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the future of Malifaux...

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This is probably a topic that has already been covered, it's just to hear some views or opinions,

A poll was opened on the Facebook group Wyrd to ask how many agreed or disagreed with Collodi's "hypothetical" official return.
Obviously, the majority of users and I too responded positively.

However, this result aside, some other users have highlighted the problem that Malifaux is currently becoming too large and therefore increasingly complex.
Indeed, what makes Malifaux special is precisely the complexity of the rules and sub-rules and personally over time it has been a continuous discovery!
The fact that the random component of the game is so mitigated by the various skills/choice of models makes it something unique on the market!
In short, if I had simply wanted to roll two dice and choose to let the highest value win, I would have played something else, or not? 😜

But i too, like others, have the feeling that this is "a double-edged sword"; over time I realize that it becomes very difficult to introduce new players; many don't want to spend their time: Malifaux is undoubtedly a long-time game, which requires a fair amount of space, especially if not played assiduously;
Others (I hope without any offense) don't want or just can't understand some game mechanics.

It's also true that Malifaux is the driving force behind Wyrd, and it seems sacrosanct to me that new releases come out periodically. But at the same time the fact that they continue to release new models makes me reflect on the issue of balance (more and more things = less balance of pieces)and to tell the truth, as I wrote in other posts, I personally believe that many pieces from the first wave need to at least be updated and balanced with the latest things released.

What do you think of all this?
The idea of an hypothetical fourth edition scares me a little.
Maybe Wyrd should aim to release a simpler, more contained game that aims to be as successful as Malifaux?
Or maybe they should try introducing "very ugly" rotating formats like Mtg?
And above all, should Collodi return or not? 🤣

And that's my rant for the day...😅

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There are more issues. 

The SKU bloat makes it harder to stock and distribute, and Wyrd has never been good at getting things to market in the first place - Personally I’d applaud a keyword box set approach with a full keyword at €120-130 along with lesser starters. 

There’s been a shift in design philosophy in model rules. Newer models are more contained and thus rely less on keyword synergy e.g. Crookskins attack Mv and is in itself able to hand out Staggered. Defensive abilities take a lesser toll on hits, if any. Resulting in obvious balance issues compared to older models. This reeks of the GW rules-as-marketing approach, and works counter to wanting a vast offering of models,  when you constantly invalidate older models to sell new ones. 

Personally, I’d prefer making my purchases based on model look/theme, rather than considering whether a Tull or Linh Ly will give me easier wins than Ironsides. The variety means nothing unless every choice is viable. This doesn’t mean that every crew should work in every situation, but you shouldn’t be able to take a set list to a tournament and reliably podium with no regards for opponent/objectives/terrain.


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I think its very likely that there will be a 4th edition at some point. The 2 alternatives are the game ends (definetly worse) or the current edition keeps getting larger and larger.  the nature of the game is a complex game, and as you increase options you will increase the learnign burden on anyone that wants to play. I think one of the key things they tried in 3rd edition was to reduce hiring options, and so reduce your complexity in crew creation compared to 2nd edition.

I don't have an answer. I can say that people are probably going to be very against the MTG model, since that is worse than the current complaint that "new releases are better than old models" since it would actually invalidate them, rather than just make them a bad choice. 

Before I started playing Malifaux I had no understanding on the production of figures, distributuion and even shelf space/SKU issues. I have done  playtesting over the years, and I can say that none of them have had the intent to produce more powerful models than before, even if the outcome of them was that. 

Wyrd have produced several simpler and more contained games. None of them have been as popular. 

On the important question - Collodi,.

Whilst I like the concept of the character, every rules iteration of it has been one of my least favorite figures to face or use. So if I never have to see a collodi again, I can't say I'd be upset. Of course I'm sure that there is a possible version of Collodi out there that I would like, but his style overlaps with too many other neverborn at the moment so I don't see a huge reason to bring him back. (I think out of the first edition henchmen  I own 2 Lucius, 4 Kaeris, 2 Mollly 1 Vonschill and 1 Ophelia and no Collodi. At the end of 2nd edition I had every master but 4, one of which was collodi. His loss does not trouble me. Out of the 10 dead mans hand models he is 10th on the list of ones I'd want returned, certainly behind the electrical creation, and even behind the marionettes. )

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1 hour ago, Adran said:

…I have done  playtesting over the years, and I can say that none of them have had the intent to produce more powerful models than before, even if the outcome of them was that. 

And in that regard, it also needs to be mentioned that a lot of this has been necessary just to make minions viable. Most core box minions won’t see the any table time - broken new releases or not. The minions you see are generally 3action models (like leap), Utility (Healers/Tools for..), and/or really cheap or enforcer level beaters.  But even if newer releases makes minions more palatable, they aren’t doing anything for older models like Showgirls, Death Marshalls or Belles. 

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I know it's nitpicking but I think Death Marshals see play in LJ2. I think the issue for low cost minions is that they either:
Get Oneshot (Showgirls)
Do not really have a functioning 0 (Death Marshals)
Do not synergize well with the Master (Belles and Death Marshals)

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