or stuff like that. One thing I've found helpful that I wouldn't have thought of is to not post stuff for voting straight after finishing it. I'm very attached to a miniature emotionally while I'm working on it and for a week or two following completion. After that, I'm usually working on something else, or thinking about something else, and I'm more detached from it and can better handle criticism or the idea of selling it or whatever.

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One thing I've found helpful that I wouldn't have thought of is to not post stuff for voting straight after finishing it. I'm very attached to a miniature emotionally while I'm working on it and for a week or two following completion. After that, I'm usually working on something else, or thinking about something else, and I'm more detached from it and can better handle criticism or the idea of selling it or whatever.
yeah, that's why I do it. Yeah, that's the ticket.

It's not just because I'm too darn lazy to take pics until weeks later... yeah.

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I hope you do get back to painting, FF, and that you find it enjoyable again. It is easy to stress about scores or getting frustrated over a particular technique, or stuff like that. One thing I've found helpful that I wouldn't have thought of is to not post stuff for voting straight after finishing it. I'm very attached to a miniature emotionally while I'm working on it and for a week or two following completion. After that, I'm usually working on something else, or thinking about something else, and I'm more detached from it and can better handle criticism or the idea of selling it or whatever.


I would never paint if it weren't for competitions! I only manage to eek-out the time to paint since there is a deadline that I have to meet (the competition). I usually end-up finishing the mini in time to rush some pictures to post.

But that is just me and my two cents. :)

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Oh, I love competitions for the same reason, it's very easy for me to get distracted and put painting off if there isn't a big deadline looming. And themed contests are good for pushing inspiration a little, too. Since contest results and sometimes even commenting often usually come out a little while after the submission deadline, they usually (though I will admit not always) work with my delayed detachment technique. ;->

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