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Rogue Necromancy worth it?


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By itself it is a hefty cost.

With the right support (mcmourning 2 upgrade, burst heals for 5 fron blood poisoning, movement assistance, etc) it can be a monster.

I take it with mcmourning 2 almost always, often with mcmourning 1, and almost never with Molly.

In general if a model has df 4 and is going to be hit by enemy models, it probably isn't great. But rogue Necromancy is close to good. And mcm2 takes him to df 5.

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14 minutes ago, Kotep said:

I don't have/use McMourning 2.. side note, how does he make it DF 5?

With McMourning 1 is the only thing I can do to bolster RN is to saturate it with poison?

Mcmourning 2 gives an upgrade by eating a scrap that gives +1 df and flurry, which turns Rogue Necro into a monster. Additionally the Rogue Necro attack with pouncing strike is amazing, and plastic surgery can copy it. So a normal crew might make 2 Rogue necro attacks, but I've done 8-9 in one turn before with a mcm 2 crew.

Mcmourning 1 offers poison and more importantly the blood poisoning ability to burst heal for 5 so you don't have to wait til the end of the turn for your heal. The crew also has movement tricks to move the Rogue necro.

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The + on attack is great. I find I have the best luck with it if I don't overextend him too soon. Sometimes I get excited and want to throw it up T1 or early T2 and I'm almost always disappointed with how quickly it's taken out. If I hold it back a little bit more, I tend to have it last longer. 

I also have the best luck if there is some efficient way to heal it (preferably from range), as it will get hit, a lot. 

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3 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

The + on attack is great. I find I have the best luck with it if I don't overextend him too soon. Sometimes I get excited and want to throw it up T1 or early T2 and I'm almost always disappointed with how quickly it's taken out. If I hold it back a little bit more, I tend to have it last longer. 

I also have the best luck if there is some efficient way to heal it (preferably from range), as it will get hit, a lot. 

A good trick early is to abuse projectile vomit to stay safe. It has incredible triggers.

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