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Discussion for IRON PAINTER season 2


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Hi folks,

It looks as though we are getting loads of new members signing up for the contest. I can't stress enough that everyone should familiarize themselves with the rules


Again, let me emphasize that although WYRD Miniatures is graciously allowing us to hold this event on their website, and they are also providing prizes, they are in NO WAY responsible for the contest. If something goes wrong, or if you end up with hard feelings, direct them towards me, supervike. I will do my best to make sure everything is fair and on the up and up, but as the contest grows, so does the chances for cheating, unfairness, and other such ugliness.

A couple of housekeeping notes.....

First off, some SERIOUS suggestions about the THEMES would be appreciated. I have a nice list currently, but we are going to be running many more rounds this time, so more themes will be necessary. The themes will still be random, I'd just like more to choose from.

I have removed myself from the list. As big as this has gotten, I don't want any illusions of craftiness behind the scenes. It will be just the moderator and facilitator.

A note about PARTICIPATION PRIZES. VALLOA (Maya) has already graciously offered some minis to give out as participation prizes. (thanks Maya, you are truly a class act!) and I will offer some as well. BUT...anyone wishing to offer a few would be greatly appreciated.

If we have a situation where both participants in a pairing fail to finish, both will be disqualified.

ALSO remember that the miniature or 5 dollar 'loser fee' is YOUR responsibility. If you bother to sign up and play, you should be able to pony up and PAY if you lose.

I want this thread to be used for the overall contest discussion....

Last note....concerning SMACK TALK it is completely encouraged, but is meant in fun enjoyment....not something to be taken too seriously. So don't get ugly with it.

Dr. Evilmonki is a weenie.

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Yes, he is.


*Bloody Hell (gore, blood, splattering, guts, intestines...you get the idea)

*Zenithal lighting (or whatever you call it)


*Rusty (rust, grime, soot., etc.)

*Using 4 colors maximum on the entire mini

*Use a variation of 1 color on the entire mini (that is hard...but may be interesting)

*Mud (muddy base and mud all over a miniature...tricky thing is to balance it)

*Energy weapons (maybe combined with OSL)

*Dead skin (zombies, WARMACHINE thralls, Warzone legionaries, etc.)

*Military colors


*Dark skin (don't see these often)

*fur clothes (tiger, zebra, leopard, wolf, bear, whatever)

*Hair (see what you can do with this :D)

*Psychopatic (see if you can paint a miniature like a psychopath...Arkham style)

*Fire (maybe combined with OSL or 3rd degree burns)

*Red face (maybe after holding breath too long, after a hike, blushing before the love of your life, etc.)

*Overly bright colors (pink, light yellow, light blue, etc....think primary colors taken to an extreme level)

*Bruised and sore (wounds, cuts, bruises, black eye, etc.)

*Freehand mania

*Machines (Warjacks, robots, cars, bikes, cellphones, whatever)

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Last note....concerning SMACK TALK it is completely encouraged, but is meant in fun enjoyment....not something to be taken too seriously. So don't get ugly with it.

And of course you definitely need some photos of the Iron contestants marching into Painting Stadium with brushes in hand. I'll probably have a photo of me with my goggles, which as we all know. THE GOGGLES ... THEY DO NOTHING!

Still you should fear the goggles. Nothing can stop them from doing ... NOTHING!

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I liked the idea of mood themes. Maybe for later rounds? other ideas include:


Sparklies (could go gems or gold pieces or glowing spell effects or whatever)



Maybe go with things that can be interepreted in different ways by different artists like:


Seasons (spring summer autumn winter)

All in all I'd steer away from the specific techniques as themes. The theme is supposed to be an ingredient. The technique chosen is is part of the artist's way of presenting that ingredient.

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Wow, leave it to "Theme Queen" Malebolgia to come up with a load of (quite good) themes for a painting contest!!

Though I agree that things that have more to do with technique than with a theme, are a lot less suited for a painting contest, as it wouldn't be fair to those unknown with the technique (I for instance have no real experience with NMM, nor am I interested in learning it).

John T

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I must say that last time we had this competition there were mainly technique based themes and it was very interesting! People had to try out new things for the first time and that added an extra excitement to the competition. That was one of the things that made the outcome unpredictable, since someone who is a fantastic painter might be outdone by a less experienced painter due to the theme.

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Especially for John I made some extra themes

-Mr./Mrs. Fantastic (someone who thinks that he is extremely cool and popular...but really isn't. This should be an easy one for John).

-"Finish him!" (think the last seconds of a round in Mortal Kombat...one fighter ready to finish off the loser)

-Frosty (aim for a VERY, VERY cold scene...think blueish skin...icicles hanging from noses...snow all over the place)

-The Unsung Soldier (no regular heroes...but the regular soldier who does his job for his nation and because he has too. Think a regular Cadian trooper, a Cygnar trencher, etc. For instance, Joe Hill's Golden Demon Winner is an excellent example).

-Suppression (think someone being suppressed by enemy fire...a chaos marauder under fire by high elf archers, a soldier on the beach at D-Day, a crazed doomreaver being shot by several long gunners, etc.)

-Movies (Tyrannids painted as Aliens, HORDES Totem Hunter painted as the Predator, etc.)

-The Dark Alleys of the World (weird and dark miniatures in brooding scenes...darkness around them...rats scuttle around their feet, etc.)

-Ultimate Assassin (Wolfen Prowlers, new WARMACHINE Daughters of the Flame, etc...important is the painting as a true assassin does not wear bright colors and keeps everything as natural and unattracting as possible).

-Who you gonna call?!? (Ghostbusters! This could be a fantasy ghostbuster (von Halfling from Heresy would make a nice one) or a sci-fi or modern. Just make it wild, use slime and imagination).

-Music (Fantasy Bards, a historical drummer boy, Black Scorpion's Bob Dylan, WH40K Space Ork Goff Rok Band, etc.)

-Scooby Doo...where are you...(weird monsters, people wearing masks, adventurers with electrical torches, monsters quietly sneaking on the adventurers, etc.)

-RUN...FLEE THE BATTLE (sheer terror, running away from your ultimate doom and fear...blood crazed eyes, pale faces, etc.)

-The last seconds of your life (the last shot before an adventurer/hero/general is assassinated/eaten/slain).

Need any more?

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-Mr./Mrs. Fantastic (someone who thinks that he is extremely cool and popular...but really isn't. This should be an easy one for John).
Yeah, I know some people like that.. (I'm not going to take the bait, you troll, I'm not! I'm waaaaay too good for that!)..

Need any more?
Yes please..


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I'm not as creative as Malebolgia, but I'll throw a few ideas out.

Humour. Other emotions might work too, like pathos or suspense. But I think the difficulty of getting across a humourous idea in minis is as devalued in minis as it is in many other mediums.

Wood, to go along with the suggestions of water and stone that have already been made.

Non-caucasian skin, or even non-normal human skin tones.

A palette of colours considered difficult, like red, white and black, or a scheme using yellow. Or even colour(s) that the individual painter dislikes or never uses, but that would be harder to moderate.

Non-humanoids. Monsters and critters seem to fare poorly in most contests, I think because the more human something appears, the easier it is to identify with. So if everyone's painting non-humanoids, it's comparing apples to apples.

One concern I have about the themes (which includes many of my own) is that they need to be things you can get across with one mini and a basic base. Speed is an element of the contest, and while there are folks who are able to whip up a grand diorama in two weeks, there are lots of us who can't.

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No worries! :) I just wanted to clarify for everyone what type of themes we're looking for.

Typically, themes that limits your choice of colours are good (someone mentioned seasons for instance, or black and white, four colours only etc.). Also, techniques are good (we had NMM, metallics and OSL last time... freehand was mentioned above, rust and weathering, gore etc.)

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This is a painting competition, so techniques are definitely in as possible themes. I do believe much of the interest in the last go around was the fact that many of the painters had not tried the techniques that came up.

We had mentioned coming up with more esoteric ideas....such as mood, and I definately want to see that integrated, but maybe in the later rounds.

Just two days left to sign up....but keep those theme ideas coming!!

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Pleeeease don't make me do NMM. I am having way too much fun playing with shaded metallics to even try it.

This might make an interesting ingredient: colored metal. Somthing like red, blue, etc- just not traditional gold, silver, steel etc. Done up in the technique of the painters choice.

Also, I have a question- are topless/ nekkid minis OK?

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