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Ever gotten the Heebie Jeebies?


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I'm not sure why I thought of this today, but many years ago I was sitting with my wife in our living room of our first little house.

It was a warm summer evening towards twilight and we had the windows open to the screens.

My wife was watching one of the Hellraiser movies (is that the ones with pinhead?) Creepy gross stuff anyhow, and I was sitting on the couch. I was half watching, half browsing through some magazine, when I glanced down at the lapel on my shirt because I noticed some movement. I jumped up in horror and proceeded to freak out. Ok, it was just an army worm, but it sent chills up my spine, my heart was racing. Genuine creeped out Heebie Jeebies. How the freak did that thing get on me...how long had it been there...were there more on me?

Here is a pic of one...but it was fatter, hairier, and creepier...


bleahh....Have you ever been bonifide creeped out by something?

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When I was a kid I was in France with my parents and my sister. We had spent a whole day in the car, travelling farther than we had planned that day and finally found a hotel in a town where we would stay the night. I was dead tired and my mother was going to tuck me in. She started to pull away the bed spread and I immediately got into bed. When she pulled the spread further down there was what appeared to be a piece of fluff or yarn or something stuck to the inside of it. She reached out her hand to get rid of it and when she touched it it extended eight thick, hairy legs and ran across the bed. The spider was the size of my palm (as it is today - I kid you not!!) and was the most hairy spider I've seen outside of a glass cage. My mother quickly folded the spread into a bundle, threw it on the floor, jumped on it and locked it inside a closet! I didn't sleep much that night!

And yes, Hellraiser are the films with Pinhead and he's no match for that spider when it comes to scare the living crap out of me!

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Heh, you would have to bring up old memories.

I was 5 or 6, living in Fort Hood, Texas on the military base. Everyone let their kids run all over the place, it was a time when it could be dark outside, you hadn't been home in five hours, and you would hear moms and dads yelling up and down the block for dinner or its time to come in (I really miss days like that, don't really have that these days).

Anyhow, one of the girls of the neighborhood and I were walking to my house as I had just been called in. The patio light was off and the door handle was hard to turn for some reason so I would usually just knock and mom would let me in.

Something started walking across our feet, light touches, hairy, and like any kid, we started screeching at the top of our lungs and jumping up and down and running around in the patio area (we were barefoot of course). The door opens, the light comes and and we dashed into the house. A few moments later my dad calls us to come 'take a look' as my mom was calming us down.

There in the doorway, flopping weakly, was a huge arsed hairy tarantula. My dad has pictures of it somwhere, but it was basically two hands, finger tip to finger tip, across (body, legs, etc). Legs were everywhere and that thing was half squished.

Been better part of 25 years now and I still remember that thing vividly.

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I'm arachnafobic so pretty much a lot of freak out stories contain spiders, not even big ones. I did however put a turantula on my hand a few months back at a zoo, when the opportunity was offered. I was rather proud of myself. Though honestly the big turantulas scare me less then a common quick fat housespider.

I'm a bit of a wuss to be honest. Yes I get nightmares watching horrormovies, and no I'm not going allone up to the attic after that... for a couple of days. Nope monsters don't scare me... corpses and zombies often do. It's the human factor that makes it so spooky (especially the faces). (still have to kill Nathan for sending me that screamer with the car commercial with the zombie in the end. ;) Nah just kidding but I jumped a mile, with a witness at that... sigh hahaha) Getting less so but man I used to be really bad.

So my most vivid scream moment I think has nothing to do with spiders, but with corpses... egyptian corpses to be more exact. I was in a museum as a teenager, I guess about 18 years old, where they had egyptian treasures on display. I did not know they had mummies. So I was walking alone in a darkened corridor (also not my thing... dark and alone) when suddenly the floor below me lightened up. You look down naturaly and there was this egyptian mummy staring at me. I jumped about ten feet back, bumped against a vitrine... with severed mummy heads about 15 inches away from my eyes. And not those pretty well preserved ones (or maybe my mind had made them worse). Man did I squeeck. And they were real too. My schoolfriends were absolutely rolling over the floor laughing. I've seen plenty of egyptian mummies afterwards but man was that freaky.

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My parents live in the forest, and of course that means bugs and things. Well one time I was visiting and went to take a shower, well, it turns out a family of scorpions decided to crall up the drain and live there a while...So when I turned on the shower, about 5-6 of these mean looking bastards crawl out of the drain... freaked me out pretty good

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How's your reading of Lovecraft going?

I was alone in the house one afternoon reading "at the mountains of madness."

*spoiler warning - you may skip this*

I had just read the part where they are chased down the dark tunnel by the Shoggoth. I then got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. Between the kitchen and my bedroom was a long, windowless hallway. I looked down the hall and literally ran into the kitchen I was so scared.

*spoiler over*

Then there was reading Lord of the Rings

*spoiler warning - as if anyone here hasn't already read LOTR*

I was at a lake one summer reading this and I read the part where they are at the lake outside Moria. The description is particularly vivid. My friends wanted to walk down to the lake that night, so I went along, we walked out onto the dock, and I looked down at the perfectly still, so-black-it's-invisible water, and promptly ran back off the dock.

*the end*

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when i was a kid (long time ago) i watched an an episode of "the outer limits"

that's the old black & white serie not the new one mind you,

in that episode there was those big (about a fout long) alien ants with sorta

human face that were attacking people

for years after that i checked under my bed before getint out of it

because i didnt want one of those thing biting my ankles

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We had just moved into our house (about 8 years ago) which was built in a new sub-division out in the middle of what was originally cow pastures. So we had all of the usual pests that make their way in from the woods. One freaky thing I'd never seen before was a cave cricket, some mutant form of hoppy thing between a grasshopper and cricket.

Anyway, while dozing on the couch one day I got the heebedy-jeebedys. I proceeded to peer right above my head where the armrest of the couch was and there sat one of the biggest wolf spiders I had ever seen. He looked at me as if I had interrupted his native mating ritual.

My reaction was only slightly less than Supervike's as I scrambled to find a swatting instrument. Normally I'm all for live-and-let-live along with other forms of Bhuddest tree-hugging crap, but when creepy crawlers sneak up on me, they got a good squishin' due!

Here's something similar to what he looked like:


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Although this didn't creep me out as much as the little old worm, it was still very close to a 'change your underwear' type scenario....

When I still worked outside as a telephone repairman, I was trouble shooting line problems out in the country. I was going from terminal to terminal trying to isolate my problem. The terminals are little green boxes that appear periodically for the phone cable to come above ground for splice points or distribution points to houses.

I thought I'd check one down in a ditch, and popped the lid off of a terminal. Inside is a grouping of wires, and I was looking for the one with the problem (they are color coded). I noticed some movement further inside the terminal at about the same time I could hear what I thought was a Bee buzzing around. The movement increased and suddenly I realized it was a snake. It struck at me, but by that time had jumped back and let go of the wires.

The snake was wrapped around the phone cable, literally inches from where my hands were. It was then too I realized what the bee buzzing was...It was the tailshake of a rattlesnake, and none too happy.

Rattlesnakes are not very common in Iowa, but we do have them. Creepy!!

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A few years back, I lived in San Francisco and was driving a little Mazda Miata (2seater convertible).

This car was always parked in my garage at home with the top on cause the climate in Northern California- at least on the coast- is quite humid and fresh..

Anyway, one sunny day, I was able to drive with the top down-but of course with heating turned to maximum- and parked my car like that out of pure laziness.

The following morning was foggy -always after a sunny day- so I just put the top back up and drove away to work. :kabong:

dramatic pause

Upon exiting the freeway downtown with the usual busy traffic, I took a sharp turn to a shortcut known only to me and a few thousand others and was in the midst of accelerating to what qualified as unlawful speeding when something big, black and hairy came dangling from the roof hanging by a thread right in front of my eyes.

The sharp turn had destabilized a peaceful eight-legged hairy monster that had probably crawled from my dusty garage back home into the cozy folds of my car roof top.

You can imagine my shock and the crazy reaction I had at the same moment : my car zigzagued and nearly bumped into half a dozen of fellow commuters :bump: sparking a flurry of dignified shouting and delicately upwardly pointing digits from a number of them as is common in civilized cities and often interpreted as signs of understanding and commiseration.... :rockon:

There was nowhere to stop and I had to wait a good ten minutes before reaching my destination, all the time trying to drive with one hand while the other was busy chasing and fighting off the intruder :AR15firin

A hell of a fight it was, and the ghastly creature fled cowardly into the back of my car, away from my heroic shouting and courageous finger fencing..

I left the top open for a few days, and never saw the beast again. Still, my life had been turned upside down, and I was never the same after that..


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