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Strategy effect timing

King of Draconis


In Cloak and Dagger when a model interacts with a Strategy Marker, the opposing player gets to place it anywhere within 4" of its current position.
If the action that makes my model do the Interact Action causes a movement after that Action is resolved does this movement come before or after the placement of the Strategy Marker? Or is it up to me, the Acting player to decide the order?
If the action triggering multiple effects to multiple models is done, first the active player does all the effects on their models then the other player does the same. But the Strategy Marker is not a model, and definitely not the opponent's even though that player has to decide where to put it.
My example is the Yokai with Ephemeral Warriors Ability saying that after gaining a Flicker Token (Corrupting Essence) it may place itself within 3" after resolving the current action.

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The marker placement happens as a result of resolving the action, so will be before anything that happens after resolving. Regarding the yokai, generated actions happen after fully resolving the current action and any after resolving effects, so the order would be resolve corrupting essence->flicker place->resolve interact.

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As far as I can tell, Cloak and Dagger results in the following effect if you choose "3) resolve a specific rule that refers to an Interact Action.":

"Gain an Intel Token.  [Then,] the opposing player may Place the Strategy Marker anywhere within 4" of its current position."  It's two sequential effects.  "After doing so" doesn't mean it's a triggered effect in this context, it's there because the first sentence is describing something that may be done and the next sentence is stating what happens next.

But as @santaclaws01 wrote, Corrupting Essence is weird because it everything in the action causes something to happen delayed:

  • Gain a Flicker Token.  Triggers Ephemeral Warrior, "After this model gains a Flicker Token, it may Place itself anywhere within 3" after resolving the current Action )if any)."  So that's an 'After resolving' effect.
  • This model may take the Interact Action, even if engaged.  From the rules:
    • "Many effects in Malifaux, (such as Actions, Abilities, and Triggers) can cause a model to take an Action.  When this happens, the new Action is always resolved after the previous Action is completely resolved, including any “After Resolving” effects, but before any other new Action can be taken."

  • so the Interact that Corrupting Essence says you take happens after you've resolved the Corrupting Essence action and whatever else taking that action caused to happen.

It's not

  • Gain Flicker Token
  • Take the Interact Action
    • Resolve Scheme interaction
  • After resolving action effects
    • Ephemeral Warrior


  • Gain Flicker Token
  • Generate Interact Action (queued)
  • After resolving action effects
    • Ephemeral Warrior
  • Resolve Scheme interaction

If you had some effect that was "After this model takes an Interaction Action, it may move 2"" or something, that'd happen after the strategy marker is placed.


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4 hours ago, King of Draconis said:

Okay, so the placement of the Strategy Marker is not part of the Interact action. All effects regarding the Interact resolve and after that comes the movement of the Marker

No , I think it is part of the interact action, its just the whole interact action doesn't take place until after the empherial warriors ability resolves, as the action the place happens after is Corrupting essence. 

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11 hours ago, King of Draconis said:

Okay, so the placement of the Strategy Marker is not part of the Interact action. All effects regarding the Interact resolve and after that comes the movement of the Marker

No, the placement of the strategy marker is part of the interact action.  Both of the sentences, the one about gaining an Intel token, and the one about placing the strategy marker) get resolved in sequence as part of the Interact action.

The crucial point is that the Interact action IS NOT part of (it doesn't get resolved during) Corrupting Essence. Corrupting Essence says you take an Interact action, but the timing rules say you wait to do that until you've finished all of the other effects that resolving Corrupting Essence set in motion.


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On 5/27/2024 at 7:52 AM, King of Draconis said:

The interact action is part of the Corrupting Essence action. It is generated by that.

Are you suggesting that the placement happens before the interaction?

Strictly the interact action is separate to the corrupting essence action, just like the :meleeaction is a separate action to the charge that generated it. 

If a model had an effect that after it resolved a charge action move 3", then it would do that BEFORE the melee attack because actions generated are last in the queue and the previous action is completely resolved before you start the next one.

If you had an effect that caused a place when you resolved an interact action, that place would be after the strategy marker movement,  but ethereal warriors is not that effect because its place happens before you start the interact action., as you finish resolving the corrupting essence. 


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