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Harataa Ngaatoro Sheananigans


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Just having completed my performer collection in comes Ngaatoro, and I was wondering what people thought of the guy and what fun you could use him for. 

Echoes of the Ocean Placing scheme markers when removing them will always be handy. But how about combining this with Arson from saboteurs or Fitzsimmons. That’s an explosive gimmick at least.

What tricks can you pull out of your top hat? And do you think he’ll be worth it?


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All cases with manipulative, serene countenance, distracted works well with that aura. So even perfermers could survive much longer. Shame that you still need activate Harato first. One initiative loose & all squishy targets could be easy defeated. 

BTW, you can play single Coryphee with desiel engine (or even two without Duet shenanigans). They are pretty good for they cost, if you are not facing armor ignore crew. 

Also don't forget about Haka Peruperu in some cases it helps a lot (like htk) . Last game I managed kill effigy by one swing when it was on 2 healths

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12 hours ago, Thatguy said:

Seems like a good combo with Howard's Vent Steam or a construct with Sputtering Exhaust from Diesel Engine.

The downside is that it only protects models that share a keyword with Harata, so Performers and EVS only. 

Using Howards to protect you makes that 2 activations into your turn before protection, and those are probably the 2 big hitters in your crew (since you've spent 20ss on them).

Going for diesel engine, if you want it to benefit from the extra protection then it needs to be Corephyee (duet), Manniquin or Dove holding it. 


Other tricks,  Large Arcahnid is less costly to power up, since Echos of the ocean can replace the scheme marker for free,

Most of the other scheme marker removal is out of keyword or niche use, things like Vogel and Cojo get a little use from it.

Set charges could be fun from Willie, as could false claim. Sabotage really works well allowign you to turn 1 enemy scheme marker into 2 of your own, but I'm not sure you can easily manipulate the enemy markers enoughh to abuse this. 

You probably don't want to have more than 1 or 2 of these tricks in your crew as echos is only once per turn. 

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One more small combo - unresistable move of opponent model by 3'' within ~14'':

Harata, Haka Tutu Ngarahu aura +A ngelica sudden doves with tome trigger. 

The same thing can be done with Colette's Presto-Chango, however there are more limitations (range & place effect should do on one model & move other) 


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