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NEW: various miniatures, various companies


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Been browsing the web again and found some more new releases. I'll just pop them together in one post as to be honest I don't think most are good enough to get their own post. :

Dont' know if we discussed this one already. it's Privateer press' Warmachine... and to be honest... not my thing. Chunky, akwards horse and if the rumours are right and it is gonna costs 20 US$ it's overpriced too...


Another new one. A whole new company to me even. Not really my thing though



But they are cheap: Special limited time introductory offer: 4 random figures for € 4.00 Including P&P worldwide. Available only until stock last!

A great miniature for an arachnafobic like me (not)... looks bloody creapy. Great sculpt though:


Pretty big as the base is a 40mm one



And a new miniature from a for me unknown company till today. Not really my thing again. But atleast it's different. And it has possibities for strange mounts.


The site: http://www.thelondonwarroom.com/Parroom%20Station%20Page%206.htm#CRIT-05

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Yeah, I will agree...that first one is pretty chunky looking. Like the horse is overweight. Plus the price is right up there. Its funny how PP never gets lambasted for having a high price, but GW does.

Unfortuantely the Trogs are just orcs of a different color....Do we need more orcs?

The spider is pretty cool...he looks almost wooden...like he is made of sticks.

I like the last ostrich things the best...they are the most different and unusual.

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Actually, funny enough, I was on the PP forums some time back and the thread has popped up a few times from regulars there about prices and the like and making the same comment about GW. Naturally they got shouted down by the fans (expected really), but it is a subject for comment at times.

Miniature doesn't do it for me I have to admit, but at the same time I'm not sure how much metal is in that bugger and how big it is. I know Killjoy is an expensive miniature for me to cast, that one looks like he outweighs him by quite a bit so I can see the cost being fairly high.

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Miniature doesn't do it for me I have to admit, but at the same time I'm not sure how much metal is in that bugger and how big it is. I know Killjoy is an expensive miniature for me to cast, that one looks like he outweighs him by quite a bit so I can see the cost being fairly high.

That is a 50mm base...so he is almost as big as a Warjack. That said, I'm still not sure if $20 is okay. Paying $100 for a unit of 5 is insane (and that just came from the fingers of a WARMACHINE Press Ganger and fanboy ;))

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Heh, believe me, I understand completely! I agonized over the price of Killjoy for some time, how much to charge for him, what the market will take, blah, blah, blah. It really was a kicker for me that he cost so much more to cast than the others (by a factor of nine easily) but you can't mark a bugger up like that and sell them either.

Might be one of those cases where it would be best to drop the price down to something a touch more reasonable and sell them in that fashion. Granted, my costs come from working with another party to get my casts so there is that markup there. PP does their own casting these days, so I would think they would be able to control that a touch better (though granted, there is more overhead as well I would think).

Just rambling here, neither for nor against anything stated here.

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For anyone interested...

I purchased the 4 random figure pack for 4 euros (came out to $5 and change). I received them already (the postage cost 4.65 euros so Baueda is loosing money on this deal).

They are interesting figures, with minimal bases. Not slot bases, but not broccoli either, just a thin piece of metal connecting the miniatures' feet really.

I'm not into orks (I think that I've painted two ever), but I couldn't pass-up the deal. :)

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