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Everything posted by TrenchFoot

  1. That all makes sense and clears up a lot, I think I need just one more clarification on the burning. When I asked about moving through a model multiple times, I should have clarified multiple actions. so I don't mean Ulix spins in place, I meant action one walk, action two walk, action three walk. could he give three burning with three actions, or can a model only get or give one burning a round? This would more often come up as me choosing a single target to burn; I use bacon Beeline, Ulix walks through the same model model, then new action charges back. would that single target at that point get three burning?
  2. Good day all. I am having some issues with Ulix2, but the good parts is its made me learn a lot more about the internal mechanics of the game, so that's a bonus. I apologize for the length and amount of questions, some stuff I'm 90% sure on and some I have no clue. 1. Piggyback Ride: This model may take shooting actions while engaged. Can ulix shoot anyone, or does it just mean he can choose to shoot who he is engaged with? Because of his size 4 he has quite a bit of LoS. 2. Pigs of Fire: If this model is this crew's leader, after resolving any Action in which a friendly Pig ended a move in base contact with (or moved through) an enemy model, that enemy model gains Burning +1. Ulix is a friendly pig, so I assume it applies to him also? if so, since he has trample, can he run back and forth to give multiple burning to the same model/models? It specifically says Action with a capitol A, so I assume this only applies to actions, not abilities. The War Pig doing Deadly Pursuit for example at end of turn would not cause burning if he touched another model, nor any bonus movement from the front of the card. also the bonus movement from 12 cups of coffee. correct? if it is only during an Action, what about movement triggers specific to actions, Like Shove Aside or Reposition? What about the Herd 'em ability from Penelope and Hog Whisperers, do they trigger an Action on the targeted Pig, and thus allow the burning if they touch bases? I think it does as they say its an Action that follows an Action, but I wanted to be sure as that would mean it also applies to Bacon Beeline, meaning the target Pig does two wounds and also inflicts burning on each model. is that correct? 3. Bacon Beeline: Other friendly pig only. Push the target up to its Mv+2 in any direction, ignoring other models. Enemy models the target moved through this way suffer 2 damage. Crow Emblazoned: Replace the target with a Pig Minion of higher cost and Sz equal to the target's Sz+X, where X is the number of models with Burning the target moved through this way. Then the new model Heals 2. is "higher cost and Sz equal to the targets Sz+X" one requirement or two? as in, to get replaced, does the replacing model need to be both cheaper and smaller? or is it A. higher cost and B. Sz equal to the targets Sz+X? examples: Can the X be zero, so you could turn a Swine-cursed or Gracie (Sz 3) into a warpig just with the trigger? or can you ONLY replace the model if its smaller, I.E. a Squealer (Sz 2) runs through a model with burning? On the subject of the value of X, do you need the exact number of burning models, or can it be a higher number and still get the change? using the previous Squealer, if he blasts through three enemy models, it would be Sz 2+3, making a total of Sz 5, which of course would stop the replacement. is it Sz five only, or Sz five or less? It seems really strong to hit the max models and get the change, but I can't tell if its like a duel for example where you can go over and still hit the target number. I've only played him for a few games, On almost all of these I've erred on the side of caution. I'm just making sure I'm not missing anything, or underplaying him.
  3. These look great! I love the contrast of the skin and the bases.
  4. I had a blast working on these two, such great models.
  5. The shadow on the cloak under her left arm is just great.
  6. I started playing Malifaux a few months ago and joined a 7-week league to see if I liked the game. Even though I finished last, I had a blast. In order to have a crew ready for the league I had to get Ulix and company painted in about a week, but now that I have some room to breathe I can add some flavor as the mood takes me. I got my Swine-Cursed models, and the poses were perfect for some mutant conversions. I also made some Glowy Tokens for them, added pictures to their cards, and made mini versions of them for when they get killed and turn into Bayou Gremlins. BeBop RockSteady Glowy Tokens Gremlin BeBop Gremlin RockSteady Card Art (literal cut and paste, I don’t know digital are that well.) This is my first time posting pictures on this forum, so hopefully the formatting is ok. I’ll make some edits if its not.
  7. Hey all. I want to run a pair of Swine-cursed in my Pig list, and was trying to figure out the best way to get glowy tokens on them. Can I have one of my models with Stampede charge the pair so its in base-to-base with both Swine-cursed, use Stampede to give all three models a wound, and then just not attack? The rules for sure say I can use offence abilities on my own models, it's the charge I just want to check. the wording is "...Push this model up to its Mv in inches. It may then take an attack action that does not count against its action limit." I assume with the word "may," that its an option to NOT attack. Stampede just says "After this model ends a charge action in base contact with any other models, it may suffer one damage. If it does so, all other models in base contact with this model suffer 1 damage." I assume Stampede also isn't mandatory again because of the word "may." I do apologize if my question is too basic, I think the way it's written its ok, It just seems off to declare a charge and not attack. I'm a very new player, and trying to get the hang of both how rules work and if certain tactics are technically legal but frowned on as bad form. thanks!
  8. This is in regards to "Go Hog Wild." The exact wording is: Go Hog Wild: Other friendly pigs that start their activation within aura 6 receive + ram to their duals and +fate modifier to their damage flips until the end of their activation. Under the aura rules on Pg. 66, it states "All models inside the Aura's area, including what is generating the aura, are affected by the aura as long as they stay inside the aura and remain in LoS of the generating object." The specific wording on the card makes it seem like only other models are affected, but the wording in the rules is straightforward. Does Old Major get the benefit of his Aura?
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