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2023 Monthly painting challenge - October


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Hello again!

September went by so fast, and now we're here at October already. The month of darkness and horror. Yes, Halloween is coming, and so is Wyrd's painting competition:

I know just what I'm going to paint up for this one, but you'll have to wait to see it. Hope to see some entries from the rest of you lot as well๐Ÿ˜‰

I'll also be contiuing with some more swampfiends for my escalation league. Next up are some Silurids that I hope to get done this month.


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19 hours ago, Diddick said:

Spooky mini indeed!ย  ย Congrats on getting so much contrast with such muted colors ๐Ÿ‘

Thank you^^ I usually do pretty vibrant minis because I like them to pop a lot. But doing something this much desaturated was a first for me, had a lot of hesitations and got solid advices along the way^^

The thing that did the trick was to add 2 layers of very diluted dark blue in the shadows and the most desaturated tones of the skin, to bring more cold.

I think I'll try to do something quite similar for my next kw Savage.

But that will wait for after I've finished Nekima2 and that we moved to the new house (Nekima2 will be the last mini I paint before I pack up all my painting gear for maybe a few weeks ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

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Hello everyone! Looking forward to seeing the entries made for the ghost story contest. I hope to be able to present something fun, in the meantime and if I have enough time (hopefully ;), I would like to be able to finish my Jaakuna Ubume, the poor woman is dizzy from going from one place to another during this hot summer, which seems to have no end. By the way, MestreGuilderius, that Noxious Nephilim looks spectacular!

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I haven't had time for much painting this month, so not my best work...

Realised after I started painting that I had forgot to fill gaps, but just didn't have time to fill them. And that kind of broke my motivation to paint them as best as I can. Not a big fan of the sculpts either. Oh, well...

Atleast I got them "ready" in time to play them in my league.



Now I can finally put all my efforts into the competition entry. ๐Ÿฅณ

(Just waiting for some green stuff to cure, and I'm all set๐Ÿ˜‰)

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Love the Noxious. Strangely stasifyingly putridย ๐ŸงŒย Love the desaturated browns and greens!

@daemonkinย Looks very promising๐Ÿ‘ Airbrush is really useful tool, but can be hard to master. I always have to combine it with regular brushwork to get a good result. Sometimes to such an extent that I wonder if I had any use for the airbrush at all...

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41 minutes ago, Hawkoon said:


Ama lo nocivo. Extraรฑamente estasificantemente pรบtridoย  ๐ŸงŒ ย ยกMe encantan los marrones y verdes desaturados!

@daemonkinย Parece muy prometedor ๐Ÿ‘ El aerรณgrafo es una herramienta realmente รบtil, pero puede ser difรญcil de dominar. Siempre tengo que combinarlo con pinceladas habituales para conseguir un buen resultado. A veces hasta tal punto que me pregunto si el aerรณgrafo me sirviรณ para algo...

The same thing happens to me with the airbrush, the day must come when I master it instead of it mastering me...

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On 15/10/2023 at 19:39, MestreGuilderius said:

Y finalmente, Nekima Broodmother terminรณ :)bastante contenta con el resultado.

Tuve problemas con la llama y los reflejos son un poco incรณmodos de poner ya que la llama retrocede. Pero servirรก por ahora ^^

EDITAR: tuve que pintar la hebilla del cinturรณn y corregir algunos detalles.





Captura de pantalla_2023-10-16-00-05-00-065_com.miui.gallery.jpg

I love the colors chosen and the atmosphere that surrounds the model. It's also fantastically executed. Congratulations ;)

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Got 2 mature and 2 young nephilim completed. Tried a few different things liked layered airbrush blends and pigments on the base. Want happy with the pigments so reset and did heavy drybrush and a contrast wash. Happier.

ย If I can finish the tots I will post them but holibobs at the end of the week.ย 

34ss completed



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On 10/24/2023 at 3:21 AM, daemonkin said:

Got 2 mature and 2 young nephilim completed. Tried a few different things liked layered airbrush blends and pigments on the base. Want happy with the pigments so reset and did heavy drybrush and a contrast wash. Happier.

ย If I can finish the tots I will post them but holibobs at the end of the week.ย 

34ss completed



These look great! I love the contrast of the skin and the bases.ย 

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So October has been a frantic month for me: crazy at work, trying to move house as well as realising I've bitten off way more than I can chew in order to get ready for UK Nationals in November. But I'm giving it a go. Here'sย  a chunk of the amalgam keyword, enough for me to run a Leve 1 crew if I choose to do so. These were painted over the span of two evenings at the start of the month. I've also finished a slew of outcasts versatile and useful OOK models which I'll take some photos of in the next couple of days. I should have finished a chunk of the Obliteration keyword by the end of the month too.


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12 hours ago, Moinetbeard said:

Asรญ que octubre ha sido un mes frenรฉtico para mรญ: loco en el trabajo, intentando mudarme de casa y dรกndome cuenta de que he hecho mucho mรกs de lo que puedo masticar para prepararme para los nacionales del Reino Unido en noviembre. Pero lo intentarรฉ. Aquรญ hay una parte de la palabra clave amalgama, suficiente para que yo pueda dirigir un equipo de Nivel 1 si asรญ lo decido. Estos fueron pintados durante dos noches a principios de mes. Tambiรฉn terminรฉ una serie de modelos OOK รบtiles y versรกtiles de marginados de los cuales tomarรฉ algunas fotos en los prรณximos dรญas. Tambiรฉn deberรญa haber terminado una parte de la palabra clave Obliteration para fin de mes.


spectacular band of Leveticus! great quality of painting and fantastic production! I wish I could say the same ;)
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5 hours ago, JordiFort said:
spectacular band of Leveticus! great quality of painting and fantastic production! I wish I could say the same ;)

While I absolutely agree with the praise, I don't think you need to be so modest. I've seen your work, and it's quite stunning as well!


On another note, I've finished my competition entry and submitted it ๐Ÿฅณ

Looking forwards to seeing what everyone else have done๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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8 hours ago, JordiFort said:
spectacular band of Leveticus! great quality of painting and fantastic production! I wish I could say the same ;)


Your painting is amazing dude. I follow you on Instagram and very much look up to you!ย 

These are average at best but the important thing is they are done ๐Ÿคฃ

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Hi there! reporting the October pledge on the last day of the month!ย  ย I did not do anything for the contest at the end, I worked on a non wyrd model for it, but at the end was just fine and not really contest worth in my opinion :(

Anyway, I did work on 2 rail workers as I said, I stuck to the same schema as the other Foundry minis for the clothes, metals and base.ย  I only have Mei Feng Foreman left to paint (definitely for the november challenge) and i'll take group pictures ๐Ÿ™Œ


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Hello everyone! I was finally able to finish Jaakuna Ubume, and I can say that I am quite satisfied, I have enjoyed and suffered in equal parts with this painting, because it was difficult for me to find the combination of colors, the points of light, the gradients... how could a model so "small" give me so many headaches XDXD? Interrupted by my entry into the contest, although now in retrospect I think a break was good for Ubume. That said, I hope to find a way to have more regularity in painting, but you know, between work, family and the summer heat that didn't help... In any case, challenge accomplished!
I am very excited to see the entries of the participants in this month's contest and I hope you have a happy but also terrifying Halloween ;)


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Well, the local store ran a league with points for painting models, so I managed to bang out a few more models than I'd normally get to in a month (well, I didn't paint any of my other systems this month, so...).ย  I picked up, assembled, and painted Neil & Willie for my Foundry crew for the league, then also did my old metal Blessed of December and Kitty Dumont as additional models for the league.

All GW contrast or army painter speedpaints.



32 stones total

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