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2023 Monthly painting challenge - November


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Now that the Wyrd competition is over and done, and I've finally managed to eat all the leftovers from Halloween, it's time to get back to the painting challenge!

But wait...  I'm not done with competitions quite yet! The Cult of Paint are once again holding MPO, so I guess it's time to get that Nekima model finished! That will probably take up all my painting time until the end of the month.

Enough about me... What will you fine peeps be painting this month?

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3 hours ago, Gheist said:

hm i just realized i didn't paint anything in Octobre, so i am out for this year after 2 years of constant posting?

anyhow, congrats @Hawkoon for finally getting the deserved recognition

Have a nice rest of the year everyone, maybe i rejoin next year :D


Oh, no! 😱 You've been a machine for so long, I'm seriously impressed you held out this long!

But you won't let such a minor detail stop you from painting and posting progress, now will you? 

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On 11/10/2023 at 6:44 PM, Hawkoon said:

Oh, no! 😱 You've been a machine for so long, I'm seriously impressed you held out this long!

But you won't let such a minor detail stop you from painting and posting progress, now will you? 

na i' post stuff ofc.

i am just at the point with 2 finished factions and the 3rd missing 1 Keyword: i just can't play them all, especially if i play competetively. So i am questioning if i just stay at three factions, add models that get released from time to time and maybe start painting for other folks


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Posting a few bits because I probably won't paint anything else this month- I'm pretty hobbied out.

I've finished my Obliteration crew with the addition of timeless Tara, another cheeky wretch, a void hunter and talos. I made a little display board for them as well for nationals painting competition.


Also very quickly painted schill 2 so I have him as an option next weekend.


I have an iconic model to paint as well, but honestly feeling a little burnt out now!


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Moinetbeard this effect on Tara is excellent!!! 👏


With this mei feng, the Foundry keyword is done!


I have some wolsung walls build and primed ready to be painted and I really want to practice with the airbrush, so maybe for next month i'll do terrain, and a group shot of the whole keyword with said terrain 🤔

gotta decide what will be the next kw, probably last blossom

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Forgot to post this - pretty crap lighting as I took the photo whilst away and forgot to take my lights with me! I painted it for nationals painting competition, didn't win but actually really enjoyed working on a larger scale model. Tried out some of the scale colour range here is well which i really enjoyed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there! 👋

There's no forum post for December, right?

I'll (kinda) repost my november pledge here, then, with part of my december:


same mini, new scenery ^^ 

I'll post a family pic with more walls, weathering is fun, the hardest part is knowing when to stop 😆

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the bad lighting but this is my December models. Pair of Slateridge maulers and some more Halloween woes. This completes the year without needing to mulligan. Not sure if I will be taking part in 2024 or not as I don't have too many wyrd points to be painting, got a few other projects on my plate. Anyways, happy new year to all the painters!


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As the year is approaching the end, I'll have to admit to "fumbling at the finish line". With all the stress of the holiday, life kinda took over all my spare time this december, and I had to put the challenge aside.

As the interest for this challenge has been dwindling through 2023, I don't have the motivation to keep this going in 2024. If anyone feels like keeping the wheels rolling feel free to take up the torch and I'll gladly follow.

But that's a lot of negative emotion from me on a day that should be optimistic and looking forwards instead of backwards. So I would like to thank everyone that's been following through the year and posting some impressive painting, both in quality and quantity. 

I have no intention of leaving the hobby, and have great plans for 2024. Not only do I still have a sizeable pile of shame left to paint, but there are also some interesting new stuff in store for 2024 that I'm quite eager to slap paint on and put to the table.

So I wish you all a happy new year, and see you again in 2024!

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On 12/31/2023 at 7:34 PM, Hawkoon said:

As the year is approaching the end, I'll have to admit to "fumbling at the finish line". With all the stress of the holiday, life kinda took over all my spare time this december, and I had to put the challenge aside.

As the interest for this challenge has been dwindling through 2023, I don't have the motivation to keep this going in 2024. If anyone feels like keeping the wheels rolling feel free to take up the torch and I'll gladly follow.

But that's a lot of negative emotion from me on a day that should be optimistic and looking forwards instead of backwards. So I would like to thank everyone that's been following through the year and posting some impressive painting, both in quality and quantity. 

I have no intention of leaving the hobby, and have great plans for 2024. Not only do I still have a sizeable pile of shame left to paint, but there are also some interesting new stuff in store for 2024 that I'm quite eager to slap paint on and put to the table.

So I wish you all a happy new year, and see you again in 2024!

Thanks for organising this challenge for 2023 mate! Sorry to hear you won't be carrying it on, but it makes sense as there is only a few of us posting regularly now. I for one am very grateful that it existed when it did! - I've gone from painting maybe 1 or 2 models a year to being thoroughly in-love and invested again with the hobby I had always enjoyed. Wishing you well for 2024!

This is the last mini I painted in 2023, it was a present for my brother for Christmas.





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Well, I managed to finish off 2023 with my first Crossroads model and my monthly challenge, painted on 12/31/23.


Introducing Slash, errr Sloth of Guns and Ressers the Crossroads Seven offshoot.

All contrast, including the attempted freehand rose.  Attempted is carrying so much weight there as I'm not sure anyone would think that was a rose if I didn't say it was...  Oh well. I'll keep doing this challenge myself in this new year, even if there isn't a post to follow and add to, as it's a nice motivation for me to clean up my massive backlog.  Will probably stay at the enforcer level going forward as that's one important model or two minions and I have other game systems so don't want to overload my painting queue or stress myself into giving up.


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@Hawkoonthank you for this organisation. It was stimulating me painting and primary do photos. Here was my last batch for last year that wasn't uploaded to relevant topics. Oct missed to upload to relevant topic, there was gearlings + glutteny from contest... BTW thanks for comment, there needed defiantly to consider more back dark back theme:



November was overwhelmed with other stuff - missed. 

Haris J5+Harisson, Malifaux Child in Dec. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks @Hawkoonfor the hard work ! Discovered the thread only a few months back, but it's been motivating and encouraging !

As a farewell gift to this thread, a little proxy I did for replacing the classic Barbaros sculpt that I do not like very much.

Will start assembling and painting Returned very soon, so here's my first mini of 2024 (had to stop painting since october due to moving in our new house).

Lots of doubts and hesitations before managing to paint again, lack of practice made me feel guilty and unsure....

Cheers everyone, and a very happy and healthy new year !!!




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